This is the most absurd thing i have ever seen.
How can you ruin a child's life on a simple whim.
Is it because people feel that children think they can make their own decisions?
This is the most absurd thing i have ever seen.
How can you ruin a child's life on a simple whim.
Is it because people feel that children think they can make their own decisions?
because they're faggots.
>next question
a society pushing for younger and younger sexualization of children, making this sort of shit okay. Soon paedophilia will be legal if we continue down this rabbit hole, srs
It's all the parents fault, the child has no idea how to grasp concept at that age. The parents push it, then the child wants it so the parents will be pleased. If the parents are happy, then you get attention and things. Pavlov.
"Gendered" is a made-up word that has no discoverable referent.
Because women are that fucking simpleminded, weak and desperate for the approval of people they don't even know.
Another thing I forgot to mention is the fact that they aren't even at the legal age of consent such as the one in the picture.
Cause they think it is cool
Part of it is like asking why would you buy your kid fast food 7 days a week or candy bars in the checkout line when you know it's bad for them.
The other part is people like to post this shit on facebook, get media attention and pretend to have a moral high ground.
Because we got rid of sanitariums.
how would this lead to pedophilia?
Because they need to be culled.
All of them.
These parents aren't ordinary. They're psycho bitch moms who wanted a girl/boy but got a boy/girl.
The leader of my favorite podcast network recently announced that he has a gender nonconforming child. I hate it, but I'm still going to listen to Stop Podcasting Yourself.
Seriously, hate on him. but listen to SPY. Dave Shumka will be spared on the day of the rake.
>How can people allow a child to become transgendered?
They're so eager to virtue signal how progressive they are that the moment their kid does anything outside the heteronormative norm, just for shits and giggles, they think it means the kid wants to be the other gender.
When instead, they should just say "Well Josh, you look cute in a dress, but dresses are for girls, and you're a boy." and that would be that.
liberals are liberals because they have mindsets like children and are unable to be mature as required of actual parenting
hes fucking canadian too
This is the kind of cancer that needs to be stopped because that was not the child's choice and you know that.
>hes fucking canadian too
Who is a Canadian? Jesse Thorn and his wife are San Franciscans. They're the ones raising a 5 year old boy that they are nnnow calling Grace. Dave Shumka and Graham Clark are Canadians hosting SPY. Shumka has two kids who are, as far as I know, identifying as their biological sex.
Not the person that said it but really if you can make the decision to change your sex, a life changing and mostly irreversible (with surgery and hormones during development) decision, why can't you sleep with someone? It's shitty but really this is already worse than statutory rape.
I'm sorry i don't watch you shite podcast and got Dave and the other dude mixed up.
"Trans" children usually have a mother with a cluster B personality disorder who coaches them to repeat trans ideology(ie "I feel like a boy because I hate barbie dolls"), and the LGBTRHUHWAA++ orgs take it from there.
>How can people allow a child to become transgendered?
>implying the parents weren't the ones who instigated it
>San Franciscans
Imagine my shock
The most tragic thing is that you can't change your sex, just mutilate and sterilize yourself. These kids will end up permanently sterile, will be susceptible to a number of cancers/disorder, won't have functional genitalia, and will be dependent on synthetic hormones the rest of their lives.
Every fucking word was made up at some point, what you think they just existed before men and the nature revealed them to us ? BTW same nature which created only 2 biological sexes.
Thorn is also an NPR host. His show is Bullseye. An NPR host who is a native of San Francisco has a trans 5 year old. That should shock people even more.
>I'm sorry i don't watch you shite podcast and got Dave and the other dude mixed up.
Canada has very few people who aren't total cucks. I would have thought that you would know Shumka by name because he is none of the few that hasn't donated his wife to the migrants
>mother with a cluster B personality disorder
This. Just glad I was raised a long time ago by a psycho bitch instead of being a kid today. What a fucking nightmare it must be — media, ADD drugs, lesbian brutality.
what a cuck
>Found out sons best friend was really a boy last summer
>Still unsure of how to explain it to him
Its the mom behind it all but I'm wary about fucking the kid over by explaining the issue here.
- The parents also have mental issues.
- No childhood; means of living vicariously through their children.
- Their parents were either horrible, nonexistent during their childhood, or both, so they have no idea how to properly raise a kid.
This is a disease. This shit shouldnt be a thing. Hang the parents and get the child to a better home
I do believe that it secualizes children and I also believe that whoever is pushing this agenda will also agree with pedophilia, but I just don't see how this leads to pedophilia.
To me this is definitely a way to concrete this in the minds of younger generations as normal and acceptable though.
>allow to become
the fuckhead parent pushes it on the kid
>allow to become
The parents are not the passive party in these situations.
getting young children to think about gender and sexuality too early == sexualizing children, I think that's what the original commenter meant.
Easy for discussions about sex and gender to lead to discussions about... sex. Get kids curious, they don't understand what they're doing, don't know what's right and wrong (eg. when an adult asks them for sexual favors), they make big mistakes, etc.
Fuck this "acceptance" bullshit. I do not believe that everybody has to fit into a group and be accepted, its just another one of the millennial "values"
I never understood how the little girls are okay with it. I misbehaved a lot at that age so much that my parents finally said fuck it and chopped off my hair. I cried for days and knew I looked like a boy and it destroyed whatever self-esteem I had at that age.
Serious question for older Sup Forumsacks; I'm in my early 20s and wasn't really paying attention up until a few years back. Were transgender children even a thing AT ALL 5, 10, 15 years ago?
