Countries with a bleak future thread


Pretty much every country that's not in east europe or east asia

all of them


japan pls send help, i have a feeling we swedes could have become like you if not for marxist infiltration, awkward introvert and technologicall superiour, please send ZAKU's. All of them.

already bleak but civil war and starvation to come, stay tuned

It may be too late, but hopefully something will work out.

I've given up on Canada. It seems my future is hoping for accelerationism and isolating myself.

It really gets to me sometimes.

Good thing no one wants to live in Newfoundland

Please vote out your PM.

It was my first time voting last election, I voted Conservative, my only barely acceptable choice. Of course they lost and I live in an NDP (Socialist) stronghold.



the best option is probably to move to a small town and shield off the zombies as best as possible

Why is a 25 year-old black woman grouped in with the kids?

Fuck this country, I'm going innawoods.

I'm more curious as to what laboratory made Jebette.

Oh well at least it's Asians so I won't have to shoot anyone.

I'm already smarter than them so it's not like my job's at risk. All my colleagues are white.

>Please vote out your PM.

He's a golden retriever. All we have to do is feed him chocolate or throw a tennis ball into traffic.

Why do you hate stellenbosch my man?
Jy is Afrikaner reg?

There's literally no reason for it, either. We're surrounded by ocean on 3 sides. Only Americans should be allowed

is there any hope?


First post, best post

Good luck V4 I'm coming soon. I hope Czechia doesn't bitch out because I'd like some form of Anglo-Saxon even if its Slavicized

Immigrants already make up 99% of the population.
I guess if you're there for over 200 years you're a native suddenly.

stellenbosch is our commiefornia, every person /student i met from there is socialist bernie cuck LARPer that can't get enough of mandelas cock and self hating hippie culture

t. Mohammad Danuli

Did you see my posts in /k/ ? I just posted the same two images.

We will try user, we will try. Two years. We will badly need meme war vets when it comes along.


A lot of countries won't exist in 10 years time, some might collapse within the next 5 years

Immigrants already make up 99% of the UK's population.

I guess if your hominid species migrates from Africa to the British Isles you're a native suddenly.


Are you fucking retarded ?
Most of the countries growth came from Natural increases.

My great Grandfather had 10 children.

just one third? Toronto has been one half for at least a decade now

Same intellect.

>tfw aboriginal

Funny watching white Canada crash and burn like this

We're allowed to kick off poo in the loos and chinks

I am so, so ashamed of my country.

Please, take note that not all of us are fucked up deviants or corrupt sacks of shit.

>thinking the chinks are going to treat their displaced native fuckbois better than whites did

o am i laffin

never heard of tibet? gl fampai

holy fucking shit i wanna beat the fag out of those kids, how the fuck do you let your kid become like that? i fucking hate this country

Alberta or Manitoba?

To these newcomers, the only good Indian is a non-indian. Repealing the Indian act will be the final straw in the Red Man's genocide.

>we have to get rid of the Indian act you guys ! Using racial definitions in our legislation is racist !


I literally close the image screaming.


>>tfw aboriginal
>Funny watching white Canada crash and burn like this

That is so stupid. Do you think Native communities will be better off when Canada becomes a frigid, northern version of Argentina and the government largess ends? Globalism is dragging down the economies of developed countries and the low IQ populations they bring in to replace Whites contribute to the welfare state burden. It's not a good thing.

Wanting Canada to turn to shit because you hate White people is shooting yourself in the foot. Stop being a a dumb, listerine gulping wagon burner and use your god damned mind.


You Indians are worse than blacks, all you see is fucking hoodlums with Chicago bulls hats and a "i dont give a fuck" attitude.

>non-whites could make up one-third of Canada's population by 2036



How long until canada becomes the next Venezuela?

>You Indians are worse than blacks, all you see is fucking hoodlums with Chicago bulls hats and a "i dont give a fuck" attitude.

It's the same in Toronto. Wearing size XXXL shirts, tilted hats and saggy jeans, listening to rap. It's annoying as fuck. Be better than that.

>tfw live in Ottawa
>tfw every where I look its kike subversion
>rampant leftism
>leftist mayor
>leftist police chief and BLM sympathizer
>leftist jew tier councilors

Living here is fucking killing me. Only one more year of school, goddamnit.

Fuck this city, fuck this province, fuck this country.

Let it all burn.


