PA master race here

How can other states even compete?

>Low taxes
>Beautiful landscape
>No natural disasters
>All 4 seasons
>Close to ocean, mountains, great lakes etc.
>Got Trump elected
>Best food
>Dwindling city niggers numbers

The list goes on and on. Feel free to add to it.


Is it really that great ? I moved to Montana from Los Angeles. I love it here but will soon be transfered probably to PA. Sounds amazing!

Wawa > sheetz

>low taxes

Philly ruins your state even more so than most major cities ruin their states. Pittsburgh is one of the better cities in the Union though.

Best in your opinion?

You mean Pittsburgh or Pennsylvania in general?

dumbshit toothless pillhead rednecks that think they live in the south and you CANT buy fucking beer whenever you fucking please

PA in general

Omg you pay about 10% taxes? In germany we pay almost 50%

So long as you're not in Philly. Philly is a nigger shithole. I'm from Pittsburgh tho so maybe I'm biased

You guys are getting fuk by Merkel. When do they hang her arse out to die?


That's state & local taxes. Not Federal taxes.

That's just direct state and local taxes. Most taxes are federal and indirect taxes in the US.

No. It's better than most though. I hate saying what the best is though because it's too subjective and depends on your personality.

New Hampshire is the same just with better gun laws

Driving across PA is so comfy desu. The trees and the mountains makes the drive really pleasant.

Pa sucks, there's nothing to do here except go to walmart, everyone's ugly and/or a hick, and we border Jersey. I can't get booze on Sunday either, plus I have to go to a separate store

almost went to the university of pennsylvania, but ended up at Uchicago

are you fucking braindead senpai?
do you understand what that map shows?

Pennsylvania was created by a huge majority of German immigrants. No wonder it's such a solid place. Let's be honest here and admit that Germans made America great!

I'm strongly considering moving to Pennsylvania. Its either that or Colorado.

t. Commiefornia

Biased. Moving to Philly in two weeks for work. You can almost completely avoid nigs if you aren't poor.

Sounds like you're talking about Central PA. My beer distributor is open on Sundays and my gf is a hot RN. Target>Walmart

Sober: Wawa>Sheetz
Drunk: Sheetz>Anything

>there's nothing to do here
That means you're a boring person. Interesting people can find fun anywhere because they create it themselves.

>Biased. Moving to Philly in two weeks for work. You can almost completely avoid nigs if you aren't poor.

Been there.

Segregation is pretty stark.

Most people pay between 35 and 40% in wage taxes overall between state federal but that doesn't take into account shit like sales tax, property and school taxes.

>You can almost completely avoid nigs if you aren't poor.

Enjoy that fantasy while it lasts.