Like, I don't even remember hearing about a single instance of this shit even 2 years back and I was definitely paying attention then and the SJW bullshit was already in full overdrive then as well, but maybe it just slipped past my radar.
It seems like this transgender children thing has come up out of fucking nowhere and every day I see another fucking article about it. Has this been ongoing or does it seem as out of the blue and sudden for others, too?
It's fucking pitiful. It's like that vid where this kid wants to do boy shit but they keeps putting him wearing a fucking dress out there. Like at that point they're forcing him to be gay.
>How can you ruin a child's life on a simple whim.
Social media and virtue signalling for likes.
>I just don't see how this leads to pedophilia.
Kid is capable of deciding for itself what gender it wants to be.
Kid is capable of deciding for itself what happens to its body
Kid is capable of deciding for itself what is done with its genitals
And you don't see how this goes through to pedophilia?
Also, I blame single and custodial mothers and that they have a type of Munchausen syndrome. No woman can possibly teach a boy what it means to be a man.
I remember watching a 20/20 or dateline doc about transgenders. I must have been around 10 so that would be about 9 years ago. One of the things they talked about was how this little boy tried to cut off his penis with scissors in the shower or something and the parents finally had to admit their kid was fucked
Not necessarily. I know it's hard for Sup Forumstards to visualize themselves in other people's shoes. The issue with transgender dysphoria is that most, if not all, people who suffer from this have known or felt that they were 'in the wrong body' since they were very young. Some say that they've felt that for as long as they've they can remember. Earliest memories can start around age 3. So that raises the question, if your child is without a doubt, and in spite of your current thoughts on this issue, if your child is clearly not comfortable with their respective gender, is it right to force them to be something they are uncomfortable being? I'm speaking strictly in a male-female scenario. Fuck all this time ze zo that pronoun shit. If your boy like dolls and and pink dresses, not matter how many toy trucks and toy dinosaurs you buy him, he will not get used to it. Again, since most people are aware of their bizarre inclinations, would it not help their mental health and development if you embrace their behavior? And that's where the moral question of hormone use comes in. Is it wrong to allow hormone therapy at a young age? One can argue the child is too young to make such a drastic decision, or that it will help them in adulthood since they will transition anyway. Either way it's not an easy decision to make, and hormones are not otc, so it's not like the parents don't go through proper channels to start the treatment.
this is what redpilled me. seriously though stop posting this filth and talk about the CIA leaks
Transgender wasn't a thing 10 years ago, the "extreme gays" just started popping up via tumblr.
>children are old enough to decide their own sexuality at age 5
>they are however not old enough to decide if they're ready for sex until they're 16
I admittedly crossdressed as a kid but I turned out straight (just developed a fetish for something) These kids are being forced into doing stuff that they most likely don't want to do which in return, makes them confused and go through life thinking they're gay or the wrong gender.
This is what happens when you give women the right to vote.
If women were never allowed to cote we would be conservative as fuck hanging homosexuals like in arab countries.
When they're done corrupting those children do they throw the sacrificial genitalia onto a brazier as an offering to the evil gods they worship?
Vote* not cote
Read Muchausen Syndrome, mothers are bored and damage their own kids to play the warrior mother shit
Technically, they're helping code those kids minds.
The parents are degenrates who wanted an opposite sex baby 10 years ago it was called child abuse today it's called civil rights
Canadians have become the shittiest negthbours,
You motherfuckers accepted chinks, streetshitters and niggers as if it woudn't bother anyone. You motherfuckers better stop or we naitives will scalp your sorry asses.
While I do agree with you that Sup Forums may blur the lines a bit, they have a point about this new age transgenderism stuff. My brother when he was 3 really liked this dress I had and always wore it and threw a major bitch fit if my parents tried to take it off. They did not encourage it but if they had i'm sure his life would be a lot different. The thing is many kids question gender. Not in the sense of having a penis or vagina but because of the different ideals. I was the only daughter in my family of boys. I felt left out all the time and my brothers constantly made fun of me because I was a girl, I just didn't get it, and I was hurt. So obviously being around boys I was pretty tomboyish but I still had an identity as a girl. I liked long hair, I liked princesses, posing for pictures, etc. But nowadays we see parents encouraging this behavior to question your gender even though most kids don't even know what that entails and so they grew up believing they were meant to be a different gender than what they were born with.
My brother cross dressed too know, he is gay though lol. What I just don't get tho is why their kids aren't back-lashing at them.
Most kids want their parents' love and approval and when you get crazies who constantly push this agenda the kids see it and want to make them happy. Though one reason with the kids at "fault", I'm not really blaming them it's that kids get curious and then their parents see it and go to a full extreme. I'll use an anecdotal example. I have a baby cousin who's 6 now. When she was like 2 she was rather tomboyish and like to play and interact with more boys rather than girls. My uncle and aunt just went with it for a while and, like half way into the year she started acting more and more girlish and just started acting like a normal 2 year old girl.
Now some parents see their kids do something more associated with the opposite gender and automatically think their kids are trans. "Oh Diana is playing with monster trucks she must want to be Dan. " or "Dan is playing with barbies he must want to be Diana. "
How is your dog breeded? How are you raced? "Gendered" is equally ridiculous.
>Is it because people feel that children think they can make their own decisions?
Seeing as we have now become a society of adult children this is probably the case.
They're putting something into the water supply
Im a day 1 jjgo fan and im having a hard time listening now.
Call social services