Trump Playlist

>Pres Trump whips the house 3/7/17
>Pres Trump surprises WH Tourists 3/7/17
>Pres Trump announces new Exxon jobs 3/6/17
>Tillerson/Kelly/Sessions Presser on Travel Ban 3/6/17
>Pres Trump Weekly Address #6 3/3/17
>Pres Trump @ St Andrew Cath School 3/3/17
>VP Pence @ Janesville WI 3/3/17
>Pres Trump @ PCU Gerald R. Ford 3/2/17
>VP Pence Swears in Sleepy Carson (HUD) 3/2/17

>Tucker talks Trumpism
>God Emperor Trump Was Born To Rule
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico

>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero
>Trump Triumphant
>We Are The Silent Majority
>American Comeback Story

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

Other urls found in this thread:



Name my band


Omg hai ___^ I’m drumpfkin-san and I absolutely luuuv @__@ drumpfs

Yum, fresh bread.

>work is offering free training and essentially a promotion
>considering applying
>major obstacles being that I work overnights and they would have a seemingly possible time replacing me judging how long this shift was left open before I took it and that I'd essentially have to pull a double once a week for two months to do the training
I'll probably apply anyway and hope for the best. Wish me luck brehs.

How long til we start getting a shitload of leftie suicides?

I give it about a month more (and they still haven't stumped Trump) before they enter the final safe space

Kool Kids Klub

Wikileaks could well be an arm of Russian intelligence.

They have only leaked stories that have hurt this nation's security and nothing, to my knowledge, which compromises Russia's.

It is also odd that during the campaign nothing was leaked which could damage the Trump and his campaign.

It appears The Russians and Wikileaks are in cahoots and Trump seems to be the sole beneficiary.

I seem to recall Roger Stone, a longtime Trump associate,, admitting on camera that he had had some contact with Assange, but it was never fully developed.

The first step in getting this situation resolved and quickly is to get a hold of Trump's tax returns. To be honest, with all the investigative reporters out there I can't imagine why it's taken this long

I can't even reply to that pooposter because I now have eye cancer

What do we do about the growing muslim population, which is like that of the african carp.


I like the jimbo poster much better than the jewish bot

Getting off overnights is worth it. It's not your job to fill job vacancies for them.

t. worked third shift for three years

this is a special kind of autism

What is the significance of this post?
I got you familia.

what the hell is this bullshit Obamalite healthcare replacement Ryan has lined up?

Any Canadians here come across an illegal American yet?

Another quote of his.

I saw swiftonsecurity parroting this narrative almost verbatim. It makes me wonder if they're a CIA front account.

Rage Against The Vagine


Report him. Sup Forums-tier bullshit belongs on Sup Forums


It appears there is a WikiLeaks - Russia -Trump connection, every time there is trouble in the Trump Camp similar to during the campaign these leaks are released on a timely basis in an effort to have the press and lawmakers run like headless chickens and prevent them from finding whatever they are deeply hiding.

Isn't it kinda fishy?

They all look the same. Dirty unwashed scum.



Trump is currently beginning to cuck paul ryan shitty bill with rand pauls help.

Clearly it's the CIA. He's using the Japanese emojis just like the training manual.

REO Methwagen

>when cia redditors post on Sup Forums

I was hoping there would be mass suicides already.
Thought for sure someone in the media would shoot themselves on live TV

Future ex-presidents.

Top Fucking Kek ShareBlue

It only gets worse for you and your boss

They look like posters for eugenics programs.


Hopefully this is a VERY rough draft. It doesn't address the insurance monopolies within states and leaves a backdoor mandate in place.

rage against the drumpf

Collective Hole

Anyone can spoonfeed me with all the stuff that proves CIA is posting here?
I don't really have time to do this research myself right now.

