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What, what?

Lay down the redpill, russia.

Was there as female cosmonaut before her or something?

Remember, Russia is the left's enemy now :^)




>Can't give credit to Ebul Rossiya, so just lie

t. Google


Capitalists are trying to steal the glorious achievements of communism once again I see.

im dying

The title is just a bit misleading, sure they mention Valentina(?) on the article?

this is not ok

1 9 8 4

Faggots will believe this

That is some serious horse shit.

Russians aren't people


True Heroes often remain in the shadows

What's wrong OP? It was always an American. Is there something wrong with your brain?

Is this real? I don't see it on google.com/doodles/sally-rides-64th-birthday

Any proof that it's a woman

they will and as said


Wow Ivan, google sure does hate your people

google loves lying about things like this

Pride of Soviet Republic right there.
> More parachute jumps than a ranger division
> daughter of proud tank battalion hero
> proletariat
> first woman astronaut, one of the first astronauts, period.

it's here.

Can someone give me a quick rundown on Valentina?

Literally captain Janeway

wtf I love Yemen now!


shes not even the second woman in space

>When fucking GOOGLE can't take the time to google their own facts

Thank God it still shows in the front page


why must you discredit based cosmonaut Valetina?

This is worse than European People Art

Slav sub humans put in their place by (((google)))

That's if you're not counting that covered-up russian flight where a woman was heard on radio burning up on reentry


>silicon valley faggots still mad about muh Russian hackers

Come on guys. It's time to move on.



>first woman astronaut
factually Sally Ride, she's just not the first woman in space.

Comepletely forgot aboot that one mate.
Thanks for rekindling that memories flame.

Maybe she didn't get credit because dead on re-entry :( poor brave bitch and crew


Valentina Terashkova was the first woman in space.

Yes, but I think she might be Bogpilled

If Google doesn't mention Queen Victoria

First AMERICAN astronaut.

>trust me goy we went to the moon even though we didn't have any tech at the time
>trust me goy the earth is round
>trust me goy we won the space race we iz space Kangz n shiet

Why are Americans so gullible?

Why is a big chunk of canada unavailable?

>Doing anything of relevance

I think he's saying that "astronaut" is what the USA calls them. Valentina was technically a "cosmonaut".

I think he's getting into semantics with the Cosmonaut Astronaut distinction

>tfw space affirmative action.

What the fuck did you do to this image you psychotic leaf motherfucker

Wasn't The Boss the first woman in space?

The Soviets had no stupid affirmative action politics, especially not back then. Valentina Tereshkova went to space because she actually beat out all the other male applicants fairly, instead of to be some 'first woman in space' meme.

That's Water, and nothing.

Plus, if it wanted to be even more accurate, only most of the border would be blue, since that's where most Canadians live

ok seriously this timeline cant be real

they cant just get away with this right?

I thought the first woman in space was a Russian

is there more information on this?

They'll just say
>she's a cosmonaut, totally different :^)

wtf I love feminism now!

>Only three women have actually contributed anything important to humanity
>The rest are random niggers and spics who literally did nothing
>Not a single female ruler
>Not a single female soldier
>No Joan of Arc
>No Marie Curie
>No Golda Meir
>No Queen Victoria

I'm mad desu

mostly the little dick inside the usa

link to the site?

You thought correctly, and that's wrong.

Facts which harm Oceania are not acceptable.

>No Joan of Arc
>No Queen Victoria
those were white supremacist racist bigots, not really women

No, they just pumped them full of steroids until they grew a dick

It will never end, we need kekistan

how does a company as big as Google literally fuck up that bad.

Chinese taikonaut & first woman in space

russia earth is flat

>the first womyn in space was a jew-american btw :DDDDDDDDD

You think facts matter to (((them))) Ivan? They make the facts now.

also catherine the great

Soon they'll be praising the nigger in the force awakens the first black guy in space. Fucking (((Google)))


what the fuck do we have to do with this?

That awkward moment when you as a cuck try further the globalist agenda but accidentally fuck up by ignoring real achievements in favor of your cuck fantasies and in doing so, instead of drawing people with the power to help into your cause, end up alienating them even further

Joan of Arc was religious, and not Muslim. No good.

All Female Rulers are simply women holding Patriarchal Roles. No Good.

Marie Curie was White and European. Can't have too many white people, and space is cooler, so you have to have the first Astronaut be the white one.

That's just typical Russian scorched Earth values m8. He she was riding in technology stolen from Germany anyway. Fuck her.

I think there were better ways for women to help out during history.

Being an astronaut is a mans job.

Pic related

Tbh I won't be surprised anymore if LibShits actually believe all that

Fucking OUCH

>sandniggers will throw away their weapons and stop killing us if we give them dank memes
Now how the fuck does that work, exactly? I don't suppose it gives a real world example of an artificially created meme having prevented insurgent attacks does it?


Basically the same shit that no-gunz say in your country.


> China


Perhaps you should read 1984 m8.

What the actual fuck

Now's the time the left tells us to stop caring about blacks and start caring about women.

>that face

Good old soviet-era anabolic steroids.

Really makes you think.

She's just fat and potato faced

Sally Kristen Ride (May 26, 1951 – July 23, 2012) was an American physicist and astronaut. Born in Los Angeles, she joined NASA in 1978 and became the first American woman in space in 1983.

first fucking thing on wiki

first AMERICAN woman

We wuz Amelia Earhart and shiiiiiiet

i like you

I think that's supposed to be that Black Lady who got a pilot's license who was recently featured in a doodle.

Why is she so important compared to Marie Curie or even Rosa Parks?