Prove that you are not a blind follower of Adolf Hitler. Name one criticism you have of him.
Jews hate him
That he didn't kill 6 million Jews
He made lots of mistakes and went power hunger.
funny jew story related
>be me
>pretend to be jew to bang singles at a conservative syanague
>go there for few months
>as ugly jew girl if you want to go out
>take her hiking because cheap
>kiss her
>she drops me home
>take her out second date
>kiss her than stuff he mouth with my cock
>skull fuck and abuse her ass
>never return
He shot himself.
his only mistake as taking drugs
Because of him nationalism is seen as evil and wacist
Adolf Hitler Will Always Be Right
He destroyed europe, and his actions directly lead to the deaths of millions of European lives, for no reason
Didnt nuke Turkey
That he was a self-loathing Austrian Jew with a deformed penis that enjoyed being pissed on.
>for no reason
You have to go back.
Showed too much mercy to his enemies.
He had really fun in Greece though.
that he was a sensitive man
no jk that he was rejected from art school
Fack. He shouldn't have gone so hard on the eastern front. Perhaps even avoided that and sought to have only a quick war.
What was gained, leaf?
oy vei
He let the Allies escape to Dunkirk. His mercy cost him the war.
No it didnt
Not what was gained. What was the goal?
>jew detected
He lost
allied italy
You tell me? The destruction of europe?
You dont criticise God, mate.
He lost ;_;
Challenging the USSR was the biggest tactical mistake, probably in history. With their support they could have taken over Europe and then eventually gone over to neutral US before they could rebuild their military.
From then on it would be a cake walk to crush the Japs and he would still be alive today from all the science and stuff that he would have ordered.
pursued art as a viable career choice
You win.
Attacking Greece was a major mistake made by the italian mobs. Hitler tried to correct their mistake which resulted in his major plans against the soviets to be delayed by several months... So I dont think he had fun
He made the mistake of taking more and more control over the military as the war turned against him. He didn't invade mainland england over some stupid respect and hope for peace instead. The drugs, and trusting Stalin ever seeing as Russia and the communists were what the Nazis were in response to really. Never really understood that choice.
national socialism directly opposes communism. they would never work together and if they did it would not last long
benny was a dipshit
Can you post a how-to? This may be something Sup Forums needs
True enough, but maybe after they took over US technology centers they could have developed an atomic bomb and been able to destroy the USSR.
He wanted to invade england, he just couldnt. Germany stopped trying to negotiate England out of the war very early on
he didnt win :'(
Stalin was going to double cross hitler and hitler found out. He gambled trying to hit them before their forces were in place on the western front
Not like he had a choice, all those soviet tank factories and airfields werent there for parades and airshows.
>Kiss he than stuff
I don't really get grammatical, but the word sounds completely different if you're not a retard,
It's like mistaking can for Ken.
what evidence is there that suggests he let them go?
Didn't know this. I'm merely a student, not a hitler cockeater
Never heard about the Treaty of Versailles, and all the territories they Germany lost and all the money they had to give to the victors?
If you look closely at what Hitler did prior WW2 was retaking all the territories that were taken from Germany by this treaty, breaking the treaty in the process and this led yo the declaration of war by France and UK because they didn't want that treaty to be broken.
He failed to save the world from the degenerate grip of the eternal Jew. The results of this failure are apparent now more than ever.
Killed too many white people
Hitler was simply politician reversing versailles in regards to politics, in terms of economy he was independant and banking cartels weren't getting a cut thus hostility, that's all.
To secure a safe place for the german people to live. Germany had been cut up after WW1, and prior to hitlers invasion Poland had been massacreing the german minority stuck in poland. Germany invades to stop the bloodshed. France and Brittain declare war. WW2 tada
Hitler never wanted world domination
>in bed with the enemy
Fuck off, ashburner.
>dress nice and look decent ie. attractive
>go to any reform or conservative 'temple'
>talk to rabbi about membership
>tell rabbi you want to volunteer and explore your Jewish heritage since you were raised secular
>make sure to lie and tell them your mom was a jew
>start introducing yourself around
>slowly build trust and relations with people
>show interest in girls
>Name one criticism you have of him.
He was too soft. Trying to house your POW's in their own little camps the size of small towns. A huge was of time and effort.
If he was a true war lord he would have killed all his POW's and saved the resources for other task like killing more enemy.
Dont worry, we all grow up sooner or later.
He didn't win World War II
>sped up video of Hitler at the Olympics
Lets see a video of you spectating your last teammate standing at 1.5x speed.
