/nzg/ Thread
Guess who just got my vote!!
Winston is based af
/nzg/ Thread
Guess who just got my vote!!
Winston is based af
Other urls found in this thread:
Why are IDs even back?
what is pepe holding?
can someone post the original
based wintson. he's holding a gold card btw
that is the original
>BuzzFeed News asked a representative for Peters if the politician knew Pepe was a hate symbol “likened to the swastika and other racist images”.
>“Yes, he does,” said a spokesperson.
i also just found this. it doesnt take long for these left wing propaganda sites to find it
hes black so its ok.
>BuzzFeed News
How can you unironically preface every question you ask, with this, and not laugh?
>"A Pepe started off as a pretty innocuous cartoon character and like most modern things they can be distorted, twisted and what-have-you. A guy asked me to, and I know you're going to say that he's racist, well if he's a white racist why would he want Winston Peters to sign his document?" Peters said on Wednesday.
>"That's an image that's been used by Trump, anti-Trump, a whole lot of people. It's actually meaningless and for you to say some catastrophic social disaster has occurred because I signed someone's paper - being a nice guy wishing him all the best - is beyond me."
HOLY SHIT. Winston knows more about Pepe than most mainstream media outlets do. Confirmed /ourbro/
Can we meme this into existence?
When did this happen?
Sup Forums doesn't care about us
we memed for brexit
we memed for trump
now its our turn and we get dumped
Can't believe it made top news on stuff
This is posted all the fucking time. Non-American countries don't roll out happenings fast enough to quench the thirst.
Give this a week and it will be main story on stuff, with an anti-trump opinion piece to go along with it
stuff is garbage so no surprise
can you blame us for getting worked up trying to save the country from being bought up and colonized by china?
> Winston peter signs white nationalist symbol
> Winson peters is a white supremacist
I created quite a few of the memes used in the early Trumpgens. I'm at your lads disposal if you have any good ideas.
Stuff will never reprint this
Well, /nzg/ is becoming a nightly occurrence when it use to be once a week at most. If we keep it up, the meme magic will flow
>"It's actually meaningless and for you to say some catastrophic social disaster has occurred because I signed someone's paper - being a nice guy wishing him all the best - is beyond me"
Absolutely BASED
Winnie has my undying respect
My digits confirm that Winnie is reading this thread right now.
we can make this happen. /ourguy/ is depending on it.
Check'd and I don't blame you guys. You're often overshadowed by Aussies. I'm here for you guys.
/nzpol/ discord: discord.gg
When's the election?
People still got time to enroll and shit right?
/our guy/
23rd september
Not even from NZ, looking at this dude he even has my respects, I hope NZ gets someone they deserve.
can still enrol and shit
Memes aside, Winston is /ourguy/, right?
I want someone to get rid of the Indians and Chinese, those fuckers are stealing our country right out from under us
Literally our only hope to stop foreigners drowning us and buying our country
Winston has always been against mass immigration and foreign ownership, but beware he is a turncoat
he's still the closest thing we've got to /ourguy/ however
He is the Donald Trump of NZ, noshit the media has been gaslighting him since 1987
Fucking based
You can't samefag here, faggot
Thanks again, have a "wearing a choker and on-her-period" Ivanka in return
>mfw Ivanka wore several different outfits that day in a string if high profile appearances
>mfw they were all the same blood red colour, at least on her lower half
>mfw wearing a choker as a signal
Bet Jared got some mean head that night
how embarrassing you samefaggot
not trying to samefag, more of a P.S to my first post
fuck if i could've edited my post i would've cunt.
Doesn't look like samefag, just referencing his own post
I'm voting for Patrick Gower this year
>disgusting normie memes
Hello, boys!
It's election year and, as we all know, meme magic is enourmously powerful. Bill English has lost the election, it belongs to Winston (because of his super stance).
All that needs to happen is for us to make it happen through our collective (meme) power.
We have already started discussing this but it is time to take it seriously.
Read the eleven rules of Rules for Radicals and apply it to ourselves. There's a number of people we need to target.
Andrew Little
Bill English
Paula Bennett
Mike Hosking
Susan Devoy
Election is in September, there's a few months to go, plenty of time to beneficially change the history, and course, of this nation.
Our nation.
damnit, the local library already has a queue 4 anons deep for that book. anyone have a pdf?
I'm going to a debate tomorrow at Uni of Auckland. I'll be in a NZ First shirt most likely if you guys wanna come say hey.
Patrick Gower is moderating it. Should be good.
take a pepe to get signed
will it be recorded/ youtube?
Nevermind, I found it. heres the link for anyone interested in reading Rules For Radicals:
tldr desu senpai
I'll ask around now.
Winnie won't be speaking, but here's a list of people who will be there.
Chris Bishop (TBC) - National
Chris Hipkins - Labour
James Shaw - Green
Marama Fox - Māori
David Seymour - ACT
Hone Harawira - Mana
Hon Peter Dunne - United Future
Fletcher Tabuteau - New Zealand First
Any questions you guys want me to ask if I get the chance, and to who?
