And they misspelled "Sup Forums"
>Today, "Deep State" shows up frequently on message boards used by Trump supporters and websites like InfoWars. In one post on the message board 4/chan, a user accused it of staging a coup against Trump by leaking information to discredit members of his Cabinet, including Flynn and Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
>"The deep state has erupted into a clandestine war between hostile elements loyal to their alternate power structures and friendly elements loyal to the US and its lawfully elected government," one user wrote. "Groups within executive branch agencies and the intelligence community view Trump as a threat to their entrenched corruption."
CNN is writing about us again
It's astounding to me that the conspiracy theories if the 1990s are now being openly accepted as true. Mass government surveillance, the deep state, Jewish hegemony, etc.
Makes you wonder how long it will take for our current theories to pan out.
cnn quotes this exact post:
Damn, nice sleuthing
What the hell? Why is the fake news reporting on this while a lot of other places have gone silent?
Did something happen to the hierarchy at CNN?
mmmm go on
wtf? Sup Forums is doing their writing now?
>cnn tries to discredit 4/chan
they are so stupid lmao
>CNN actually quoted a post that only got one (you)
Do I get a cut?
you know what, this guy is too much of a pleb to be browsing Sup Forums. there's a post on /r/ the donald screencapping that thread.
he probably saw it on r*ddit
>Inb4 they dump the fap folder of someone close to Trump
>It's all autistic gay furry shit
We have ERPing bronies in the CIA I'm not about to rule it out.
what fuckin amateurs. we even write their shit for them these days. sad!
and this is what he saw
>born too late to seig heil along the Reich
>born too early to see all merchants get gassed
>born just in time to watch the MSM cover Sup Forums shitposts like they're real news
Where did everything go so reich?
the deep state is something fucking Eisenhower warned about. 1990s is just when you personally became somewhat aware of the world.
> how long
very very soon. exoplanet announcements coming in thick and heavy, liquid water on Mars, liquid water inside Europa. (protip: we're the aliens)
>Shepard Smith is involved in human trafficking
Kinda explains a lot, to be honest...
Nice little tush.
Anymore pics of her?
OP I love the pic. The Clinton News Network CNN is a mouth piece for the deep state. Now that the legacy media is dying a slow death they are invading YouTube and pol with shills.
>(protip: we're the aliens)
AKA we are god's Children...
Those sleeve rolls are triggering the fuck outta me. Shitbird WM
>"msm" having to defend themselves from random Norwegian ice fishing forum threads
CNN is so pathetic kek
>Those sleeve rolls are triggering the fuck outta me
autistic much? I'd let that crimson-haired military wench roll up my sleeves anytime, if you catch my drifterino
I don't know who's jewing who anymore
>Hunter (((Schwarz)))
Funny how the 'deep state' is an online alt-right blog post tier word now but everyone knew what it meant before and CNN's own fucking shills were using it everyday on TV for a week when they wanted him assassinated. Now suddenly it's meaning is a mystery and this arrogant (and ignorant) kike author parades around acting stupid and haphazardly trying to laugh at us.
Moar pics?
>Not: Norwegian wood stacking forums
I am disappointed Canada.
>conspiracy theories if the 1990s
>It's astounding to me that the conspiracy theories if the 1990s are now being openly accepted as true. Mass government surveillance, the deep state, Jewish hegemony, etc.
well it helps that we now have reams of evidence proving their validity
Thats ass wuz riddled with cucks.
Silly marines, git spanked...... again.
Phil Schneider, billcooper, and dr peter beter were all telling the truth.
>>just fuck my shitup
Someone archive this shit please the CNN immediately bringing up a laggy ass video feed to indocrinate me is annoying
>he doesn't use noscript
Does this mean we're fighting the next round of meme wars right now?
Is it us versus the CIA?
i can't help but notice that user didn't even mention SINGLETON or GENIE
shit. can CIA meme?
>TFW Sup Forums vs CIA
Is this what all our memeing and operations have lead to? From closing habbo hotel pools to electing a US president?
