Why the hate?
What they do is for the greater good.
Why the hate?
What they do is for the greater good.
Fuck no.
These faggots are destabilizing shitskin countries and trying to flood white countries with shitskins.
Fucking Caucasian Liquidation Agency.
CIAIDF plz go
>All that garbage in the Cold War with destabilizing the developing world is for the greater good
>Starting revolutions, supporting regimes, and killing countless people is for the greater good
Fuck off.
>crack epidemic of the 80s
>gangster rap
>many assassinations of American citizens as well as foreign nationals
>technology suppression
>AYYY suppression
>cultural programming (they probably flooded Sup Forums with traps and cuckoldry as a PSY-OP)
>probably cucked themselves by Mossad
When I go to bed at night I cuddle up with my iPhone and I whisper "Good night CIA".
Nice try Deep State.
ods are gods and I am grateful that they made explicit the already attaining forbidding of redundant threads BUT
The biggest problem here was not redundant threads, it is one-line writing prompt one-posts. This format allows a spammer to quickly bombard us with brainless spam and drive good threads off the board before they can be archived. The brainlessness of the non-discussion offends the character of the board.
Imagine trying to have a substantive discussion while surrounded by robots who constantly demand to know your favorite color. /s/ has a minimum thread set-up requirement -- you cannot demand that everyone else write your thread for you -- and Sup Forums needs one too.
the middle east hasn't been stable for like 1000years, they're retard inbreds, always have been.
When even snopes has difficulty disproving something...
Not to mention they've been notorious for aiding terrorist groups and meddling in foreign affairs for decades now.
Their positive image is entirely based on jingoistic propaganda and the fact that the true shady nature is so well concealed from the public.
Because they browse reddit and are literally NUMALE FAGGOTS who jack off to my little pony.
Hmm my kikebook looks suspiciously like Sup Forums..
Serious question. What were they like before the inbreeding?
They wuz Saladin and shiet?
Your an moron.
Murdering people that criticize you isn't "for the greater good." It's a sign of a dictator. They're too powerful and need to be shut down.
and they keep existing any ways. fighting a loosing battle.
List things they have done that have benefited America and it's people without coming back to bite us in the long term.
how can you defend an organization that would put together a plan like this?
Thankfully JFK turned it down but the files on it have been made public
It was a 100% real plan that nearly became a reality
Who got murdered for criticising the CIA?
>starting civil wars
>triggering the refugee crisis
>economic espionage because the jewed american school system only produces self hating slaves
Greater good , my ass!
You must be a kike!
It might not of been "stable" but it was contained with strong dictators in that region until ((( cia ))) undermined them for ((( democracy ))) and now we all suffer.
Raping and murdering kids and kidnapping fresh "kills" for the "elites" is for the greater good?
The cia is pure evil.
The ends never justify the means when you allow yourself to do evil in the name of good. The alphabet agencies are full of evil men, and I'm ready for the day of the rope.
>failed to capture terrorist
>failed to protect Dr. Pavel
>got entire team killed
>Dr. Pavel captured
CIA is a shit.
im actually curious as to whats really going on and whats really true. i have a hard time believing all of the cia is part of this evil plot to take over the world.
what if they are the good guys. i mean its not exactly like we can get their side of the story the only thing we have is what was leaked.
The worst atrocities throughout human history have been done "for the greater good".
Ends don't justify means.
CIA create their own circus for amusement and power over masses.
> for you vaticano
Everything CIA does is only for CIA good.
Our laws clearly say that what they are doing is high treason and attempt to usurp power. CIA isn't just killing dissidents and blackmaining some congressmen, they are destroying fundamental things which make us what we are and what we were. They are trying to turn our democracy in tyranny, with CIA running everything from the shadows while their puppets sit in offices.
CIA should be disbanded right now and everyone involved should be investigated for their crimes.
You people are obviously forgetting the countless plots they have foiled.
such as?
They are traitors
They watched 9/11 happen and did nothing, maybe even helped it along
They watch the destruction of white culture and white peoples and do nothing, maybe even helping it along
They watched jfk get assassinated and did nothing, maybe even helped it along
They spy on everyone yet they allow the human traffickers and pedophiles to continue operating and do nothing, maybe even helping it along
The CIA are traitors.
The only good thing they ever did was helping Pinochet get into power.
you mean "fucked up"
and they were their own plots
this bitch deletes polls and blocks people who go against her predicted outcome, lets help her out with some votes
Get ready to lose faggot.
Kys, shill. Remember to sage shill threads.
see thats the thing, we aren't allowed to know those things. all the good deeds you guys have done is stuff we can't praise you for because we aren't allowed to know it happened.
Kinda. Their best days were under Persian rule, before Islam. Persia still a shit compared to Europe though.
so you too.
