can somebody tell me what the fuck pic related is referring too? this guy has posted before and seems to have definite insider access...
Did we miss something?
Other urls found in this thread:
Any info on missing tweet?
bump anyone know the tweet?
I dindsee nuffin
Im 35 and wat is this
>the targets stated
What were the stated targets again?
>definite insider access
Off yourself
Bump for interests
I'm not saying it was LARPers,
but it was LARPers.
Why is it up to only us to pour through all of this massive dump? Why didnt wikileaks just do it or at least point out some highlights? Why do I have to do it (for free)?
>Why do I have to do it (for free)?
Because Kek commands you to do it.
Not everyone here is your friend.
this is partially why i posted.
very interested if anybody can produce the deleted tweet, most likely from the same day (Feb 17th.)
im trying to even think what was going on during that time
Because Sup Forums is really an elaborate science experiment and research project for creating a hive mind.
i do think its fair to say, given the timing of each of these revelations, that this user has some knowledge or access... even types like FBIanon
You have been chosen by Kek. Do not disappoint Him.
pay attention to what he says and the date he says them... at the very least its a large coincidence, no?
How did I miss this? What was going on around that time? Was there ever a tweet or was this a larper?
Wikileaks went thru everything and removed anything that could endanger any person/company
LARPing is the most underrated meme on this website, and its partially because you all fall for it every time.
could be a larper of course
see link in and decide for yourself.
>we get to have 8 more years of this
I love life lads, its like an ARG except real
well he was wrong about Vault 7
His description of Vault 7 is straight out of Deus Ex Mankind Divided, and there are logical implications which make this impractical.
I want to know about those 8 fucking goddessses, now that is some real shit.
He was totally wrong about Vault 7 though.
So you just want info on everyone in the DoJ?
Pro-tip: the people involved in the "human trafficking units" near DC, are themselves, traffickers.
Well he is right that no one is gonna prosecute computer crimes against antifa. I mean come on
Since we're already here, have some music:
couldnt the "7th floor group" have members of the cia? it appeared as though the two orgs overlapped
why do you assume cia docs wont reveal info about shadow gov in 7th floor? it appears that someone from the IC gave wikileaks this cia info
>wants a group of autists to go out and cause harm to other autists
>Pic says "Spook"(Slang for someone involved in espionage, usually infiltrators of far-right and far-left groups)
>meanwhile someone has been trying to create an "Anticom"
>99% chance it's a larp
>some of you think an anime forum is relevant in US politics and high level agents would come here to release information
yes i suspect that
you underestimate our power
It looks like the tweet on Feb 17th that Trump deleted where he listed the NYT, CNN, and NBC as fake news. Deleted after one minute. Looks like they wanted us to hack their email and send it in to leak sites and do it independently on the down low o the shills don't catch wind. FBI won't prosecute hackers within that short timeframe
well i take it nobody has the "deleted tweet" referred to in OP pic (if it even existed)
i stand corrected
>some of you think an anime forum is relevant in US politics and high level agents would come here to release information
When you say it like that, it's pretty bizarre, innit?
>going after bloggers
The way he blatantly tells people to go do illegal things B-BUT DON'T WORRY WE'LL LOOK THE OTHER WAY :) and tells people to "PM Spicer to get protected informant status" reeks of LARPing/trolling, and I can't even begin to imagine how gullible you'd have to be to fall for it.
But hey, if people want to break laws on the assurance of an anonymous post on Sup Forums with a ghost picture attached that they won't get in any trouble for it because they're officially deputized Meme Warriors, I won't stop them
Have you not noticed that there is a push by people as of late to create radicals in right wing and left wing circles to fight each other, classic divide and conquer strategies used by intelligence communities in the US when groups gain support, see: alt-right and new left.
Sup Forums read this
literally just wanted to see the deleted tweet
It's bizzare because it's probably a legit shill in a room with 10 other people with 20 tabs open each on various websites appealing to the left and right to do dumb shit
I think I found the tweet, pic related... took me a lil while to copy and shit
>yfw the cia has weaponized Sup Forums and given us immunity to fight for the god emperor.
The FBI, not the CIA
he retracted on on 20 Feb. pertaining to meeting generals in mar-a-lago.
nothing is gonna ever happen
we've been waiting for a happening for at least 2 years now
go to bed
Spook is also slang for niggers
>I want to know about those 8 fucking goddessses, now that is some real shit.
do you now?
this is almost certainly david brock & cos. work.
and they appear to be attempting it here.
fucking thank u based user
may karma and kek bless your wednesday
Did Trump mention a "four" during this weeks tweets? Was the AMA last weekend for real?
how did user know about deleted tweet 3 days in advance then?
Yea, it sucks because we are all desperate for information and especially insider information. I personally wouldn't get off on larping so it's easier to ask yourself why someone else is doing it, but there are a lot of bored people on here. Of course it's always going to more likely be a larger than not. Have their been any cases of leaked insider info being later confirmed?
My gut on this guy says he's trying to incite mindless, indiscriminate violence/hacking to discredit Sup Forums as a White Nationalist extremist radicalizing site.
