Confirmed that next HWNDU will be in a different country!
How will Mexicans react?
Will we hear from Red-Pilled Chilangos?
HWNDU: Mexico City
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>he thinks there will be no memesquad because mexico
I just had the link, hold up
Sauce dumbass
How the fuck do you HWNDU Mexico
It isn't even our country he'd be dividing
Cartels will show up in less than a week.
Hope Shia get beheaded.
calling bullshit, lacuck is in Tennessee right now. mostly HWNDU will be in Nashville.
>set up in Berkeley
>antifa return
>arrests made
>Shia was redpilled over the course of hwndu
It looks like he's Sieg Heiling so much
hue hue hue Sup Forums btfo
Sharia sets up HWNDU in another country, gets shut down by bean-anons
how will I ever recover
left cucks will be destroyed harder than right if hwndu goes down anywhere in Mexico
shia loves boipucci
inb4 Shia LeCarteledTheFuckOut
Why'd the New Mexico one get shut down? Stopped watching after it left NYC.
Faaaarrrrrrkkk you were close to making that come true!!!
The only people who care about Trump in Mexico are retardes Middle class faggots with no basia on reality.
fucking hell.
whole reason America needs a wall is because of America.
There's only 2 things the CIA love in this world.
>1. Drugs
>2. Destabilizing other countries
It's hilarious to me how many "normal" American's have become cheerleaders for a reprehensible status quo.
>His loss!
mexico is a meme country
cant wait to see fat greasers in dragon ball Z shirts/soccer kits yapping about nationalism or AMLO
So the economic powerhouse of your country and the only people not killing or robbing their own countrymen? Seems like you've got a real grip on the situation there guys.
Nigs and spic started shooting people up.
Who cares. Fuck drumpf.
inb4 pole vaulting becomes mexico's next sporting trend
Well bagaldeshis unironically do that
I specifically deemed them as f
"faggots" to prevent generalizations. My point is, the outrage portrayed by the media isn't coming for people who could be affected by Trump's policy. You know, teenage girls and numales that live of their daddy's money. Not exactly the economic powerhouse...
i wouldnt take a photo with those disgusting hambeasts either
Isn't Nashville and all of Tennessee Republican? There won't be anyone showing up to chant
my family in mexico is poor as shit and they cant stop posting and talking about trump
yes, but im sure every city has a degenerate art district where liberals congregate. as we saw in HWNDU New Mexico, he hires people to chant. Theres only chanting when him and his shills show up, then it dies. in NM I believe lacuck only showed up for one or two days, the chanters died down, so did the crowds then /ourguys/ took over and lacuck flew out of NM. The same thing will happen where ever he moves it, we have insurgents world wide.
I should irl shitpost, life just got purpose
It needs to come to Australia, I want to shit post.
it would be an event the likes of which the interwebz has never seen