North Korea in midst of 'Political Meltdown'

> KUALA LUMPUR/SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea barred Malaysians from leaving the country on Tuesday, sparking tit-for-tat action by Malaysia, as police investigating the murder of Kim Jong Nam in Kuala Lumpur sought to question three men hiding in the North Korean embassy.

> Malaysia's Prime Minister Najib Razak accused North Korea of "effectively holding our citizens hostage" and held an emergency meeting of his National Security Council.

> The moves underscored the dramatic deterioration in ties with one of North Korea's few friends outside China since the murder of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's estranged half-brother at Kuala Lumpur International Airport on Feb. 13.

> Malaysia said the assassins used VX nerve agent, a chemical listed by the United Nations as a weapon of mass destruction.

Okay so the fat fuck is clearly losing his mind more and more every day. So what should be done?

How should the world/America handle this situation where a psychopathic gook with nuclear weapons and an arsenal of WMDs is quickly becoming more and more unstable?

Should America just do what we deem necessary?

Should we listen to China?

How should North Korea be handled when the fat fuck is dead?

Should Korea be unified under American/South Korean rule or should China assume control of North Korea?

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let him be, the sooner shit hits the fan, the better

What if the VX nerve agent was the globalist secret weapon all along? This whole CIA thing was just to distract people.

This picture is a perfect representation of North Korea.

A fat psycho laughing at wasting money on weapons that if used would mean the complete annihilation of his existence, while a poor starving gook watches on as he has no clue why the fat man is laughing, but knows he will go home and struggle to survive because his country cannot provide basic needs such as food.

North Korea will survive. Kek wills it!

Then North Korea won't survive. Kek wills it!

And North Koreans just accidentally got caught while in Malaysia and caught on video assassinating the man?

What the fuck are you smoking nigger?

Sup Forums supports best Korea 100% you faggot redditor kill yourself.

Unification confirmed

I'm sure they will handle the man and let the refugees pour into China because fuck them for entertaining the pathetic child.


You faggots should be banned from Sup Forums.

You're easily the worst.

China is just as fucking stupid as the Norks.

Both should be wiped out.

What exactly would be the diplomatic repercussions if the US "accidentally" misplaced a few nuclear missiles near a Malaysian military base along with detailed instructions on their operation and the coordinates of all North Korean military targets?

confiscate his coat

Giving nukes to Malaysia would be absolutely retarded and wouldn't stabilize anything...

How about you give nukes to India and Pakistan

Just for shits and giggles

This is why I fucking hate you god damn fucking criminal colony kangaroo niggers.

Fuck I hate you. Almost as much as Canadians.


kim is 2 steps ahead.
he took out that guy because there were rumors there was an imminent threat on his life. that guy would had been his replacement.

I watched the news and read the papers about this

Seems like Kim is always two steps ahead because he constantly kills his family members and nation officials.

Can't even handle the bantz.

How does it feel stealing the American flag and replacing the stars with the fucking planet Earth like a fucking cartoon NWO made by the creater of the Simpsons.

> P.S. I hate you, but I hate China and North Korea more.

the world isnt prepared for the shit storm of instability and war ii the korean peninsula would create

Seoul will be leveled, their ICMB's are close to reaching the US now, and are rumored to have miniaturized nukes now

Fuck you too, cock sucker. You enable their stupid behavior.

North Korea would be annihilated before their missiles even got half way to the US.

>he constantly kills his family members and nation officials
gotta whack a few people if you want to be the supreme ruler of best korea

But the missiles would still make it here wouldnt it?

Gotta kill a few gypsies to clean up Europe as well.

No because we have the THAAD missile defense system.

North Korea cannot touch us.

>Kim Jong Nam is killed with a very specific and hard to produce nerve agent that is listed as a weapon of mass destruction instead of just getting shot in the back of the head

>look guys kim jong un is a mad man using wmd's! if you are allies with him you are supporting this crazy madman and are a madman too :)))))

>political deterioration between north korea and malaysia ensues

You'd have to be an urban retard to fall for this type of false flag, rural and suburban intellectuals see through this.

Who's doing it? CIA? Russia? China trying to annex them? It's obvious there are strings being pulled to make things happen.

shut the fuck up and read these comics


or you bait them into moving to another continent

yea and the MSM was all over it too. It all so fake

Because we all know Kim has never had any family members killed...

Kill yourself, slope.

the 7th fleet, us air force and drones should flatten that shit hole. Unleash a wave of fire upon the rich ends of the cities and their military bases. Give small arms to the people of north Korea, they can do the rest.

have counter missiles for any nukes the north Koreans maybe have, desu i doubt they have any real, real shit.Then just like faze the north back into the south.

idk enough about 'dead man's switches' and nuke to explain much, but I think I've got a good start

Just because the MSM talks about it doesn't mean it's automatically fake.

The mother fucker had his half-brother assassinated and got caught. Of course every news outlet is going to say something. Including the MSM.

Giving weapons to the brainwashed citizens would be a bad idea.