> human bean
> emoticons
> reddit

> this is the globally feared institution

Time for a bath

This is your brain under the spell of a toilet witch. Do you understand now, Sup Forums?

hi i am cia

>Russian mole leaks info to assange
>gets flayed alive by putin and his family imprisoned

>american leaks shit
>shitty government doesnt even know

found this, too

System of a Downs

The same bullshit Ryan always pushes.
So Trump is going to let him hang by that noose, and negotiate the better option, as he has already started by talking about Rand's option and offering the opportunity to negotiate to the Dems.

Exhibit A.


Exhibit B.

Hillary and Bill have fully disclosed their tax returns.

So, if any funds were shifted, we would certainly know.

As for Trump, we have no clue. Are you okay with him not being fully transparent and holding the highest office in the land?
Think about it



So wikileaks is the bad guy now, right? They just dumped a whole bunch of our classified info. I'm not super up to date

>So, if any funds were shifted, we would certainly know.

Fuck. Did I leave the stove on?


Nigga please. Time isn't even trying anymore. Sad!

The new shill shift has started.

Shillcon 4. There are about 5 of them.

>this is the shadow government

Worst movie I've ever seen.

>Wikileaks are the bad guys for exposing the CIA breaking the constitution


/ptg/ enemies now include
>David Brock and the ShariaBlue Shillforce
>Joe Scarborough
>CIA and their plebbit-tier Deep State agents

This fucking timeline, man

8 years have passed and I still have a hard time understanding trap fetish, bronies simply exist on another plane of 'what in the fuck'.

This never stops being satisfying,


Obama built a real life skynet through the CIA and was using your tv to spy on you 1984 style. I doubt you're even a real shill, because seriously what are you even doing right now?


This is one of those "Trust the God Emperor" Moments.

Are you telling me that McMullin shitposts about mlp on /pol? kek

Joe is Joe doesn't even register as a true enemy he's small fry

Based Wirthu is right. Obama is of black muslim blood and he is tainted.

It took them this long to come up with a narrative to shill, and the best they can come up with is wikileaks=russia and taxes?

I'm beginning to think this is just polacks shitposting each other.

Billy Kristol and Ricky Wifesson idolise these people.
People should send them all the retarded shit. Especially to Wifesson. He needs to see the loser nerd virgins talking about cookie time in what he believed was a powerful intelligence mafia.
This is what happens when you replace competence with party faithfuls.

Ridicule is the best weapon

These retards love themselves too much to take their lives.

Sorry, but it is pretty clear that WikiLeaks is actually a friend of Trump: first they go after the Democrats, now they're after the intelligence community.

Just like Fat Fool Trump and the Republicans in Congress working hard to take health care away from millions of people, WikiLeaks is out to destroy the safety and well-being of the American people by attacking institutions America relies on.

Congress will not impeach the Fat Fool, even if he shoots someone on the White House lawn.

Joe was always an enemy, people here mistakenly fell in love with him during the primaries because Trump used him against his opponents during the primaries.

Was there evidence of them actually mass spying on American citizens? From what I had heard there was only information about the programs they had the capability to use, not the scope in which they were actually used

How long before Women demand greater pay for equal work?


How will they kill themselves, user?

I put him on as a favor, he's had a rough couple weeks. Rumor is Mika now uses him as a punching bag between shots.

Stop them coming in.

Restrict immigration everywhere in the West until the west sorts itself out and reattains its core principles.

Muslim can grow in their own world for all I care. So long as they pose no threat to others.

It is quite common that they will cover for themselves and sockpuppet to play it off but they all came at the same time with the same thing.

When I say shill I mean even ironic ones, trolls, spammers, and larpers.

their english is pretty bad, could the cia really be....... poo?

Nye = Riddler
Comey = Two-Face
Joe = Joe-Kurr (Joker)
??? = Penguin

Who is Penguin?

>Congress will not impeach the Fat Fool, even if he shoots someone on the White House lawn.
Yeah, you're stuck with him(and us!) for the next eight fucking years.

