Post redpilled actors
>until the blacks are educated to the point of responsibility
so, never.
We need to take a stand in the entertainment industry
(((They))) told me he was a bad man in school, he was right about everything. If only we fought harder. We have been losing the cultural war slowly for decades
Always thought he was related to the other Baldwins
John Wayne was a free mason for most of his life. Are the free masons all that bad or is it just a social club.
Free masonry is more a gentlemens club today than anything else
Same, he was great in My bodyguard
Vince and Mel are going to be in a movie together soon apparently.
The memes are literally becoming real.
why the fuck is Mel Gibson so based?
it doesn't make sense that you work in (((hollywood))) for such a long time but still remain this redpilled
These days just a social club. Once upon a time they had some deep connections but that mostly died off in the 1800s
He's as conservative as (((they))) will let him without destroying his career.
George Washington was the master of his lodge
"Tom Hanks: I hope Trump does so well that ‘I vote for his re-election"
It makes perfect sense
It's specifically because he has too listen to that commie bullshit all day. I don'tknow how he was redpilled to his extent though, probably goes on stormfront or pol
Yo for real grammer is redpill? Wtf i love him even more now
Norm seems pretty based, look at Silvermans reaction
This made (((them))) so angry
Doesn't explain why other white actors in Hollywood don't get redpilled when they come in contact with kikes a lot more. I just guess that maybe Mel Gibson had a good upbringing by his parents and was instilled all these redpills that lots of the new Sup Forumsacks are taking as we speak and going through the hard process of uncucking themselves.
was the emphasis on kikes betraying Jesus in that movie?
I have never watched it, but if it made (((them))) mad, I'll consider going through that one, kek
>a deeply religious man
All the keks
I like how he isn't afraid to stick up for Mel who may have saved his life from addiction, but he was in those anti Trump videos.
it was about how much shit jesus had to go through and how the jews totally fucked him over and it was all their fault.
definitely inspired a fuck ton of anti semitics
Probably cos he moved to Australia when he was 12 and learnt how to shitpost
Some based Mel videos
"Do you have a dog in this fight?"
Call to his ex wife
>it was about how much shit jesus had to go through and how the jews totally fucked him over and it was all their fault.
>definitely inspired a fuck ton of anti semitics
fucking noice, definitely gonna watch this movie tonight, some redpills to be had there
I will not even bother watching reviews maybe, since it's probably (((movie critics))) whining about """historical inaccuracies"""
Mel and Vaughn at a disabled veterans fundraiser
This man is my hero
Clickbait headlines like these are hilarious for the reason that they hit hard and fast with shit like this that makes you think "The fucking madman"
Thanks based Mel
The Jews in the movie also have noticeably massive noses
>so, never
get out of your house sometimes, there are obviously smart black people
they're largely a minority, but they fucking exist
problem is the niggers pump out children who turn out retarded like them, so unless you sterilize them, smart, educated blacks will continue to be a minority
After posting all of this I've realized just how based Mel is. We need more men like Mel in Hollywood
Not an actor but still relevant.
People should realize that we developed apart from each other for thousands of years and adapted to different environments, of course we are going to come out differently.
Does this mean that she dodged her responsibility to the kitchen or that she dodged the Nazi ovens/
Thanks for the video
How did we let them gain so much power over the world, do we still have hope or are we too far gone
Glad too see Brando on here
holy shit, literally how could you look anymore stereotypically jewish
Praise to Mad Mel
Is Vince redpilled?
his father is a hardcore Catholic traditionalist and a n open holocaust denier
were they trying to prove john wayne correct?