Do you think this guy is a legitimate philosopher or just a charlatan and so on and so forth?
Do you think this guy is a legitimate philosopher or just a charlatan and so on and so forth?
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Go to bed, Zizek.
I think he is legitimate. He just has a "you know more than i do" complex.
Name five philosophers who aren't Jackie Chan.
he's not perfect but he's pretty based
Too legit to quit
>implying we still operate within a temporal conceptualization in which arguments are deemed appropriate
bruce lee
Is he a cult leader tho?
- loses arguments against teenagers
- deep psychological problems from being abandoned by his mother and being a melon-headed Brit at a Canadian school
- lazy stay at home dad
- sells out for shekels, libertarian yesterday, Trump shill today
He's not based.
He's a middle aged /nu/male snake oil salesman.
hes arrogant and rude.
but every once in a while the information is good.
most of the time his just a fucking leaf tho
stopped watching him about a year ago
Chackie Jan
He's not as cutting edge a thinker as perhaps he sells himself to be.
this guy is spooked too
Huge cuck
He seems like a pretty smart guy but he seems to think he is right 100% of the time and nobody can tell him otherwise. I saw one of his recent videos where he was talking to a young guy who was basically telling him to have more patience with people and Stefan got triggered and was insufferable from that point on. I can't stand his friend Mike who butts in at times when Stefan is losing the argument to gang up on the caller.
Hes a fedora faggot enabler anf a cult leader. Typical controlled opposition.
>stefcucks will claim that anyone who criticizes this is a shareblue shill