Is this the final boss?
>he doesnt know about her gangbang video
she gets fucked by a Mexican that doesn't even speak english
What about I love a Bleach and Attack the Titan?
>Deep state
How deep is you state?
>very very soon. exoplanet announcements coming in thick and heavy, liquid water on Mars, liquid water inside Europa. (protip: we're the aliens)
>we're the aliens
Everyone who studied biology knows this.
Specifically we're the alien's "terraformers"/miners on this planet.
Ben Garrison made it on CNN!
CNN has clearly crossed the line from a "news network" into some form of low grade political entertainment.
Yeah, this is the real shit, make no mistake.
On the other hand, what if we WIN? Sup Forums will go down in history. Not internet history, REAL history. We'll be in textbooks read by our great-grandchildren.
They fucking used the term hadn't been mentioned once here until the huffpo outed flynn. I have to take a break from this shit, I have that low of faith in people at the moment. Also archive that shit OP with porn bait i'd almost say you're a cnn salesman.
>CNN will never quote me
Oddly enough, some shitty clickbait place whose name I can't remember actually did quote one of my shitposts last year, when Trump posted that Pepe that looked like him behind the presidential podium, and I stated in all caps that Trump was the first meme president. Other people pointed out that Obama was the first meme president, and they were probably right, but they didn't quote them.
well then. that sounds interesting
...or as some call it "fake news".
Thanks for trolling Sup Forums for the latest memegossip Hunter Schwarz you fuckin hack
do tell more please
Do tell more please
I assume what you mean is there are other humans out in the galaxy, and we are just one of their drop offs for colonization?
Or a pet project.
>CNN taking a Sup Forums user seriously
wtf is this timeline
> CNN spreading Sup Forums opinions to normies while pretending to be critical of them
Are they trying to earn pardon?
>mfw Banks' Culture is just a bunch of shitposters from /pol
look at the Ship names
turn off your VPN musk
Who is this 4/chan ?
USA yes
eat a dick wog
Buwn it down. Down to the gwound.
>message board
They did that on purpose.
Wtf wrong screenshot
Great sleuth work senpappy.
I actually hardly ever see the "Deep State" mentioned here.
I heard it first from an article my Dad showed me by Glenn Greenwald.
How fucking lazy does a (((news))) network have to be?
>the online right
>exclusively mentions Sup Forums
CNN idiots are mixing Sup Forums and Alex Jones.
Incompetent as fuck!
No but seriously reupload?
>one polacks post some shit in a, lets be honest, mediocre bread... it wasnt FBIanon or anythin
>(((CNN))) doesnt just paraphrase, but quotes
>Mongolian Deer antler trading futures close down
How exactly do we win this any way? I fail to see what we could possibly do besides continue to spread memes. That's not exactly a big blow out victory
Damn, solid find.
it got the USSR through quite a few decades, and they were commie poofters.
what could possibly go wrong?
What that user said is objectively true though.
We can make sure Trump keeps doing what he's doing, that seems like the most potent course of action.
At this point I'm convinced that Trump, being a 70 year old man, only stays as active and belligerent as he is because we're lending him our energy, DBZ style.
That's why they called it year zero, time to go ham
t. Persian
I can't wait until they start quoting Ausie shitposters.
CNN's narrative so all over the place, pretty much "literally shaking, the network" at this point. If it isn't the russian menace it's the far-right boogeyman. Just never thought we'd be it.
Truthfully they're just glorifying us at this point.
if this happens, abandon all hope
if CNN start quoting us cunts, bug the fuck out to Mars, or Wyoming or some shit
whats feminism again?
No leaf. I spent 11yrs in the Marines
Like it how they give only two choices at the end of the video on what's more likely to have happened.
>11 years in the marines
Fair enough. Semper fi, shitlord. Autists get triggered by the tags on their clothing chafing their neck and other random shit so I thought that's where you were coming from.
Link for that Google drive?