Okay user, as we are one of the few true opposition units left, post your findings from the wikileaks-dump.
I'm excited to see what you've gathered.
I'll begin.
System Manipulation Library:
Post your findings/VAULT 7
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm a high level analyst. I looked through all of it and it's literally nothing. Just routine anti-terrorism stuff we knew about for ages.
Sup Forums has done nothing with this leak. This thread will be filled with you and crickets.
Fuck off shill.
I'm quite surprised, actually, never thought reddit would be more fixated on findings in a leak then Sup Forums, this is really poor.
Do you see how many pro cia threads there have been, even if ironic?
This shit is getting slid as hard as fucking possible.
Also, to be fair, the leak doesn't have a lot of actionable info... it has some spotty and incomplete documentation, and a nicely written press release. It's a lot more like an article than a true leak.
bump for interest
What we're looking for IS actionable info. That's the whole point of digging. A lot of the information will be mundane and useless, but there's always something that eventually catches the eye.
Place is filled to the brim with Shills though...
I think you're only half correct, user.
It is said that there will be more leaks in the next days, so I figured that the first leaks will make more sense and give us more connections to draw, as soon as the next Bunch of files comes out, but If we search now, we could find some important things nonetheless. Also, some of the Documents are pretty funny, those guys have humor, so i can keep myself entertained doing it.
In Soviet America, TV watches you.
What a country!
bump for interest
Quick rundown of most of the leak: The CIA spies on you constantly. They can access most devices at any point, ranging from your T.V. to your car.
In other words the CIA needs to be dismantled. This shit is absurd.
Section of Interest:
Look through the personal security products to find which are already exploitable.
Proceed with rest of section called knowledge base.
What did they mean by this?
Look at all the "drumpf" and other slide threads. Sup Forums is bombarded last two days. No one gives two fucks to shill heavily on reddit, they are cucked enough as it is. Maybe they'll uncuck themself without extensive attention from those people, who knows.
Not for release to foreign nationals; used as a page header and footer in classified U.S. federal government documents, especially those from the Pentagon.
and include those trusted vetted bureaucrat contractors who stole their l33t programs, and whoever else was given access to that software.
this is what happens when retards run the show.
do not forget (((neocons))) - they nudged burgeria to start their world police globalism and empire building activity.
consequently, human present, wherever one lives is just fucking great.
>this document
A bunch of programs, exploits and techniques.
Not exactly the most exciting thing ever
Secret is a security designation that is more restrictive than confidential and less restrictive than top secret. NOFORN just means no foreigners are allowed access to this information. At first I thought it was an SCI/SAP (compartmentalized information, gaining access to the information requires an additional background check like SSBI used to get top secret clearance or a polygraph), bu it isn't.
This is likely part of a Russian disinformation campaign meant to undermine the U.S. intelligence agencies in general, and to more immediately lend credence to President Donald Trump's allegations that former President Barack Obama spied on him.
yeah easy to have a laugh when you living off of the hard working people.
now since most of the world is a burger bitch, direct or indirect, as it could be seen in past 20 years at least, would that mean they are also as incompetent and fucking retarded as these mighty eternal beady cunts are - i wonder.
> muh Russians
God damn, just let it go, Hillary, you lost fair and square.
This might have been covered by someone else, but this is only the first in a series of releases for Vault7.
Given the cryptic Who/What/Why is Vault 7 tweets, and what we now know from the first release, does Sup Forums have any thoughts about what is contained in the upcoming releases?
it was all over the net year or two ago their main peeping tom software has been jacked by some cunts.
in fact let me c now, since i blocked certain ips that were connecting my machine - rough date is around July of 2015.
Search the news archives, i forgot what the fuck edgy name they used for it, but it can be found.
fucking dumbcunts, oi sai uman rayts souumeone has to be a woold poulice.
oi sai globhalization. wold peace.
>ctrl+f uefi
>no results found
ok Sup Forumsfags listen why this is bad
everyone pushed UEFI instead of bios fucking hard and now cia has full access to it which means they have full access to all of your animoo
might as well go drown yourself
HUGE Dump Someone Made
Copied from the Memetic
Warfare Thread.
