This is who Sup Forums worships

This is who Sup Forums worships.
A fucking junkie.

hell yeah

That's as creative as you get? What a pathetic attempt at trolling.

fuck off nigger, how about u worry about russia

looks like he's really into the horse race or whatever it is.

He did what he could. Even trying uppers. At least he tried.

That's what happens when you're really into the sport. Everyone does this kind of shit when they are anticipating something.

meme magic prophecy for this image explains it actually, nevermind
thanks kek


>Sup Forums is one person

It's the 1936 Olympics held in Berlin, he's watching the running or somesuch. As far as I recall Hitler was on morphine and/or meth amphetamines which at the time were commonly used medicines (as well other uses such as energy pills); these being prescribed either as a result of his WW1 injuries (such as being gassed) or other medical issues (which increased even further up until his death, alongside the amount of meds he took). He might have maybe also had ptsd/shellshock but I'm not sure. Leftfags do this thing where even though they like junkie culture and shit they can still try to 'shame' Hitler and or Sup Forums etc. for being on meds.

Your flag is slightly out of date, please patch your version to the current release.

Hitler loved Ukrainians. He said we were Aryans. We're actually just Germans who got disconnected from Germany somehow.

To be honest most people normies worship are junkies, so we're just like normal people?

Is this real?

this, don't be a filthy normie

Everyone knows this is a EXTREME free speech board.

actually looks a lot like he is on methamphetamines
i'm surprised we give it to kids

holy keke the mental acrobatics you just went through must have been tiring.

This is sped up

I like that you aren't one of the Sup Forumstards that will try to deny everything that is known about him but disliking Hitler doesn't make you a lefty....

I can't wait till the novorossiyans kick your ass

>Hitler loved Ukrainians. He said we were Aryans. We're actually just Germans who got disconnected from Germany somehow.


Don't forget the Syph

Everyone always forgets the Syph

Dudes brain was carbonated

Noah was a drunk and look at what he accomplished

That's completely new level of retardation

>sped up footage
((they)) aren't even trying anymore.

The small number who were in SS are traitors.
Most Ukrainians fought nazis, and not all of them were commies.


He wanted to exterminate you, dumbass

he just to pee really bad

It's only slightly sped up, he still looks like a fucking tweaker either way.

Are they trying the "Hitler was on drugs" narrative again? I thought we were doing the "one testicle" thing right now? People really need to get more creative with this stuff, same shit over and over for 70 years.

y-you too

Emil Georg von Stauss who worked for the Rothschilds found a mentally insane drug addict who lost his mind in the war and used him as a puppet to show the world that Globalism was needed. At the end of the day he worked for the Rothschilds.

There actually was a battalion in Volynia, but they were actually used and not respected. Himmler was reluctant about having an Ukrainian battalion.

But who cares about the opinion of these lunatics anyway, he considered Bulgaria and Romania Aryan, yet Poland was subhuman.

>Hitler loved Ukrainians
Hitler wanted to enslave all the Slavs. Honestly I can't figure out why, I mean nicely done Hitler attack part of the white race but leave niggers and dune coons alone. Could of been living in the Reich if he allied with Slavs

there literally nothing wrong with junkies, especially not when they make big things happening while being high all the time. Thats just mean they are better than you, even if they are hooked on some substance

I'm kind of ashamed. Reconsidering my idol now.

No being a junkie is truly degenerate. I don't care what Satan says.

That's a lie and you know it.


he's clearly stating what was going on. what mental gyms are you thinking of? im not defending the last sentence, as im not a historian. however, i am a medic in the current army, and what he said was true. we used medicine with morphine and amphetamines with less care than we did today.

i'm not sure if you have ever taken morphine or amphetamines, but his behavior definitely show signs of being under the influence.

I hope you have an educated reply as to why you think the OP had to go through some sort of loophole to explain his correct train of through.

No it's not. If Hitler didn't betray Stalin he'd win. Or at least take all of Western Europe then betray Stalin. His timing was shit. Russia was the primary reason Hitler lost.



i agree, hitler obviosly did a mistake when he decided to open eastern front.
He had only chance to defeat red army if he take moscow and other key cities in half a year, but he just didn't have a plan B how to fight with country with biggest humanity and energy resources in Europe, so he naturally lose.

Didn't he take uppers because he lowkey had Parkinson's Disease?

Not to defend Hitler and forget the 6 million or anything but I am pretty sure it was normal in those days for world leaders to be on amphetamines because they were working around the clock and didn't have time to sleep for days on end.

He had to act quickly because he knew the Russian attack was coming. Not much room for timing.

Looks like he was on meth.


Here's the thing. I hate kikes.
But there's so much info about (((americans))) supporting rise of Hitler. And in the end his actions are devastating for White People.
In my eyes he's either a useful idiot or a plant.

He was on meth because it pumped him up and kept him awake.

Just like JFK was downing opiates and meth on a massive scale to keep him awake and put him to sleep, while claiming it was for "muh back".

>in the end he was devastating for white people

Do you fail to realize how close he was to victory? It was the last attempt ever, now there's no way to take over the world again because of how easy news spreads and shit.

He failed, but he was so close it was worth it.