So theoretically how easy would it be to infiltrate an Anitfa black block at a rally and start beating their leaders with a fish bat?

Other urls found in this thread:

Why do it at a rally rather than following the guy home and doing it in front of his family? Or maybe even do his family in front of him first?

this guy gets it.


They're anarchists m8, beating the shit out of the head cunt would accomplish jack shit.

It will make them suspicious of their own.
It will also give me some sense of purpose.
Basically all I think about all day is beating communists to death with sporting goods.

Instead of being a caveman and clubbing your enemy, how about being more strategic and doing damage to the entire group rather a few people.
>infiltrate antifa
>identify the size of the chain of command
>work towards getting up as high as possible in the pyramid; the higher the better
>start feeding 90% true info between people over and under you.
>After a while, start feeding 50% true info
>Do not make full blown false info because you will be exposed for what you're doing.
You will be weakening the organization over time. When you are ready to kick out the foundation to the pyramid and make the organization fall:
You can do two methods.
>get everyone over you to go against everyone under you
>or get everyone under you to go against everyone over you.
Overthrow or underthrow.
When you underthrow then the organization will lose a large portion of its personnel and every one remaining will lose trust in the organization because the same may happen to them: the remainder will disband. Overthrowing is getting the organization to turn on the top of the pyramid and the organization will disband from no head. I recommend doing an underthrowing of antifa. Have fun.

Um, that is retarded. Why would you do that when you can just mask up and blackjack some fools.

One of them lands you in jail, the other kills the antifa.

good luck. it's tough infiltrating the one that matters. They're not stupid, they're using tons of useful idiots for their agenda

Easy as fuck. Regular contingents of commies and socialists have point people and whatnot, but they don't mind people joining in. They'll keep their eye on you.

Black Blocks are generally pretty big and unorganized. The garb could really work against the leadership. If you go at it alone you'll get your skull kicked when they catch on.

They don't have a pyramid. They have affinity groups, or cells of 3-5 people, all unified by a propaganda network.

whatever you do, you should plan to get away with it.

Please tell me a fish bat is for hitting fish with.

I can easily get 2 more people to garb up. We'll just chant shit for a couple hours and then start swattin'.

i'd say get a few more. You should read the link I posted to get an idea. if you get caught they'll rough you up at the very least

Seems like it would be easier to whatever to whoever when there is chaos going on, like smoke all over the place.

Yes, when you catch a fish, you give it a whack and it kills it or stuns it long enough to get the hook out.


they are faggot like the rest of the leftitst
he's not a martyr or anything

Now I'm just LARPing here, but bear with me.

So what I'm getting from all of this is that it would be easy to
1. Get close to leaders unnoticed with mace or taser
2. Quickly disorient and disorganize with bear mace and smoke
3. While they are bent over rubbing their eyes, smash.
4. Run away

How would they ever identify who it was?

>he doesnt carry a fishing bat
its like you want a shark or large fish to bite your fingers off

throw a generade into them

Read up on it a bit, they are anarchists so don't expect this command structure. There are no real identifiable leaders in a black block, every smaller group has a representative that meet up to decide their next move.

Read up on it a bit, they are anarchists so don't expect a clear command structure. There are no real identifiable leaders in a black block, every smaller group has a representative that meet up to decide their next move.

I also just very easily just looked up some local communists using a google search and linked them to reddit accounts. Why are we not just making infographics about what kind of crazy fetishes commies have?
Shame is a good tool. Goebbels would want this.

Why not just kick them to the ground and stomp their heads?


Well shit, Deutschland

I'd like to shitpost about your country's ethnical makeup but since that would depress myself, have some hope instead.

That's a lot better than I expected. Especially if you keep in mind blacks probably have a higher death rate due to shit ghetto conditions.

It probably doesn't consider the 10% of white women that go latino or black but still, the rates are doing a lot better now than 10 or 20 years ago. What is killing America is the constant immigration of 1m people a year.

>infiltrate Anitfa
>befriend leader
>get him drunk and high one night
>take pictures of him naked with a lady boy prostitute
>then tea bag him when he's passes out and take more pictures

french are learning from the muslims


No.. No they're not.

nice digits

Here is some antifa threads and uniforms to help blend in. I will be buying some of this bullshit.

forgot link

as your attorney, i would advise you drop this line of questioning immediately

fucking kekek

>aquire super soaker
>empty 2-3 tubes of icy hot
>fill rest with water
>spray antifags pants right on the dick
ever put icy hot on your dick?
>Faggots on ground writhing in pain
>Have to take off pants cause oh fuck muh dick is on fire
>No one expects firedick

>Stop @ Walmart
>Grab carton of BBs
>Sling whole carton at group of antifa's feet
>Slip and slide motherfuckers
>Watch a load of em hit the pavement hard when they try to charge
>Only works on pavement

>Get in black block group
>have lighter fluid container in sleeve of hoodie
>move about ranks and discretely squirt legs
>Flash bangs get tossed, they start lighting fireworks, one of the retards lights afucking cigarette even
>Legs on fire yo

Or infiltrate group and get trust
>Plant drugs AND scales in car and or household together and hidden
>Make user calls to police til they're raided.
I don't expect any of you faggots to do this. These are specifically role playing strategies only.
Be sure to put lots of dots in subterfuge, stealth and charisma when you're creating your character.
That is all.

This is not how you destroy anything especially a tightknit group of people
Fuck off to club penguin retardinho

Then you would get turned on as a traitor and be killed.
Nice knowing you, OP.

1 Get a group to rain glass bottles filled with petrol on antifa crowd.

2 Loose a volley of fire arrows on them/

Do you guys ever notice that 9 out of 10 faggots who are all No don't do this are usually eurofaggots.
I've been under the impression for a while that most of these cucks are antifag shills.
The time for talk is over.
It's not like the shitheads can recognize non antifa within their own ranks.

One well placed user with a can of bear mace can make a whole group a non issue.
A group of several with bluetooth headsets and a group call going on to all ready and attack at once?
There's your answer gentleman.
You wouldn't even have to bust em up.
Just bear mace the whole fucking group.
That takes em out for an hour.
Fuck the dressed up faggots not piling in.
They're dressed up like them,'Therefor they're part of the problem.
They're different units in the team.
They there to run interference so the strikers can hide.
Get them too.