>documents wikileaks.org
>torrent twitter.com
>page_16385241.html pairs nicely with the list of common routers on page_11628738.html, page_20873327.html
>page_20250978.html list of iOS terms used by the agency and potential exploits.
>user_14588323.html list of hijacked DLLs (bye bye notepad++ :( )
>page_22052966.html Interesting Files on ios
>page_16385111.html link between Google and FISA
>page_36405256.html More on Mesh Nets
>user_1179925.html motherload of hacking tools and info
>page_20251151.html CIA linked to CCI. CCI produce software for the news industry.
>page_17760284.html CIA secret stash of faces щ(゚Д゚щ) < "Dear god why‽ )
>space_11763715.html More hacks
>page_5341230.html Strategic projects
>page_2621788.html NERDS research and training meeting calendar and topics
>page_54493204.html referencing LP clients (Pocket Putin) seen on page_13763491.html
>page_46628880.html List of software keys (MSOffice, various Windows versions etc )
>page_52920330.html 010 editor licences - seem to be in the CIA's WareZ section now
>page_52625411.html Android expoits
>page_52002844.html List of test Android and iOS devices they've exploited
>page_51773449.html reference to an NSA built reverse engineering tool I haven't heard of before. Tiny bit more info on it at page_51183656.html
>page_50036738.html tools used to achieve explotation with persistence on-disk
>page_49872906.html functions contained in the Fine Dining explotation tool
>user_1179925.html motherload of hacking tools and info
>page_16385111.html link between Google and FISA
>page_17072568.html watch lists
the comments tho
They're like us, only without any morals - and this is coming from a Sup Forums-user.
>high level analyst
keked and checked
>tfw a poorfag and still has a motherboard with bios
pls give me this russian tech
This. The one thing I don't get is how did user find out that ponychan was the original source of that pic?
I tried reverse image searching on both google and tineye, hundreds of results but none of them were to ponychan.
its literally nothing
its literally nothing
its literally nothing
its literally nothing
its literally nothing
its literally nothing
So there is still hope for me in the job market, even if i'm a ponyfag?
Also, this Agent is a faggot for rping.
Spot the shills
Spook located
>Central Asia
>Central Asia
>C I A
Not related, but I just interviewed someone leaving the CIA with a software engineering background...
The rats are jumping ship.
Jeez, at this point the CIA would be best adviced to recruit their intelligence gathering agents from Sup Forums.
Also, Bump for the new finds posted in here.
>shilling for own thread.
>The narrative being pushed by share blue is to be ignorant and uninterested in the leaks.
>Of course they're spying on us. How is this new or interesting?
>This is nothing new. What I want to know is who did WikiLeaks get all of this from?
Okay, tell me more about this user.
What do you mean by this?
Who would've guessed? They're way beyond the point of trying to sway our opinion, now they are just trying to throw smokebombs.
Not going into details. This went down before the leaks happened. A memo was likely being circulated or there was gossip about this happening.
View of giant covert CIA hacker base in Europe--the US "Consulate" in Frankfurt
was cia actually behind rnc and dnc hackings if so google doesnt yield anything related to that. Information is too random at this point help is appreciated
Fucking shills working overtime since the leak. The leak is full of nice info. Just wait for the summary.
All of that is supposed to be the consulate? Even considering the US are important that's really rather big. Aren't consulates usually an office, or one building at best?
This meme becoming annoying
What did the CIA mean by this?
Having the ability to do so, and actually doing so are two very different things.
As much as some people seem to think we are special and that the americans are being stalked by spy agencies, that's just not the case lol.
Did anyone catch the tweet Kim Dotcom just deleted about Trump being in danger and asking conf call with him, Snowden and Julian?
I am illiterate and have gone through all the documents. It is nothing. This is obviously just Julian Assange trying to sell his book.
It's a Reddit tier diffusion attempt.
Every post about vault 7 is filled with shills declaring how boring this leak is.