I mean, not in the way it sort of really is, but like the Islamic ones are, with actual terrorism.
The way he pretends to speak for Trump is not a respectful tone a real ally would use, he's ripping lore from South Korean politics, MGS, Guild of Calamitous Intent off Venture Bros, etc
Either LARP or actively malicious disinfo imo. Hope i made my case well enough you dont think im a shill.
Somewhat related, did anyone see Mika Brzynski (however you spell it) tripping the fuck out on her show? She was almost in tears talking about Trump and he is such a bad goy, really made me think that the MSM or the elites have some real shit coming their way (other than the massive wikileaks dump)
on 3/4 he stated "just out: the same russian ambassador that met jeff sessions visted the obama white house 22 times, and 4 times last year alone"...
i'm not sold, either.
>What did he mean by this?
This is far more accurate than any insider except fbi user, imo
The Jewish holiday remembering the defeat of Amalek starts on friday night, im hoping that means happenings
i HEAVILY subscribe to punished trump theory.
especially after hearing his interview just after 9/11, where he doubts it was "just planes that brought those buildings down"... emphasizes that steel columns were on the outside
Her dad will be one of the first to be hanged and baby girl knows it
her dad was Obama's mentor, got all his foreign policy from him
Quick rundown on her dad? I know literally nothing about her
doesn't he know we're lazy as fuck?? pretty stupid for an "intelligence agent"
Oh shit nvm, thank you user
also I meant B A S I C G E S T A L T
me2 m8, me2
4 is a number of steadyness, dependability, and productivity. it IS up to us to pour through the massive dump.
I have a standing bet with my entire old group of High School friends that anyone who can watch this documentary:
and mount a cohesive rebuttal gets $50. They don't have to convince me. I clearly remind them - just mount one that you're confident in yourself, and I'll pay up.
(The doc, btw, is Ryan Dawson's "9/11 and War by Deception", and somewhere on his site it has full sourcing anr bibliography. It's pretty hard to poke holes in his stuff - he's thorough.)
Just look up the Trilateral Commission iirc
3 have watched. 2 converted to full truthers instantly, and one (smartest one, literal physics genius at UM grad) simply won't talk about it with me now. He was extremely flustered for days over it.
No one has so much as attempted to collect the $50.
Russian hacker compromised an underage celebrity's instagram. They claim to be releasing leaks at 12pm eastern today.
May be related to Dr. Phil/pizzagate
>because of our powerful memes the people started thinking we're off-the-grid-true-hackers and implemented us in their plan as another card to their deck but we're actually just virgins with above average photoshop skills
ill give it a watch tomorrow. too long for tonight. basic gestalt? if not no biggie as i said ill watch it soon anyway
Tomorrow is also national woman's day
how is cash me ousside girl related to pizzagate
Top globalist intellectual. His endgame is unknown, but he is probably responsible for a lot of the shit that has gone down in the last 25 years.
Like Soros, he doesn't actually lie, but he rather talks down to the goyim, knowing what poor dumb sheeple we are/
She is a part of Pizza Slime, which apparently has similar edgy photos like Alefantis.
pretty sure he was behind arming the Osama led rebels in the 80's that fought the soviets... the origins of al queda. if i have that right, believe i do
jfc just when i think i have my head wrapped around this shit
Man I'm so mind fucked right now, this shit is so heavy. That whole segment looked and felt like a god damned funeral, and learning about her Dad just now, Wew, my shit is full blown fucked right now...
This whole timeline is fucking lit, I wouldn't doubt pgate much now with all the shit that has happened lately
This reads justs like those
>one weird trick!1!
I seldom waste time on videos on 4ch.
The whole point of this vid is to serve ads.
If it isn't, highlight some points here.
This alone
>"9/11 and War by Deception",
Tells me you're Wrong and Stupid.
>he's not straight
You rang?
whose son isn't really dead? Biden was the first that came to mind
They claim to be from Moscow. This entire hack seems incredibly dubious and weird. If this is a viral marketing attempt I'll be damned.
This board amazes me that Zbigniew Brzezinski is considered such an unknown here.
It is almost like people dont read.
>Vault 7 refers to the FBI data vault containing information about the 7th floor group. This data vault is currently only accessible via direct personal access. It is literally a server room in a bomb/electromagnetic proof vault with zero outside access connections.
That doesn't appear to be what Vault 7 contained.
And recently deleted Trump tweets here:
>Feb 17: The FAKE NEWS media (failing @nytimes, @CNN, @NBCNews and many more) is not my enemy, it is the enemy of the American people. SICK!
No mystery deleted tweets in that time-frame. Certainly none that designate a target, unless they just meant to keep pushing the fake news meme, or dig into News Org connections, like Jeff (((Zucker)))
My money's on Larp.
OP I suggest you think about starting a new thread fort his to see if it gains any traction, put the spook compilation and trump tweet in and ask if anyone caught it or if we missed it
my mind feels like i just suicided myself with two to the back of my head rn
It's fucking larping he was all wrong about vault 7 fuck him and fuck you
anyone near DC needs to take out the Podestas/Brock/Clinton and nobody will do shit to you...