>they think a mayor can do this


>implying it has a bright future


so brave

>Countries with a bleak future
>All the comments are from leaves

They'll probably make up some super special law for this MB shitskin if he complains enough

I'm an immigrant and honest to God if it weren't for blacks none of you would care. We rarely race mix, we are usually more educated than your average Canadian after the first generation and we often vote/lean conservative.

t. Christian Middle Easterner

My ancestors have been here since mid 1500s.

Fuck off Akeem, go fuck yourself.

Stupid fucking paki. Eat shit.

Learn something about the Canadian housing market you ridiculous triplenigger

what about countries with no future ahead?

Youll never be truly part of this country no matter how hard you try and "intergrate"

Youll always just be another smelly slime that needs to go back.

Amerifats scared hes in second place now :)

denial is the first step retard


I'd be interested to seeing voting statistics to back up your assertion.

Our blacks vote D at a 90 clip and Hispanics at a 77 clip, with a heavily biased Cubano population in Florida tipping the scales of both that raw % and the electoral vote.

He's a lying kebab. I am very involved in local politics the only minority I see are sikhs. No chinks, no sandniggers, no niggers.

Minorities always vote (((liberal)))

Flags memes and newfags were a fucking mistake
Your countrymen are singlehandedly driving the BTC bubble because shit is about to hit the fan over there Chang

Being Better than 30M Canada =! Better than America

V4 is fuckin lit now, get your ass to Czechia as soon as they get the right to bear arms. Bring a lot of wealth with you.
Also I don't want to sound like a cuck, but feel free to find a girl here, we got a surplus.

1. My people, the Assyrians, have been Christian since the first century and we speak Jesus's language

2. Akeem... we have OG European/Bible names

3. Paki = Indian which I am neither

I know that, I grew up in a rustbelt city(Windsor). I never thought you would.

Iraqi Christians basically are the reason Trump won Michigan.

Where are your gimmedats going to come from once that happens? You think you'll get as much bullshit handouts as you do now?

Hang in there

Not gonna argue those digits, I don't care enough about leafland to dig it up myself but wanted to see if he could do more than talk out of his ass for being so assured

I've seen 3rd generation christian sandpeople who's grandfather and father race mixed and I couldn't tell they're from sandpeople land.

LOL, Kevin O'Leary is Maronite you fucking imbecile. You're involved in sucking your dads dick.

Thanks my dude, warms the heart
I'm stacking cuckbucks here and my ultimate plan is to gtfo to over there before we go full gommie w/in the next 20 years

join the monarchist league. embrace tradition

Chyna's future is the brightest, many serious bombs will be dropped there.

Yeah but O'leary is a leftist globalist jew so youre just confirming my point

Post paypal brother, i can spare a few bucks.

Interesting angle and I appreciate the insight but you're fucking high if you think your swing vote even barely offset the Michigan Muslim population which why is that a thing I'm typing


Who will pay for the drunken indian's liquor when the white man is wiped out and replaced with poor Asians?

>we have freedom of speech right?

Pretty Much. I have some people in my family who are mixed with Europeans and look more white than most.

That is me next to my Spanish teacher back when I was a kid.


Also did you see how our MSM was bitching it was inhuman Orban put migrants in shipping container houses when they advertise that as """affordable housing"""" for Swedish students? lmao

>Pretty much every country that's not in east europe
There will be nuclear war in Eastern Europe once Trump is out of the office, or maybe sooner. Mark my words.

There are around 200 000 - 400 000 Chaldean Catholics in Michigan, these are Iraqi Christians.

Fuck, your teacher is young

nice hair faggot

>just a workin girl

No problem. Hungary is building wall, Polish reps wave hello in EU Parliament, and we are shooting illegal immigrants. Plus you can have guns in all 4 countries, with full retards in Czechia.

aw the girls are cute.

If that black girl didn't get to Sweden she probably would have had her clit cut off and been raped more times than anyone in this thread will get laid.

that said, sven your nation is fucked

>muh heritageeee
kys faggots. using your heritage as a guideline for your present actions just means you have no idea wtf you're doing in life

Venezuela is going down first. Then Spain. China is fucked, but no one will ever read about it. Or care. Canada will get raped by their carbon tax. Australia's housing bubble might burst in 2017, probably not. Nobody cares about non-countries like Ukraine.

I am canadian and native and would love a job to pay taxes.
I just want to own whatever gun I want.
(no crime)

real intelligent men adapt to the future

So, Russia and Ukraine are fucked in the future. Which more countries on Eastern Europe?

I was 12, frick off.