For everyone that's even remotely involved in software, this akin to the second coming of Jesus. To actually have in our hands tools and verifiable proof of the intelligence community's exploit abilities is other level. We'll be talking about lessons learned from this shit for the next 20 years.
Christopher is CIA.
How many CIA agents do you guys think we redpilled?
>Fake news
Another shill narrative. This one is all over Reddit too.
>I doubt the CIA would abuse their power, goy
Please note current shill tactics. They are interspersing their shill message in with seemingly supportive content. So in this example, they will say something about thread sliding and non-shill things, then they will say their shill thing about the documents being worthless.
What does that water filter salesmen have to do with any of this?
I totally trust my government, especially the secret, unaccountable organisations! When have they ever not acted in my best interests???
Check the users homepage at bottom for a cringe
Good question, to be honest, I think it is entirely possible that - if - we are not just monitored regularly by the fbi, but also the CIA, some low-tier employees found out the truth through a chan board. Remember, we are not the only board, there are other /pols/ just as sophisticated as we.
Got it
Gonna see a lot of CIA software devs looking for work in other states in the coming days.
That guy just seems like an attention whore.
I'm CIA. It's for National interest and security.
>not searchable
Fucking lazy faggot Assange.
In a weird twist of events, leftist privacy advocates and Trump supporters are siding against the deep state.
I find it amusing liberals aren't questioning why they're on the same side as the CIA.
CIA's NSA use C++ wstrings to appear unicode friendly or "international".
Lots of Windows API typedefs too. Possible heavy reliance upon the Windows API and backdoors therein.
This is pretty scary, even if it is for safety like the govt says
Can't wait for part 2 to leak
Fuck, how deep are we already in this rabbit hole?
I wouldn't be surprised If some highly competent 4channers conducting the search on the podesta emails didn't already get assassinated in silence.
>Using Netflix Monkeys on a virtualized network test environment to simulate outages/latency
...What's a Netflix Monkey?
People of color that watch Netflix.
I have been reading through it all day.
it's bots simulating random users doing random shit for testing purposes
The Russians are Jews
They're redditors.
What if they are the ones redpilling us?
Heres how they name products
Here are some of their weaponized memes
keep in mind these people hold the secrets to government they are spying on you.
The more I see of this fuckers, the more I think, that they're mental children. That would make them very capable hackers, but uncritical thinkers - > exactly the type of guy the CIA needs in its Hacking-Departement.
This made me lol
Typical tricks Shlomo
They'll just sell their cyberweapons or use it
What if CIA forced AltRight on Sup Forums?
It makes sence.
>people of color
>Implying they're actually people
Russia's involvement in this leak isn't just my view, or a wild conspiracy. It's the view of the US security establishment, it's a view held by most tech and security sites, and it's the view of US counterintelligence officer John Schindler, who said very plainly in 2015, "Wikileaks is a Front for Russian Intelligence"
Ever since 2010, when US diplomats worried that Assange was going to be assassinated by Russians, and the FSB threatened to "shut wikileaks down forever" if he released the Kremlin leaks, Assange has been positive about Russia. And those Kremlin leaks never materialized.
Consider some of the following since 2010:
1) Assange's private security detail is provided by Russia's KGB successor, the same secret police that threatened him: the FSB.
2) Wikileaks smears and threatens journalists & leakers who are against Russian interests.*
*Many examples, the highlight being their attack on Glen Greenwald for publishing the Panama Papers leak.
3) Assange hosted a show on Russian propaganda network, RT. How much money Wikileaks received for this from Russia is not disclosed.
4) Sergei Lavrov, the current Foreign Minister of Russia, brazenly admitted they were behind the DNC leaks, which are now hosted on Wikileaks.
5) Wikileaks edits its leaks to protect Russia, as seen in the 2012 Syria files.
The reasons for all this are stated simply and plainly in a book: "The Foundations of Geopolitics" which is a required textbook for all Russian military:
Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics."
Follow whatever political ideal you want, just remember that Russia is playing a game.