>wants to build a new "Roman Empire" with white people from America to Russia
Stupidest shit I ever heard.
>wants to build a new "Roman Empire" with white people from America to Russia
Stupidest shit I ever heard.
Where did he say that?
You're pretty fucking dumb if you thought he actually meant Roman Empire full of Romans and not just giving an idea of his vision.
I take it you watched the rebel media video about the alt right.
I agree though, pretty stupid thing to say desu. Like wtf are we supposed to give up our sovereignty to rome?
The roman empire was pretty tolerant. For example they spread the jewish population inside the whole empire about the time their downfall started.
Did this idiot actually say that? Cringe
Well I for one would relinquish this shithole to the prospect of new and beautiful civilization.
On some interview they used in a rebel media vid about why the alt-right is stupid. I'm not completely against ethnic nationalism (or rather, I don't agree with it but I understand it) but the idea of establishing a state of "white people" from places where people are as different from each other as for example Americans and Russians is the most retarded shit on earth. Americans and Russians have literally nothing in common aside from being "white". One group values freedom above all, the other seems naturally inclined towards autocracy. Mannerisms etc too, completely different. History completely different. Even if all whites were magically conservative doesn't mean they'd all get along.
Honestly any unions or changes not endorsed by (((them))) aren't going to happen unless the white men in this world man up and start having 4 kids min again and being self reliant and generate.
yea it was real tolerant of them to crucify thousands of their enemies along their roads
Yeah pan-Euro shit is pretty cringy
i could get behind this, except from the border wall, up through alaska and the beiring straight, across northern Asia all the way to the UK.
You can't build something on "whiteness" alone.
Why, thats what america is (or was)
seems good, a white roman empire.
He's cute tho
As a counterpoint (even though Spencer is cointelpro) Russia is the oldest and most natural ally of the USA. They were the first to endorse the American revolution, sent their fleets to protect the union during the war between the states and freemasons, and we fought on the same side in WW1 and WW2.
Obviously America was co-opted by the freemasons and goaded into the cold war, but the populations of both countries are deeply opposed to going back to that nonsense.
(((Rebel))) Media lmao.
sign me up.
That isn't exactly an endorsement. A country that will accept many identities as being equall valid (See: America ) has no idenitiy.
Millions of European immigrants to this country returned home because they thought America was a soulless, Godless place, only good for its high wages.
Yup, Spencer said it during a James Allsup interview. Allsup himself is a gook. Or so he claims. I've also seen him label himself as White. He's probably a half-caste.
Funiest shit I've ever heard, considering that the Roman empire was multikulti and died due to it.
lol'd the Roman Empire was mixed as fuck retards
>returned home because they thought America was a soulless
Where is the proof of that? From my understanding, they left because its fucking hard to live in a new country without welfare (something not there at the time).
Yes, let's purge the Americans from this Earth.
no pls
Rome was explicitly multiethnic. Pay your taxes to the Empire, behave, profit.
t. ahmed
This is why Sup Forums like the better Sup Forums must reject the ((((alt-right)))).
Not going full "We Wuz" but if Spencer accepts homosexuality he can be assed to accept the non-white auxiliaries given how Rome stretched into Northern Africa and the Middle East.
yeah you can
The Business of Transatlantic Migration between Europe and the United States, 1900-1914 by Drew Keeling
Of all the immigrants to the US during the period of 1900 to 1914, about 14 million in total, one third of them returned home and stayed there. Italians especially returned home as they became jaded by America's boom-bust cycles and prefered the security of agricultural life at home.
Though its impossible to know all their motivations, Catholics and Lutherans tended to desert more because they detested American secularism.
Your're only salty because you are geographically left out of the White Ethnostate. SAD!
Americans and Russians have more in common than Americans and Africans.
The concept of a Russo-American ethnostate is no more ridiculous than the presently Afro-American one that exists.
He's such a cuck.
>they became jaded by America's boom-bust cycles and prefered the security of agricultural life at home
That is what I was referring to, and I don't know if the religious agreement is a good one. I am sure many felt America was not the same as their home nation but the main factor it seems to be the issue of a stable income.
>Americans and Russians have more in common than Americans and Africans.
Whats so funny ladyboy?
Stupider than a global proletarian dictatorship? He even says it's a telos, not something that's gonna happen next week.
I liked their whole notion of "assimilate or die"
>silly snow niggers and potato nigger mutts claiming to be part of "white" master race
The Romans were Mediterraneans, daily reminder that you pasty ape niggers led to the downfall of the real master race's greatest accomplishment.
The fact that a spic said this means I'm now supporting it.
Can you guys stop making threads about this faggot so he can crawl back in the hole he came out of?
divide and conquer
>is a race traitor
What a surprise. You masonic pedophile freaks.
He was saying that homosexuality was the last stand, but there are much bigger issues at hand.
You know, i didn't like the guy after that whole salute gate, but the more I watch him the more I like him. He's spreading the message of pol with integrity, and that takes fuckin balls.
