something i'm a bit iffy on, does this latest Wikileaks dump actually prove that the CIA actually HAS backdoors/access to EVERY iphone/android/device? Or rather that it has the ability to do so, if needed?
Vault 7 Clarification
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Their arsenal of warez has been distributed outside of CIA's control because they're fucking retards, so...that's what you should concern yourself with.
It says that they can access almost every device.
It does not say explicitely how much it is used.
But you can be damned sure they use it as much as possible.
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They're recording and storing as miuch as tthey can at any given time and then accessing data on a certain subject when needed.
This is likely part of a Russian disinformation campaign meant to undermine the U.S. intelligence agencies in general, and to more immediately lend credence to President Donald Trump's allegations that former President Barack Obama spied on him.
recording from a group of how many, though? for example is there a proven backdoor on your phone right next to you atm recording or is it more that they are able to access and record via your phone if they decide to?
Or Trump did it himself in a move to bring public attention to it to can people not aligned with him in the intelligence community.
Russia already has access to NSA's tools. CIA mostly buys most of their exploits from other sources.
roger, viewing thread now
Beast checked. From what I've they're not selectively acquiring info but rather acquiring and storing as much as is feasible at any given time and then selecting based on need, criteria etc.
muh Russia. Nobody believes you anymore shill
Also thinkm of all the big data mining they could perform on zetabyte datasets. Useful for predictive AI, predicting human behaviour, actuarial statistics, all kihnds o shit that can be used to further condition and program the poplulace.
>does this latest Wikileaks dump actually prove that the CIA actually HAS backdoors/access to EVERY iphone/android/device? Or rather that it has the ability to do so, if needed?
still think cia is leaking all this as a normalizing effect, almost no coverage for normie consumption
CIA fucked with the wrong one.
They have exploitable backdoors in all consumer electronic systems.
Also there are people who are using Windows right this second
wew lad
checked. and that's a good point as well.
I could've swore this information already leaked at least 4 years ago.
If you don't cover your webcam and think that nobody listens in on your phone mic/camera I got a bridge I can sell you in Brooklyn.
I recall working retail back in like 2010 and there would be this really weird dude who would come in specifically just to converse with me, he disguised his voice like batman does and would talk about how he doesn't own a cell phone nor does he have internet access on his computer because the government can access it all and no phone because they can "triangulate" his position at any time.
I thought that dude was fucking out of his mind but turns out he was just ahead of his time.
i've been well aware of this information for years now as well, however i always have a skeptical side of me that would occasionally shrug it off or disregard it since it wasn't 100% proven
hence why i'm hoping for clarification with these new leaks.
take back your refugees you fag
>posting twice as if your post was somehow significant
Fug off, the window got stuck at 100% so I closed it and tried again
Ah my apologies, my friend, the same thing has been happening to me all night
No uproar with Snowden leaks. No uproar this time. Get used to the new normal.
...oh and btw: We gonna stick fingers up your anus before you board a plane. It's for the safety of our kids.
Zero-day exploits for every device that's made. They infiltrated corporations like Microsoft, Apple, and Cisco specifically to install exploits they can use later.
You're an idiot
Your phone is always connected to the internet so pretty much anytime that's happening