What is the chance of actual imperialism or monarchy returning to Europe in the next 200 years and in what country would it be most likely to occur?
What is the chance of actual imperialism or monarchy returning to Europe in the next 200 years and in what country...
American Empire reclaims Europe from Arabic horde in 2086.
I believe a popular British monarch may override the republican government of the country in a time of distress. In Spain I feel like the monarch is just a background character.
>What is the chance of actual imperialism or monarchy returning
You haven't had you eyes open, it seems.
Very high. It will be different from the past but the golden age of democracy is over and we are headed towards populist Cesars.
Very high. It will be different from the past but the golden age of democracy is over and we are headed towards populist Cesars.
Let me guess you're one of those kids who calls any kind of police state "fascism"
I'm not referring to the EU or any of the useless celebrity monarchs in Europe. I mean an actual king or emperor.
>all these operations from the shadows
Incredibly short sighted. The merchant ruling class has no legitimacy to their claims. They're just asking to get a bullet in the back of the head for their nonsense while some enterprising individuals ride the waves into legitimate authority.
This is happening to me as well wtf is Hiro doing
>golden age
Top fucking kek
Monarchy (elective, constitutional) and Imperialism (predecessor to fascism) is historically the longest lasting style of government in Europe
During the 100's of the Roman Empire its said that humanity was at its happiest.
God i
It's more likely than you think
>be rome
>founded as republic who won independence strongly against monarchy
>500 years later strong leader transforms it into empire
>be America
>the exact same foundation
>200 years old and we already have a stronk leader with the potential to establish an empire
>russia currently has an emperor in all but name
I give .72 odds that Russia invades the Baltic and/or rest of Ukraine before Trump is impeached.
Ottoman Empire revives and sultan erdogan tries to claim the Balkan. Eastern Europe states will first turn in anew alliance to push the muselmans back to their containment zone where they will to fight the Arabic league, which by then will include parts of Syria and Iraq. Western Europe will become the cumsluts of the American empire. Not part of it seems jure, but de facto. The Chinese realm will spread too and claim Vietnam and the Phillipines it will spread until it reaches the borders of India, the only sovereign country separating the Arabic league from the Chinese realm. Africa will be colonised by the Chinese which will cause the European alliance (aka eastern europe) to expand their dominion to North Africa while the American empire colonises the continent from the west. There will be a high blood toll once the African soil is completely split between those powers. South America is also trying to war for a bit, but nobody actually wants to smash their heads for some jungle baboons and it's almost impossible to claim coastal area without paying a high price. They will sporadically raid another's remote digging sites and make some riots everytime the coppa panamerica is held. Russia claims some of the ussr states back, but keeps quiet otherwise, waiting for their chance once the Chinese realm and the European alliance are weakened.
>During the 100's of the Roman Empire its said that humanity was at its happiest.
According to who?
Most historians.
That's autistic. Based on what? What historians?
gonna need a source here buddy
I mean I believe it, relative to the rest of the world at least, but at the same time it sounds like bullshit and the kind of thing you need to back up with a source
Sultanate of Sweden
"If a man were called to fix the period in the history of the world, during which the condition of the human race was most happy and prosperous, he would, without hesitation, name that which elapsed from the death of Domitian to the accession of Commodus." Chapter 3 - Edward Gibbon
Google is a helluva thing
Mike Duncan also made this claim in his History of Rome podcast which won awards for its detailed research.
O boy, that sure is definitive proof.
As I said, based on what?
I'm not sure if you're fucking autistic or just shitposting but we dont have a form of measurment for "happiness"
Its a claim that most classical historians agree upon. The world was mostly at peace, Rome was an economic powerhouse, standards of living were the highest they ever got, the yearly tax on the average Roman citizen amounted to only two days worth of work.
Lithuania will bring its king back.
I think you are the autist for trying to pass your highly subjective claim by some random historian's highly subjective OPINION as fact. Most classical historians? Who? You've mentioned one. Do you also think low taxes is what make people happy? Then why do Swedes have higher happiness scores than most countries with lower taxes? Improve your reasoning.
Its a subjective claim you fucking dumb cunt.
I can't make a subjective claim not subjective.
I posted two not one but you're clearly incapable of reading.
Edward Gibbon isn't just some historian, he spent his entire life studying Rome.
What the fuck do you want from me? The very fact that the Roman Empire (and later the Byzantine Empire) succeeded for so long (nearly 1400 years) and in far larger capacity than the Republic should be enough proof of my original point.
Now fuck off you democratic mob rule nigger this is a monarchy thread