How you holding together?

How you holding together?
Will you make it through?

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As far as I can see, this sort of thing is only happening in the US/UK.
Over here at least if it does happen it'll only be in Amsterdam and Rotterdam and it will only be students.

It'll be tough but I think we'll make it.

inb4 productivity skyrockets

Lots of idiots will lose their job fighting for rights that they already have.

One of the cafes at uni was closed

I went to one of the other 10 that was in a 100m radius of it

my profits are already down fucking done lads...fuck sake, never should've microaggressioned my female employees...

Do they not realize that a workplace without women is possibly the ultimate male fantasy at this point?

I'll get a pay raise

They'll get fired

Had to make myself food and blow myself. Learned how to cook and that I'm flexible. Best day ever.

If the cafes in my uni closed down half the school would shoot themselves. Everday i see a group of assholes walking in a 5 wide line holding their cofee

>a bunch of women skip work and get fired
>replaced by men


damn my business just tanked, 100m down the drain lads, i never knew how much women kept my business afloat, but in future i will be nicer towards women and let them do whatever they want because they're worth it

And they wonder why they make "77c" to the dollar

Why do Americans take such pride in drinking coffee,
>"haha, don't talk to me before I've had my coffee user"

Especially when the coffee is so shit. I literally need 4 shots at a cafe in america to make my long black taste like a normal coffee.

And you have an obsession with flavourings too, so when I ask for extra shots I get asked "what flavour?"
I laughed out loud the first time and before I realised he wasn't joking

They will still be in my porn collection, so nothing will be different.

>d-dont you want the strawberry flavour coffee a-user?

ADayWithoutWomen... Like Hillary

Sounds nice.

77% goes to 63%

That's not till tomorrow.

Holy shit, you are writing from the future!

So you take your coffee the same way you take your dicks?


What if im some non binary genderkun isotropic xyr-fem, can I still leave work to show my support for fuck the patriarchy or am I not binary enough

you'll have to ask your local commissar

For me that's just called today

>Women taking a day off work
How shocking

Anyone else think the only point of this is to launch more character assassinations against bosses of women who are punished for skipping work?

yes it does

A day without a man should happen

Thankfully I work in a factory and women only bring me my parts. We'll just have to get the little Asian guys to do it now.

The world would literally crash

I'm not even fucking joking, millions of people would die and the stock markets would crash

I can't imagine how horrific the impact would be

So does this mean a hot, steamy day of public male nudity and mansex? No women to get offended by cock entering ass.

> a day without a W MAN

who designed this shit

probably a woman

I'm sick of women and their perpetual victim complex. My life is shit, but you don't seem me blaming anyone other than god for it.


I cant wait to see how many stupid whores get fired.


No power plant operators, no electricians/linemen, no waste water treatment workers, no maintenance workers or repairmen for basically anything, no pilots, no semi drivers, no train operators, no auto mechanics, about a quarter of doctors gone, etc.
It would be an absolute, irreversible catastrophe almost instantly.

>the silence is deafening.

Can we make it a week?

I think I'll make it somehow...
Didn't these bitches already have one of these days recently?
Do they expect to keep their jobs if they keep having days where they don't turn up?

something like that would never happen. women don't have that kind of backbone.
the auxiliary nurses here get treated like shit with 75% positions which give them no OT, low wages for a shitty job yet women work there. they can't strike so nothing will improve. they don't have the guts to quit and do something else. men who start there get whatever they want because otherwise they'd simply quit.

my thoughts exactly

Devaluating themselves. They're getting 77 cents too many.

yeah let's fucking do this. organize, shut down the world for eight hours next year on Fathers' Day.
he who can destroy a thing, controls a thing

Try blaming your self to man, worked for me.

Can we make this into an international holiday? Or extend it into the whole week? Maybe even extend it into "a week without blacks" or something?

yea whatever you fucking pansy

was it today?

I wonder how many have already been fired

Can we somehow turn this around into having them leave the country?

Like, "oh yeah, we'll prove whitey needs us by going to Africa, that'll show them"

Yeah, days just staring in burgerland though

>Canadian education

>Literally only woman around the company is the boss' wife
>Says she doesn't have time for this bullshit and any woman that does is overpaid


The roads must be safe as fuck today in the states

>A day without a woman
I've been doing it for 10 years now.

>Where's /polgbt/ when you need it?

Reminder this is just a cover up for the wikileaks

Literally nothing happened here. Women are still going to work.

I need some new sides now. Does apply around here too, to a lesser extent tho

I'll take "Thins that didn't happen" for 50€

Daily reminder that women should actually have the same rights than guns

No women for a day? We'll have bases on Mars before lunch.

Kek what






careful what you wish for

Hm, maybe I'll buy groceries later today since the lines won't be clogged.

They should
>Have a license to go outside
>Be prohibited in schools
>Be denied into Federal public building and polling places

The three last ones are optional.

True. We should be able to buy them without a background check, and keep them in a locker when not in use.

>This uy gets it

I dont want to imagine a day without men

is Ana there?
because if so it kinda devalues their point.

nvm i don't care about the young turds.


Which part exactly sounds unbelievable? I'll take your 50 in cash, btw.

>why aren't we paid as much
>randomly takes days of work
>government forces companies to pay them while they sit at home pregnant

8 march is national holiday in Russia, having pizza party right now.

it would be funny it didn't actually ruin the economy

>Entry level job in company
>Calculated at paying n per hour, male or female
>Female comes in, accepts wage
>Male comes in, negotiotates to n+2

This will be completely overshadowed by the Wikileaks thing I guarantee it.

Mert közmunkások

Dont blame women too much. This whole daywithoutawoman is just more Soros-funded d&c to put more pressure on Trump and keep women divided from men

In honor of Day without women, I'm only going to fap to shota today

My fists could use a day's rest what's right

She said she might not be a month ago. Probably an excuse to take the day off


Sounds too respectful of men to be from a woman

>mfw my boss said he'd fire anyone who refused to work today, man or woman.

Feels good to be working with red-pilled people.

>Which part exactly sounds unbelievable?
That someone in Romania has a job

Dont worry mr.Goldstein, your cam whores gonna be back tomorow for more dick.

Easy now , Atilla .




The should release productivity stats for the day, but that'd show women are useless and more work gets done when they're not around.

Played WoW. Didn't notice.



Was something supposed to happen today or tomorrow?

Coz I see nothing about it over here.

I run my own small business, and only work with other men. Every day is a day without a woman for me. And I'm doing fine.

Only a quarter of doctors?

What a coincidence

You know, women are the reason for half the shit we are in right now. I remember back in 1996 I called someone a faggot, and for the first time ever, a bunch of girls started objecting about how you shouldn't use faggot because it is derogatory towards homosexuals. I tell them, I am not meaning it as anything related to homosexuals, it is just an insult. That was the fucking beginning for me. The beginning of political correctness started with women.

Fucking good one women.

OH MY GOD! i had to make my own coffee today, it was outrageous.