As soon as that fucker leaves the launch pad it would be detonated. Look up the X-Band radar they put off the coast last time lil' Kim was kicking up. I doubt he realizes it, but launching nukes would cause the total annihilation of his own country.

As soon as that thing leaves the launch pad it would be intercepted/detonated. Look up the X-Band radar they put off the coast last time lil' Kim was kicking up. I doubt he realizes it, but launching nukes would cause the total annihilation of his own country.

How about you mind your own business you martshitting neocon

Without the US even having to do anything other than detonating Kim's own missiles above their launch pads. I doubt they would do that though, probably just disable them and launch a naval/air attack.

I think with our level of illiteracy we might end up nuking ourselves

idk if they're that brainwashed, loads of people escape that country each year and i bet much more would like to. But I see your point, well-raised.desu then north Korea would just become another middle east
Also, I swear the EU give food to north Korea, we should just stop xD watch it all crumble away kek
Should we worry about the people of north Korea, are they too brainwashed to be saved, could they ever integrate with the south or the world?

Germany doesn't exist.

It's a Globalist cuckshed full of Muslims pounding white liberal pussy.

Get fucked.

reeeeeeeeeeeeee something is fucked with posting for me

> Let's just give them food and it will all fall apart

That doesn't work. We give food to niggers in Africa and the warlords just take control of it.

Any help we send to North Korea would just be taken and used against us.

Lol the cognitive dissonance is real.

>South Korea is an American puppet state created after WW2, a multiracial cuck society run by traitors
>DPR of Korea is run by nationalists defending their race, bloodline, history and territorial integrity and national independence.

>Modern Germany is an American puppet state that was brainwashed beyond redemption with the "Denazification program"

>But hey lets destroy the DPR of Korea and kill millions of people on the Korean peninsula for NO REASON other than being evil nationalists and then complain when the unified Korea becomes a country of mongrelized pussies

The DPRK will NEVER be invaded by America, you know why? Because American cowards are pussies who can't fight a real army like the DPRK, which is ready to defend itself with the holy sword of ten thousand nuclear bombs. American pussy soldiers get PTSD from a bunch of goat fuckers in Afghanistan while their wives back in the American homeland are out fucking niggers in the ghetto, can you imagine the wrecking they'd receive from DPRK soldiers who are ready to defend their nation and their race to the death?

no no, i mean we should stop giving north Korea food, and just see what happens when all the people starve, the rich won't have the poor to depend on off and treat like shit, i could see it fall apart (I'm a dyslexic retardious, can't spell)

I hope NK blows the US off the face of this planet.
Absolute scum.

North Korea is a fucking shithole.

Leave it to a fucking krautcuck to defend an insane dictatorship.

Spotted the aspie, everyone.

Further balkanization confirmed

Well tell the fucking Kikes to stop sending them money.

I hope that every Muslims is burned alive by US bombs and I hope that every French cuck gets run over with a truck.

to stop a bad guy with a nuke, is a good guy with a nuke

to stop a bad guy with a nuke, is a good guy with a nuke

american logic.

He'll realize he's a fat retard and let them go probably. He has no idea what he's doing, look at the fat sum bitch

fucking internet

North Korea is too insane to be changed from a nuclear strike. Japan was only changed because they were not cucks of China.

I always thought Kims hands were kinda tied. He has to appear tough for the military's old guard. It's not like he can just turn around and say OK we're a democracy now.

What if Kim didn't kill his brother? What if some one is trying to start something? What if he's reacting to (yearly) joint US & SK military drills and the assassination of his brother?

How do I get a tit for a tat?

>I can't speak a word of Korean
>but I watched a lot of CNN fake news which told me about the evil insane Korean threat!
How many countries have been attacked by Jewish-American barbarians? How many countries has Korea attacked? How many countries have been colonized by the Jewish-American Empire and how many did Korea colonize?

I hope you COWARDLY RATS attack Korea so we can see Jew York wiped off the face of the earth you kike cocksucker

조선 민족의 완전한 해방 만세!

> What if

Yea. What if Canada wasn't such a cucked liberal cesspool of Chinks and shitskins?

Go fuck yourself you stupid God damn faggot.

wait.. if trump said the media always tells lies... does that mean the american news about north korea is a lie?

What has North Korea given the world?

How has humanity benefitted from North Korea?

Jack fucking shit!

The United States has given more to humanity and more to society than anyone.

I can't wait till Germany and all those EU cucksheds are wiped out.

All European liberals and Muslims needs to be holocausted.

>I hope you COWARDLY RATS attack Korea so we can see Jew York wiped off the face of the earth you kike cocksucker


but whats more likely to happen is China/Nork military alliance will attack US bases in east asia while american kike faggots desperately try to assemble a "coalition of willing" to stop them.

Anyways More Power To Koreans

No because Trump doesn't trust North Korea.

They need to be nuked.