Hitler hated barbarism and Germans were to be the most moral race in the world, rape = execute any degeneracy = banned from higher echelons of power or put to labor.
Invaded russia and didn't win. fukin cuck.
i don't get it, is this abnormal in australia or something? people fidget all the time here.
> wants to secure a safe space for german people
> begIns war of aggression to conquer poland in violation of international treaties
> massive bombing campaigns on civilian population centers
> sends majority of German men to die in ukraine (?)
> spreads cheeks for red army, which razes Germany, 100% of German women between 6 and 60 raped
> Germanys future now secure
Any form of socialism is cancer.
He used nationalism to hide the socialism.
He failed and killed himself like a coward.
Anybody who believes in natsoc or worships hitler is an enemy to the united states and should be gassed, but as long as they're only exercising their freedom of speech I'll allow it as long as they're american citizens.
We can't start making exceptions when it comes to the constitution. They may be retarded but they're still americans.
>Hitler hated barbarism and Germans were to be the most moral race in the world
Exactly. Winning a war is not for the moral soul. If you want to win the other side must die.
>Hearts and Minds
Lose war.
>Blood and Guts
Win war.
This argument applies to politics as well. The Democrats are willing to quote their "facts" and printout how everything the other side does is wrong and not political correct.
Who is winning?
Who is in power?
Also, who lost 1000 seats while you were in power and who lost the Congress and Presidency in the last election?
Take 6 hours out of your life some time and watch this. You'll understand the hitler meme completely then. It's worth it. The biggest red pill ive ever had
Should've put the pressure on at Dunkirk. Gotta fight to win.
>never return
They would have survived anyway.
I wish he would've crushed the British instead of letting them retreat, I know its brother killing brother but it's gotta be better than this timeline.
Naw. Should've held them at bay instead of trying to push too deep into Russia. Getting Stalingrad might've been good if they actually got the oil reserves, but it didn't pay off. Plus invading Russia is always a bad idea. Better to let the Russians kill themselves, which they seem to be masters at
He didn't try hard enough.
Shouldn't have killed so many people, not until he had destroyed Soviet Union anyway
Should've bombed all the retreating allies in Dunkirk
Should've gassed Moscow
Shouldn't have gone in to offensive war with Brits and the French
Should've kept supporting Kuomintang against commies and japs
Also the general-meme
Shitler was a faggot.
He shouldn't have allied with Japan. This made it so the United States was pulled fully into the war sooner. Japan might have attacked the US without German allies and the US would have been too focused on Japan to help in Europe.
He was way to soft on the British, should have wiped them out in the beginning.
Russia, France and Britain were not in the plans. Russia was meant to make UK and france back off when he went into poland. His mistake. Then he finds out russia wants to steam roll the west and realizes his only chance to stop them is to strike first. Choices of necessity not ideological BS
I'm literally Hitler now.
He shouldn't have pissed off the Jews until he removed Slav
He bombed Rotterdam to shit
Fuck i loved that documentary. Not just bc the redpill, but also the idea of a pro-doc. of that of a loosing country.
Hello, loser!
When are you going to stop with nationalism, pride in being white and supporting capitalism, and will you read Marx and find out what is the only perfect system for the progress of humanity?
his hope in Churchill; like a cuck with oneitis
Hitler said some very ignorant and unhelpful things about Islam and Muslims. He should have realized that Arabs are a semitic race and the only difference between them and jews is their profound, childlike stupidity.
He lost.
But his spirit has returned, Praise KEK!
Yeah I rock back and forth while I watch sports like a lunatic. 1x5 speed doesn't change that
Invading Russia was fucking retarded, and killing millions of people instead of using them as slave labor.
> Was a loser most of his life
> Austrian-born, LARPed as a German
> Unironically thought the eternal anglo would help him fight commies
> Beer hall putsch
> Vegetarian
> Made Rudolf "Goatfuck Madman" Hess his #2 (this is the same guy who thought the fuhrer had sent him psychic messages to go male a peace with England)
> Blocked the V2 because fuck winning and fuck space
> "Hey, I bet Italy will make a great ally"
> Can't control Himmler
> Can't write a fucking book, just dictates random thought-ejaculations
> Refused surrender, flower of German youth is kill, German women is rape
We were bros
>Name one criticism you have of him.
He's racist
Severely underrated.
Hitler always wanted to conquer the western nations before invading Russia to avoid a two front war, and he remained in poland after the west told him to leave. It was a war of pointless aggression, which left europe destroyed
>hurr durr we wuz aryan n shiet
He lost the war.
>Name one criticism you have of him.