You'd better hope that you're the only one in a NZ First shirt then.
There is an increasing campaign against the 'alt-right' in NZ, example being the pathetic response to that European club at AUT.
We need to stand against this. Those opposed to our values use fear, condemnation and outright lies. We, however, will, and should, use that which New Zealander's respond to the most, banter, satire and ridicule.
I'm sure some of you have seen the article about 'rape-culture' at that Wellington school. Making jokes is being attacked by leftists.
Think about why.
>Any questions you guys want me to ask if I get the chance
Why are IDs even back?
Thanks lad.
There are a number of these rules that we can easily, and strongly, use to our advantage.
Ridicule is the biggest one.
However number 9 is quite important. We need to come up with a way of making leftists, SJWs thinking we are more powerful/more of a threat than we are.
I suggest we use this thread to brainstorm possible ways of portraying ourselves as such.
yo, im going as well, should be a good one. I havent heard of Fletcher Tabuteau though, is he /ourguy/ ?
>Voting for a Maori
Enjoy the new "White People Are Food" amendments.
this, the neoliberalism in wellinton is cringe worthy, more people shouldnt be afraid to express right views. making it unpopular is their power against us
winston christchurchhill
thank you senpai
that cunts face is fucked, the fuck is going on? Gower looks like Golem
I'll do the infamous alt-right white supremacist hand symbol a few times to signal myself if there's some more.
I've heard some good stuff about him.
piss off roo
the fucking news is whats going on
I'm also going, if anybody wants to coordinate a Sup Forums meetup they should do so through the /nzpol/ discord chat.
Oh and also I've just been invited to meet him not a minute ago. Fucking A.
He's an indigenous person so he's allowed to be racist. That's the rules.
Exactly and this is a meme we need to push strongly.
Many Kiwis know what neo-liberalism is, many are aware that both National and Labour are neo-liberals (two sides of the same coin). The Greens are as well, though people associate them more with commies so better to push that angle instead of muddying the waters saying they are all neo-liberals.
We need to push that Winston is the only one standing against this. The issue, though, is we need to push Winnie standing on his own feet and saying he will not form a coalition with any other party.
We can get him to do it, we need to start influencing NZFirst both directly and through YoungNZFirst.
haha, I'll hold up the sign as well, till someone from Sup Forums comes and finds me.
I'll wear my MAGA hat so people can easily find me.
>I suggest we use this thread to brainstorm possible ways of portraying ourselves as such.
One thing I was thinking of was sending in pepes, or some such meme, to members of parliament, the media, etc, and causing a bit of shit.
How would we control that, however, and not allow them to portray it in a negative way? Could we get leftists to do it, pretending to be the alt-right, and then come in and prove it wasn't the alt-right?
Another thing is to send letters to synagogues/Jewish groups, pretending to be leftists, angry at the treatment of the Palestinians?
the older generation want to vote against "millenial neo-liberals" anyway,
this is why nats have been in for so long, because people got sick of clarks "labor lolly scrambles"..
and since english is losing support, we gotta hope little fucks with his policies too, as he seems like he is going the same cuck path as cunliffe..
I have a feeling NZ First is gonna get 20% this year. People are sick of National already and Bill English isn't as charismatic as Key. Plus, people are sick of seeing their towns getting overrun with immigrants and as far as i know, NZ first is the only party that has addressed it.
We probably won't win this election, but by next election we have a very strong chance, if things keep trending in the same direction
need to at least form a stronger opposition, hopefully against an a. little govt
>Maori make up a large percentage of NZ's population
>Basically all Maori are half-white or have some European ancestry
>Maori and Brits always have had a diplomatic relationship, excluding a couple land wars in the 1800s
>Maori are a civilised race of people and they have relatively few negative stereotypes
>Maori are typically easy to get on with
>Maori bring identity to this country, and consequently a tourist industry
Shall I go on?
Nice Try GCSB
>Based Winnie props up another Labour government and cucks you even more
Can't wait.
I have content ideas and unfinished projects, I'll try to pick up the motivation to get them online closer to election day.
Based Peters
Shame, you're missing out on some great bantz.
this. most of the ones I know are good cunts. some are real good mates
Many of them act like cunts but I think a large part of that is the nigger gang culture that's been imported from the us
Yeah, i find the younger ones are like this. But the older Maoris and Islanders are all real nice people
Super Gold Card
>intelligence community bantz
sure thing m8.
Winston's a fucking communist. There is literally no good party in our country.
I'd be pretty interested in hearing them.
I'm pretty keen to unleash meme magic onto the NZ public. I've been doing quite a bit of reading up about 'occult' stuff and it's fascinating what is being done and what can be done.
Vote ACT then Gook
What are your guys thoughts on the Conservative Party?
National cocksuckers