CIA are bastards, but they're ostensibly our bastards. Disregard any posts by foreigners trashing the CIA, they have no stake in our national security. Americans buying into this massive russian-directed campaign to demonize and discredit our intelligence agencies ought to be ashamed of themselves.
Stop touching us, CIA. No mas. NO MAS!
> Servicing Jews
> Greater good
I don't think so Tim.
Your cuck country is about to elect the ultimate kike puppet... kys and make room for replacement ahmed mohamed.
>unironically use vi
CIA is Sup Forums-tier autism.
how is it demonizing to have your clandestine hacking initiatives and strategies released to the public, it's more embarrassing than anything
MKUltra for a start then a continuous slide down hill from there.
The cia is either an enemy agent, or incompetent. If they cant control their leakers how can tgey be trtsted with anything? If they do not purge their own traitors others will do it for them
>Russian directed
Libtards need to stop crying wolf with this Russia shit. You give Russia credit for every fucking thing you don't like. I'm not going to believe any claims made about Russian interference after this election sob story. Bullshit
Just a bunch of aristocratic families serving their own investor class interests abroad, while shredding the constitution at home.
They had a hand in the genocide of the Yazidi, so they're pretty much dead to me.
This is a dumb picture, because the CIA is supposed to spy on foreign leaders.
Don't conflate foreign leaders with domestic politicians if you want people to think the CIA is doing something wrong.
The only people who worry are the people who have something to worry about
Michael Hastings
probably brietbart too
Yes it is for (((the greater good))) goys
The government would never lie to you or harm you in any way!
Facebook is that way -->
Pic related.
Post proofs
kill yourself
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
>What they do is for the greater good.
Amerifats talking about politics.
Your country is full of stupid sheeps without any education!
>celebrities are so cool!
>Obama is so awesome!
>Russia is bad!
>I need an iPhone which costs 500 $ more and isn't better than any other phone.
>This is so modern atm! I need this!
>The government is good. I have nothing to hide, because I am an idiot.
Get a brain, idiots!
sure is RIDF on Sup Forums lately
Are you suggesting good deeds can undo bad deeds, really? Does that logic work in court?
>What they do is for the greater good.
What they do is for rothschilds control of the planet.
Most CIA agents are just lied to about what they are doing and why.
The argument I see most is "well duh, a spy agency has developed the ability to spy what do you expect".
Their country being israel
>trying to flood white countries with shitskins
Yea nah, the fucking CIA has no stake in that game you fucking tin foil fag
Does this memorial count all the suicided sleeper agents, vivisected prisoners and (((mass shooting))) victims as well?
You're blaming an intelligence agency for the decisions presidents made. I.e. you're retarded
do explain this greater good and what is it OP or are we just too stupid, being the unwashed masses and all
Russian intel here, I can confirm Russia did MKUltra not CIA.
t. shill
Yes, its just a coincidence they arm terrorist groups to keep the war in syria going
>not of
You stupid motherfucker
Russia doesnt employ boat people
Wtf theres literally pro CIA posts on /r/trump as well. Did I miss something?
>that the intelligence agencies implemented on command
you got no clue how this all works do you
Fuck off CIA
>Reading Legacy of Ashes
>Majority is all the fuck ups they do
>Few glimpses of the successes
Everything they succeed at they keep secret
Whose greater good?
>hint: the alluded to party is partially pictured in my post
sure if war corporatism is for "the greater good"
which it isnt, unless you're a corrupt politician, or a banker, or a defense contractor
>Caucasian Liquidation Agency
it's CIA, not CLA, dumbass
You are a bootlicker, (((who))) do you think owns them?
If you are not a cuck, your best bet is a Thinkpad X201 with Libreboot and OpenBSD.
OpenBSD isn't compromised as far as I could tell, relative to Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, Mac etc.
A Thinkpad X201 doesn't have the Intel ME or UEFI, which are both used by the CIA to remotely or locally skulfuck your machine.
Stay free my friends.
Is there any other dev reading this stuff?
I was expecting some world ending material but so far all I've read is a goldmine for developers. It seems that there is plenty of material for study.
worth noting this is only the first leak of 3
Yeah the UEFI exploits are great, I didn't think it was that easy to own.
caucasian Iiquidation agency
>checkus matus
Not nearly enough
Oh yeah. I want more algorithms. I will take a better look tomorrow. Is this some kind of malware CIA wiki?
This feels like a science experiment going wrong on comic books that culminates in the origin of a new superhero.
Nice try Deep State.
If they aren't doing it, they could be stopping it. Since this shit continues and whites continue to decline, they are guilty on either account. They go rogue for bullshit, but won't save their own fucking people?