do u love hitler ?
Do u love hitler ?
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I love my people.
yes i do!
No but we would probably be better off if he won.
Get that fucking picture off Sup Forums you dirty roach.
Nobody insults our glorious Fuhrer.
I am not a Hitler fanboy, but I do know that there is massive disinformation about him, and about what was done to the German people, that was the real holocaust nobody talks about.
In the future Hitler will be seen as any great leader in history, like Napoleon.
Russia and America taking down the Hitman best allies 4uever
His moustache was pretty gay, but I agree with the racist stuff he said.
Yes, I love Hitler, do you love the Hitler?
Seemed like a pretty cool dude
Of course, I would be Islamophobic if I didn't.
That's something that a communist atheist roach like you wouldn't be able to understand.
I this real?
pic related
He was a Charlie Chaplin fan. I don't think he was racist. He liked to talk up his own nation and anyone aligned with him, but it was entirely for propaganda purposes. I think he measured a man's worth by where his loyalties lied. That's the best way to judge a person.
All i gotta say is that he was brilliant at giving speeches.
People say he did nothing wrong but they are stupid; he lost the war.
but of course
he expected the other races to follow germanys example and work to optimize their race, striving for perfection. Then expressing your culture with pride
>go to nation equivelant of Gym and get SWOLED bigger than anyone else
>teach others to get SWOLE
>get shot by jealous dyels
WW2 in nut shell.
No, he should of exterminated those jews instead of half-assing it and making them more powerful than ever.
Hitler was not a degenerate
Yeah, well it was kind of him vs the rest of the world.
could we start pushing this in response to racist accusations? Say nothing about NatSoc but try to foster love for what make your race unique?
good tunes
Hitler showed the world what they could be without the world banking cartels complete monopoly on your nation, thus he must be destroyed and so Europe went to war and lost against the Jewish soviet hordes.
Hitler had no mass murdering plans nor did any.
Because people see themselves in him.
They see a disaffected youth who, despite ignoble standing and all opposition, became the most powerful man on the planet before the invention of Nuclear Weapons. Add to that the irresistible draw that underdogs and reverse psychology have.
Hitler has become the secular devil, and people fucking love the devil for the same reasons.
It doesn't matter if Hitler were Satan himself, disaffected guys would idolize him regardless
I love my nations Roman Catholicism, my family and my land. Some warlike looser kraut who killed himself 70 years ago and wrote a crappy book and ran a totalitarian hellhole is irrelevant.