Merkel 2017: we MUST meme her victory

Sorry to drop this redpill poll, but take a look at the last poll from pic related, yep, Merkel winning again, but even worse, SPD (left of Merkel) might win too.

Now, the way the system operates in Germoney, SPD will be in government anyway, but here's the catch: If they get 1st place they get to form the government and might get a Green + Left + SPD + FDP coalition (FDP might not be necessary, and Green might not get above the 5% threshold so they might not get in anyway), aka a Full-Left coalition (or Full-Left with a little bit of center). OTOH, if Merkel wins, you'll either get CDU/CSU+SPD (+FDP?), a cuck-left coalition, and you get a very very very small chance that Merkel stops being a fucking cuck and gets a CDU/CSU+FDP+AfD coalition and start fixing the immigration problem.

So we need you to focus your memes on helping Merkel's party get the 1st place to avoid an even worse situation.


Vote AfD, dont believe the hype

No SPD Must win, the battle of Nationalism vs Globalism needs a good villain.

mama merkel already is compared to Hitler by greeks

Schulz is a possibly gay jew you can't meme him as a villain

even in the best scenarios they get only 15% of the vote

>vote this bitch which is either a forgotten agent of the ddr still set out to destroy germany, or a kryptokike set out to destroy germany for her babylonian kike masters so that other guy trying to destroy germany doesnt become elected
>dont vote the party that may not be under the influence of forces set out to destroy germany
Your shillgame is fucking weak, noone believes polls either way

daily reminder ShareBlues days are numbered

I mean, Schulz would destroy it even more.

What point is getting 15% AfD with Schulz as PM instead of 12% AfD with Merkel as PM.

Will 3% more AfD in parliament make anything better at all?


learn2geography mate

This, even if Petry can't win it would be nice to get some AfD into the government.

I would rather promote the crazier left win than Merkel tbqh.

Accelerate the process.

It's especially good if Le Pen wins.

that's pretty unlikely, and would only happen under a merkel coalition. No way SPD gonna get AfD into their coalition
Grune? Well this would be even worse to get a SPD+GRUNE+LINKE with Grune being a larger % of the coalition than now

Yeah Im hoping for that too we need a good turbokike thats turns germans against the globalists

The worse it gets, the better? Is it like this already?

doesn't that get them more seats?

Germany is already dead

Yes but it hardly makes any difference when they're in opposition. With the threshold of 5% and around 5% of votes going to parties that don't make the cut, every % gives them 6.6 seats, of 630 seats. 12% to 15% hardly changes anything when the coalition government will likely have at least 50% of the vote, and more likely (if merkel wins) >60%

If hundreds of thousands of rapefugees didn't turn Germany against the globalists then probably nothing can. Rip

Wait for the goddamn elections in NRW.
If SPD doesn't get at least ~30-40% in NRW there will be a big surprise in the upcoming Bundestagswahl.
Especially watch the AfD result, NRW is a red state - ~15% for AfD would mean a lot.

when are they?
>NRW is a red state

Germany is beyond salvageable now. Let those cucks fester in the shitpile they created.

Is Saarland important? It'll happen soonet

Also, looking at these elections I noticed the piratea completely collapsed. Why?

I don't doubt for a second that a brasilian wouldn't recognize an approaching storm. Yes, it is. And their measures to demoralize the general populace are becoming more and more drastic.

>Also, looking at these elections I noticed the piratea completely collapsed. Why?
Their main points were copied by other parties to get voters back.
Since then they are a leftwinged extremist party and watch my little pony during meetings.

>Is Saarland important? It'll happen soonet
Saarland is quite balanced.
NRW is so important because it is SPD's core area. If the polls are correct, then the SPD in NRW must have a very great success.

If this is not the case, the polls are incorrect.

>when are they?
The elctions in NRW are on 14. Mai 2017.

If Schulz wins what are the chances Germany will get gay marriage?

At this point I think either Sweden or preferable Germany need to burn anyways to provide a cautionary tale to Americans so I hope the most leftist person wins.

You highly underestimate schulz's vision of a united europe

Can you describe it? I think we Americans will never pass anti-immigrant legislation unless a European power falls apart from importing Muslims. Better them than us, + I support gay marriage.

>Since then they are a leftwinged extremist party and watch my little pony during meetings.
Always new this was gonna happen. Retarded one-issue meme parties usually do so. Thankfully it only kept strong in Iceland instead of becoming the new greens

We need more meme magic


Er ist ein Dreckiger Jude der die Amerikaner und Israel unterstützt.

Sein einziges Ziel ist den Krieg mit dem Iran zu ermöglichen.

So wie Schröder den Amis zu Kreuze gekrochen ist.

Der Dreckige Jude wird Deutschland und die EU ruinieren er ist ein Jude der nur Juden dient.

>instead lf AfD or the megajew schulz
You do realize that'll be the worst result right?
AFD= we win gg
Schulz = the krauts get tired of communist marxist multiculturalism and half of the GDP being spent on paying israel
Meanwhile merkel is the same sour sadness that no one will give a shit about

yes this is what I am trying to say

There's no difference between merkel and schulz. They'll just proceed like usual. Agendas will be handed down from U.N. level, they get commercialized on EU level,executed and excused on national level.

What those agendas are particulary can be read anywhere. All big parties are puppets to this process.

If we want change, the commercialization of government processes needs to stop. Social life cannot be improved in quality with profit as highest goal. The current system inevatbly leads to advancing exploitation of every corner of human social life.

That commercialization is why it's a profitable endevour to split up the family unit and to put women to work. What is the real purpose of erecting commie blocks and mass migration, if not to more effectively centralize human ressources for labour?

I hope Schulz wins. He's a monstrous cuck that will accelerate the EU's demise and Germany's.

Germany is a cancer on Europe. We want who ever will accelerate the destruction of the EU to win.

You are in it with us, sorry. Go on and dream about your ongoing brexit process.

"It'll happen, promise, really."

"It just takes some time."

"Article 50. Really really complicated stuff."

"Actually, none of the MEP even thought about how to leave EU before."

"T.May will handle it from now on. Be sure, she knows what she's doing."

German exchange student in Scotland here.

I am not a partisan but I seriously believe Schulz is the ideal leader for Germany at the moment. His vast experience in the EU parliament and political know-how means Mr. Schulz can deliver on the bold and daring reforms the German economy and society need.

A pragmatist at heart, Martin Schulz will be able to retain the importance and survival of the block in the challenging times ahead. I used to be for the AfD but the recent scandals and arrests made me have second thoughts about Petry and her leadership. She does not have the caliber needed to deal with the complexities of the challenges Germany is facing right now, and I fear her temperament will make her prone to knee jerk reactions that could damage things even further..

Oh god. I hope they go that route. Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest.

Their social agenda is very different even they are the same on borders and alliances.

How can a country STILL be this mad?

>but even worse, SPD (left of Merkel) might win too.
Sup Forums don't realize that Merkel is right wing in Germany. They think Germans are a normal country LOL

I'm pretty sure you misinterpreted something. I'd love nothing more than for UK to take the first step. I just don't believe your government cares for your opinion at all.