>Should Korea be unified under American/South Korean rule or should China assume control of North Korea?
North Korea is literally a lost cause. If you think the liberal left is brainwashed, just look at NK and you'll see that it's 100x worse.

They are taught to hate us and the south, and if war ever became a thing, then they would pick up arms for their glorious reader.


China created the NK mess, China should be the one to solve it.

I say keep NK and SK as separate countries, and China annexes/invades NK.

Kim regime toppled, North Koreans get a much better life under China.

Norks always flee and come to the west and see the truth.

They can be saved.

>The United States has given more to humanity and more to society than anyone.
Oh yes your KIKE EMPIRE has truly enriched the planet with wonderful ideas like multiracialism, democracy, feminism and faggot rights. Why does the DPRK need to give something to "humanity"? They are busy preventing an American invasion of their country, which kike shit-eaters like you are always plotting. They are simply minding their own business trying to defend their race and motherland.

>What has North Korea given the world?

best thing they can give a lot of american masonic ass pain.

China is like the #1 shit disturber in the region. They prop up NK.

will Malaysian forces sneak in and get them back?

Better than you faggot.

What have you done aside from destroy Europe? You fucked everyone. Now you want to fuck everyone again with your EU bullshit.

Fuck off cunt.

>They are taught to hate us and the south,
They hate Americans but they don't hate southerners, who are blood brothers. They just hate the race traitors in the southern puppet regime. That's a big difference.

But who wouldn't hate Americans after what they have done to Korea? Imagine if the boot was on the other foot, if Mexico had invaded America in 1945 and split the country in half, taken the entire western side of the United States, called it Western US and then proceeded to station Mexican soldiers in the western side and install a puppet regime that proceeded to mongrelize the Western US with Mexicans, make them learn Spanish and erase American identity, language, culture, history and worst of all racial bloodline. There would be justified rage and hatred for Mexico among the Eastern US. And yet you expect the Koreans to love America, lol.

Even the southern Koreans hate America and hate their puppet regime. There are so many southern Koreans who support the DPRK, there was even a large nationalist party in southern Korea that was pro-DPRK and pro-unification, which the southern regime outlawed because it was too popular. There are constant demonstrations and riots in southern Korea against the southern Korean government that attract MILLIONS of people.

Meanwhile anti-DPRK protests in southern Korea only get roughly 50 people showing up. Southern Koreans don't feel hostility towards the DPRK government or the DPRK people, only towards American Yankees and the southern puppet regime.

>trust me, as an insider, I know for sure North Korea is going to collapse this time
>I was wrong the last ten times about this, but I'll be right this time

It's not an insurgency, you're fighting a real war against a real country.

That means classical tactics to an extent. Establishing a beachhead, taking and occupying land, repelling organized attacks from an organized enemy.

You can train and arm the locals, but you're not taking the north without a large scale deployment of troops.
Fighting an insurgency is more like being the police in Brazil.

> Unironically shilling for North Korea

Toppest of Keks.

That's hilarious.

The levels of cuck that Germany will go to knows no bounds.

LOL ohh kike shit-eater, you must be frothing at the mouth that you aren't able to destroy and subjugate Koreans because they can actually defend themselves with the most powerful weapon on earth, their nuclear sword. Everyday you have to live with the fact that there is an anti-American nationalist dictatorship in Korea that controls half of the peninsula! It must drive you nuts, I understand. A good goy brainwashed by kikes is always ready to kill innocent people on the other side of the planet to destroy nationalism everywhere and usher in the globalist multiculturalist dream of mongrelizing humanity into one single niggerfied jewified hell on earth.

Why do you hate north koreans so much dude?

They're just people.

>h-heh you don't support destroying militant Korean nationalism for no reason
>you cuck haha got you
back to /r/the_donald you neocon shithead

>Should Korea be unified under American/South Korean rule or should China assume control of North Korea?

Dude, fuck that I don't want to pay trillions for reintegrating North and South. Let the Chinese fucking do it.

I dont get why people lose their shit about NK

They are the definition of a paper tiger, just ignore them and they'll die on their own

Agreed. And its pretty obvious that CIA/globalist is behind this conflict between Malaysia and north Korea. It is to isolate North Korea further. Who else has to gain from this?

We could easily destroy North Korea, it's the occupation and nation building that we don't want to do retard.

The only person subjugating the Koreans is Kim.

Do you honestly believe that North Koreans have better lives and living standards than South Koreans?

> They're just people

What is the success rate of thaads. No weapon has 100% successful operation.

I've heard thaads is less than 100% and when you're dealing with nuke? 2 out 5 interception ain't great

Lol, found the Pajeet.

Gas yourself.

Is this something to worry about for me as a Malaysian? How likely is it we are going to be nuked by North Korea? And if that happens, will it be a casus belli for a world war? Y-you will be on our side, r-right burgers?

The vx story is nearly a month old and got pretty big coverage (at least here), the CIA shit is from yesterday and had only small segments in news broadcasts around the world.

Think before fishing for (you)s

your safety lies with your irrelevance, you'll be okay bro.