It's white at its core, but presumably it's a joining of common goals in nationalist forms in already mainly white countries. Only non-whites and Marxists don't like this at all.
We don't have another choice. If whites don't band together we will ALL die out.
yes we can.
I mean I guess conquering people slaughtering most their men and using their women as sex dolls is tolerant then yeah they were pretty tolerant.
truth stings huh?
reminder these are descendants of hellas and rome, not snowniggers who lead to their downfall
>the other seems naturally inclined towards autocracy
why their autocrats had to kill millions of people on their road to rule?
they are natural anarchists
Well - i am totally for burger-ruskies union.
What is your national food ivan?
We will fix Russia.
>tfw no borscht burgers
kvas and large thin pancakes ("блины") for starters
>from America to Russia
In which direction? East or west?
North to north
The same way everyone else did in America, assimilating to American Culture. In that way I disagree with Richard that all white countries should unite (if that is what he is suggesting.)
>wants to build a new "Roman Empire" with white people from America to Russia
Isn't that what the EU was? And yet you autists pushed for it because you didn't want anymore polish people.
>assimilating to American Culture
Let's not enter dangerous waters, best to left all the white culture then choose the best to standardize and not get kiked by the owners of massive media.
>t the idea of establishing a state of "white people" from places where people are as different from each other as for example Americans and Russians is the most retarded shit on earth.
Spencer is heavily influenced by philosopher-historian Oswald Spengler and his interpreter "Ulick Varange" aka Francis Parker Yockey.
They view the great civilizations (Egypt, China, The classical as organic entities that have their own life cycles of growth, expansion, maturity and eventually, death or senescence.
According to this view of history, all the great civilizations enter a period of full maturity in which there is established a 'universal empire', in which the entire civilization is united under a single ruler or regime. This is supposed to be kind of an inevitable life-stage.
Spencer doesn't think this will happen in his own lifetime. It's just more or less a vision of the far future
FYI Spengler views Russia as a distinct culture fundamentally independent of Western civilization.
Here's Spencer and Bowden talking about Spengler
>stromcuck wanna immigrate to Russia.
i dont really know what wrong with you, you could just get yourself are nice piece of rope and just hang youself.
Pelmeni, vodka, potatoes, borsht, pancakes, cigarrets.
second they started to flood it with niggers we had to pull the plug leaf
we wanted the united states of europe,not the fucking USSR with niggers!
should we be called borshr-burgers?
I'm an atheist who is currently scrutinizing Richard Spencer. What you've said is practically spot-on.
Richard Spencer thinks that your racial background transcends all which is why he believes an ethno-state would be a good idea.
I don't care what if a white ethno-state every emerges, but I think is would be a squandered opportunity.
A better idea would be to create a state in which people have essentially the same ideology (regardless of race).
If Marxists, Neo-Nazis, Libertarians, etc were given a plot of land to establish their own self-sovereign nation, divisions would be profoundly minimized.
And what I mean by divisions is really just tensions between groups. People who are around similar people tend to get into fewer conflicts.
This fedora tipping cocksucker needs to get killed or something already. Fuck 'le conbroled obbosizion xdd' meme, this faggot is simply annoying and he got BTFOd by a cuck.
ever heard a quadroon talk philosophy and politics?
that's the dummest shit I ever heard.
well apart from niggers and lowborn trying to tell a convincing lie
>Spengler views Russia as a distinct culture fundamentally independent of Western civilizatio
Kek, modern russians is westernized slavs with post-modern culture and murrika-style patriotism - muh army, muh vodka, muh war veterans, muh nuke n shit.
((((((((((((pure coincidence))))))))))))
The problem is culture and ideas are rooted in our genetics, its the reason why a mother has maternal instincts and so conflict will arise out of basic differences in our biology
But borsht is Ukrainian?
>modern russians is westernized slavs with post-modern culture and murrika-style patriotism
Well, spengler was writing in 1920
Keep in mind, though that Russia has never seen eye to eye with Western Europe for the last 100 years since then.
I don't think America has really had enough time to seriously grow it's pan European identity. We could see it beginning to happen on a small scale where states and cities began to develop unique cultures, there's no doubt a pan european national identity wouldn't be magnificent
holy shit burgers, stop learning history from jewwood movies
Is what? I've never heard of such a place
>muh army, muh war veterans
>murkan-style patriotism
I guess breathing is also a murkan tradition since all of them do this
Bow to your masters
America is already like the Roman Empire, and we will soon collapse because of it.
Truly the old ways were best.
White nationalism is just no niggers and chinks and optionally no jews. What's so hard to understand?
I don't understand, I can see the joints on her finger and her breasts are much larger than her waist. She seems attractive enough. What's the story?
Didn't the persians have some of that shit before rome?
Why are you being mean to this normal looking woman
This Roach is right
Daily reminder that Richard Spencer is the only worthwhile eceleb there is, and not taking him seriously means you are a cuckservative/liberal who should go back to r/the_donald.
>Daily reminder that Richard Spencer is the only worthwhile eceleb there is
Who the fuck talks like this?Shut up you fucking autist.
hail spencer