(((They're))) at it again

(((They're))) at it again.

>muh women standing up to business

what did (((they))) mean by this, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


>woman standing in the way of a bull market

Someone didn't think the symbolism through.

Yeah I don't get it either, the symbolism is apparently women just want the country to go to shit and never be strong

>implying women cant get into business
Nothing is preventing women from succeding so whats their argument

Someone put a nazi armband on her and a star of david on the bull, I want to see the shitstorm.

Right? They are their own glass ceiling
>hype up women to go to school
>push gender studies degrees
>bitches unmarketable
>complain about the lack of women in business

Is this an actual Portuguese intellectual??? Brilliant idea. Paint it on.


>they mean women will destroy your business


>Little girl standing in front of a bull

This would be sweet if not for the horrifying child-trafficking/fucking going on with these degenerate fucks.

Kinda fucked up to alter a piece of iconic art to fit your political agenda.

virtue signaling SJWs getting in the way of business

It makes sense OP, remember all those little girls taking on wall street and stopping the '08 crash?


The little girl represents the transsexual, transhumanist elite. The bull is the traditional masculinity that wants to burn them.

This is a great idea


this is a statue in london close to the irish and japanese embassys

>what did (((they))) mean by this

This is the most smug idea Ive seen all day. I like it

So she wants a bear market? How is that good, at least now, for women in general? Maybe a few select with well placed bets..

The bull is like 1 ton of pure muscle and testosterone and the (((girl))) is a transgender freak with a microscopic biceps, who cries about not being able to use the correct toilet. I wonder who might would win in real life

Why do white liberal women do cringey shit like this all the time?

Now that I think about it the NYSE does seem to suffer from a lack of diversity

One of America's iconic monuments is ruined. Fuck sake.

It symbolizes daughters taking on bulls: men getting cucked.

Good. It's a satanic image anyway.

Kids vs Moloch


Serket standing against Apis
Toghether they are Serapis.

its a temporary virtue signal / ad campaign for a huge hedge fund or something.
but if leftists were so gullible and faux-deep this wouldn't be an issue.


Obviously little girl, because she has a weapon under her sweater.

Moloch statue. Someone get some frogs over there.

(((She))) has something under her sweater but it's not a weapon ;^)

Thats like saying yellow shower lad.

Congratulations, you are well above the mean IQ in your country.

>The bull is like 1 ton of pure muscle and testosterone

Weak flesh. Bone has a tensile strength of only 170MPa.

>and the (((girl))) is a transgender freak with a microscopic biceps, who cries about not being able to use the correct toilet

They intend to replace their bodies with robots. Try graphite and steel.

>I wonder who might would win in real life

The one that won't die from radiation poisoning caused by Fukushima. Did you know graphene is the ultimate air purifier?

The bull is already made out of the strongest yet most flexible steel: Freedom.
Check m8 commies.

what is understimating feminism?


That dress and long hair propagate an unhealthy view of femininity correlating with womanhood.

The Statue should be unrecognizably gendered, with an explanation of her womanhood being rooted in her own self identification, not by symbols of traditional femininity or arbitrary biological features such as genitalia or chromosomes.

Pretty triggered, tbsenpai


I would literally pay 1k to whoever did this, by bitcoin though.

I am serious someone please do this. À

I tried.

I like it. Now re-tweet and post the butthurt.



Oh god, she's back.

They never do.

>poor little goy girl


I kept at it cause practice makes perfect.


Someone animate the bull, fucking that girl pls


>company near me is celebrating this day
>150 women in the company and 44 men
>it's a HR company

would this be acceptable in reverse?

Why do you blame all the bad things on us? This shit is one of the small percentage of things we didn't do.

It's astroturf.

>A $2.5 trillion asset manager just put a statue of a defiant girl in front of the Wall Street bull to argue for more women to become part of investment boards
>The world's third-largest asset manager installed a bronze statue of a defiant girl in front of Wall Street's iconic charging bull statue on Tuesday morning as part of its new campaign to pressure companies to add more women to their boards.
>State Street Global Advisors, a nearly $2.5 trillion investor and unit within State Street Corp., is rolling out the campaign ahead of International Women's Day on Wednesday.
>The money manager said it would vote against boards if a company failed to take steps to increase its number of members who are women. State Street plans to send a letter to 3,500 companies on Tuesday asking the companies to act.

...Yet Schlomo, we have to ruin this

Is that "beer can" Dan to her right?

Yep, globalists at it again.

>State Street Bank has been accused of "stealth outsourcing" or transferring American jobs to their outsourcing partners Syntel and HCL-India under the radar, in small increments to avoid any political backlash. State Street Bank - the second largest client of Syntel - also has a joint venture in the Indian city of Pune with them which they have the option to buy out. The controversy is compounded by the fact State Street bank received an $11.5 million tax incentive from the city of Boston to move into a new location in the South Boston Innovation District as well as 2 billion in TARP assistance all while still sending jobs overseas.


It was Marxist ideology that lead to this, and it was Jews that created the Marxist ideology.

Not all jews are a part of the cult

Facts of the matter: Drastically more women go to college than men, even more complete it.

Unless you're asian you can get whatever degree you want

Women with math/engineering degrees are extremely employable in white collar jobs. For example, every large investment bank that has internship programs will have a separate sophomore internship for women and minorities.

Even still, there's 5 girls in my Statistics senior seminar. I know 3 of them and they're working in banking next year.

Once you get hired, there's more resources for women. My company has a women's support email group, funds elaborate women's networking events, and prioritizes female recruitment.

Even more importantly, we artificially hold our partners to a gender ratio, meaning Ranjeet who's taken a collective 18 hours off in his 50 year career is up there presenting next to Melissa who's talking about balancing being a mother with selling work for the firm.

For my job at least, women have an advantage getting in school, getting an internship, getting a job, and getting promoted over men.

Nobody is going to start putting an asterisk after every usage of the word "Jew" with a footnote stating "#notallJews" just to appease your autism, Schlomo.

Now this would be grade A entertainment

If only I lived in Jew York

lets meme them and ask why the little girl has to be white ? Why not black little girl with curly hair, or mexican girl with wavy hair? Why alwasy white women repressent all women around the world in america? What ever happened to diversity?
#littlegirliswhiteprivledge. Lets troll and beat them with their own games.

It's international women's day, retard. This is the most unoffensive thing they could've erected, don't look so far into it.

So now the jews are against capitalism?

Pick a stereotype

>girl standing in front of a bull whilst a white man (cuck) films

good one, jews


(((Media))) says that there is bear markets and you should leave. It's actually bull market and you should enter. Thanks user but don't tell to everyone :o ! This is really interesting time in markets anyway.

That girl is gettimg mowed down