Ain't that just a bitch?? Shadilay, shillbot.

Why should I care how much money Republicans save on health care

All they do is give lip service to fiscal responsibility so they can divert more money to Israel anyways

yak yak yak about conservative principles (that were strangely absent for the last 30 years). But forty billion in foreign aid? Overpaying for military garbage that doesnt work when they cant even defend the border? 40 BBBBillion dollar missile systems that dont work or building bases they know they aren't using.

Yeah, thats ok. But poor people getting a check up? Oh thats waste. Infrastructure is waste. But they have money to piss away on everything else.

I dont really care. I dont have a dog in this race. But these fuckers showboating over 'conservative principles' always seem to have money to piss away on army toys

And while we're on the subject of hypocrisy, when did it become conservative to suck up to government workers just because they carry guns? Cops, soldiers. These are government workers. I can give soldiers a pass maybe, but it seems funny the dept of defense needs more money but never defend the border. But this myth that cops prevent crime is a joke. They run from riots or show up after the fact to make a report and wait for the phone to ring.

This idea that they follow footprints with a magnifying glass is a joke. They're just government workers as incompetent as the rest. Rich people hire their own cops, thats how useless they are.

If you think a guy who goes out every day with a gun looking for conflict to put people in cages is right in his head....

>We are such a tiny minority, a few hundred sperglord and neets

There's more reach of this board than you think, user.
>Sup Forums probably gets more unique viewers a day than CNN.
We media now, can't bullshit and zombify people who get their news from Sup Forums and places that Sup Forums filters down to like The_Donald, Drudge, Infowars, Brietbart, twitter and nosebook.

>Sup Forums does it's own forensic investigation
How many images have you seen like pic related. We have no formal training, no resources, nothing except pure dedication and we do better investigative journalism than any of the major newspapers or networks because Sup Forums has no filter or agenda but the resistance to commonplace lies and censorship.

>Sup Forums has become a fucking rogue intelligence agency
/sg/ fucking deduced the locations of ISIS training camps from propaganda footage and satellite imagery and sent the coordinates to Russian military - resulting in the death of real terrorists.
/ptg/ is literally a constant hive mind that Trump and Co. are using for opposition research.

>Sup Forums invented and perfected the modus operandi they'd been seeking to gaslight an artificial consensus online.
Our weaponized memery is vastly more effective internet gaslighting/persuasion tactic than ANYTHING the $100 billion intelligence infrastructure could come up with and just won the 2016 presidential election in a roman triumph - Trump had none of the shit traditional campaigns are said to have: Money, "ground game" "organization" astro-turf, internet shilling, social media 'ghosts', NOTHING - except Sup Forums and spaces influenced by Sup Forums.

It really is no wonder Hillary tried to attack Sup Forums and the movement started by Sup Forums. We're the head of the snake upon which the 'alt-right' depended. that "WE DA JOOS NOW" thing isn't just a meme.



Blow their brains ou--

Just like Snowden, right?

wouldn't matter. their cognitive dissonance would fire up some conspiracy about this being a russian fabrication to distract from trump being a puppet or whatever

How long until they get paid to stay at home and raise children?


It appears there is a CIA - Communism - ISIS connection, every time there is trouble in the Al-Baghdadi camp similar to during the siege of Aleppo these leaks are released on a timely basis in an effort to have the press and lawmakers run like headless chickens and prevent them from finding whatever they are deeply hiding.

Isn't it kinda fishy?

Salt mines gotta run out sooner or later

It all started with a man by the name of Seth Rich.

You arrogant pricks fucked up royally. It's like the DNC is managed entirely by Dumb and Dumber doppelgangers. Sad!

All bills start of like shit before they are debated and modified in Congress and through committees. Trump knows what members like Rand and Cruz (and others) want and said he's opening to discussion and negotiations. I would expect a much better and revised bill once it comes across Trump's desk


6 Ugly Dudes