Ask a Democrat anything.
Back to front or front to back?
Observe these digits
Hi shariablue. SAGE
How big is your cock?
how prolapsed is your anus right now?
It's about 5 and a half inches.
favourite pizza topping?
Have you realized your party isn't of the workers anymore but actively fighting against them?
literally not at all
metaphorically its fucked beyond belief
what would you do if you eaten your girls ass and a little bit of cum comes out but you have cummed in her ass in like 2 weeks???????????
Why is Hillary so based?
How many dicks has your wife sucked today?
I think we're trying to change that.
u rdy for prison?
prolly the Haitian special
What is the circumference of your anus?
Why live?
What's your moms number?
why am I not 50 points ahead, you might ask?
That's a really good question that I often ask myself along with why is Obama so based. I think it's because she was a First Lady, U.S. Senator, and Secretary of State. She was the most qualified candidate for the presidency in a generation. Just imagine a world where she won the electoral college. It's so beautiful to think of.
When I'm back stateside do you want a real republican inside you? Gender is no issue.
Your entire party shits on the workers by calling them uneducated -- implying they are stupid. You shut down industry and cater to globalist trade deals that off shore jobs and import workers to take the last vestiges of the ones still here. The entire platform of the democrats is anti-citizenry. Their disdain for the worker is palpable.
I'm not married.
Any tips on how to prep the bull? I was trying to get Jamal prepped but I didn't seem to do a good job of it. How do I prepare my bull to give my wife orgasms in ways that I, as an effeminate white Democrat am simply not capable of?
I'm pretty sure it's front to back.
Are you one of those pro-skub degenerates?
Then get married so nigger near you can cuck you
OP here and yeah that sounds pretty good. I need a real man inside me to feel like a man.
Especially the white worker. Much to the democrats dismay, straight white males still hold almost all of the power in this nation. As long as they are anti-white, anti-straight and anti-male, they will never again win on the national level.
No one who want to imagine that has enough of a soul to imaginate, the owls already took it
because your life is controlled by eight witches
Well it's all anyone is talking about on CNN, MSNBC, and online articles I read. How can the Democratic Party reach out to the "white working class" we lost in 2016? I think it's a conversation we need to have since HRC somehow lost Kerry and Gore states. I see Bernie Sanders (who I didn't vote for) new role in the party as a sign we are returning to our roots as a worker's party. Keith Ellison might not be DNC chair but you see Bernie everywhere. The fight to save the ACA is definitely pro white working class. The GOP are starting to look like total assholes.
I don't actually believe in witches and that whole thing is embarrassing for us. More questions c'mon.
and you never will be
you wish m8
I might. I've gotten close before and I have a new gf.
>being this blue pilled
Just wait until those gen z kids grow of age to vote in most major states. Whites have been ethnocided. The 54% of today will drastically drop once the boomers die. It's dropping every day even if we don't take another immigrant in.
Whites need to team up and start donating to pro white causes and break the stigma if they want future political relevance
I wondered why she wasn't too but looking back she perhaps should not have said that.
What's wrong with George Soros?
I'm not sure.
The whole gen-z being more conservative is a myth. It's because white countries are becoming more muslim. White genocide is a myth. Not really a question either more of a statement.
Finally a decent question. Thanks from OP.
Soros isn't so bad and I think he gets a lot of bad press. He has things he believes in and he puts money to back them.
I can't give that to you. Sorry m8.
I have no idea.
>majority of future criminals and welfare recipients
>having power
As the shitskin population increases, the remaining whites become more and more redpilled (living around the, has a way of doing that) Why do you think trump was able to win on an anti-black-and-brown platform, despite those people making up a larger percentage of the population as ever?
Do you agree with government raising tax for better social welfare?
The entire GOP platform is anti-humanity.
I don't think I could ever be ready for prison.
Do you think you still have a chance of winning the election?
To see the end of Drumpf. Why else?
Viva le résistance.
Motivate your claims when you make ones that are so bold.
GOP is anti-humanity how?
not the 2016 election
It was stolen fair and square.
Breddy gud m8, gave me a giggle.
wanting third worlders to come collect welfare and cause crime =/ anti-humanity
>climate change denial
>anti-LGBTQ+ bigotry
>pro-Drug War
>pro gun
>anti free speech
>pro-fascist Russia
Instead of giving me some CNN-headlines, tell what proposed policies are anti-humanity and WHY.
Everyone can misrepresent their opponents to make their own side look smart. Look at what the GOP wants and tell me why its bad.
>Look at what the GOP wants and tell me why its bad.
B-b-but thinking is hard.
What do you do for a living?
If you are a millenial. Do you lift? Prob not
Why, if you are a man, do you all appear so weak mentally and physically, kind off like pussies?
>using 5 tier scale
>not ripping open you wrist right now
>climate change denial
I don't think anyone denies the sahara was once a rainforest.
>anti-LGBTQ+ bigotry
citation needed. Saying marriage is between a man and a women doesn't equate to bigotry. That's simply what it is.
What's this have to do with humanity? Immigration is for the benefit of the citizenry. This isn't a concept unique to republicans, let alone the country.
Yeah, because they are actually anti-humanity. The entire ideology is destruction and subversion of all other ideas that aren't Islam.
But they all gave to the Dem candidate
>pro-Drug War
What's this have to do with humanity. You're mixing up policy with humanity. Though perhaps you don't understand the difference since everything you base your reasoning on is >muh feels
>pro gun
Wouldn't it be anti-humanity to take a person's right to defend themselves away?
>anti free speech
There are literally anti trump protests where they burn free speech signs.
>pro-fascist Russia
citation needed
Lolz. Hillary wanted to start WW3 in Syria and Trump is pro war?
You want to start a nuclear war against Russia and Trump is bad?
You are a liar and a criminal.
I'm NEET. I'm 26 so I am a millennial. I don't lift but I do have a somewhat masculine appearance.
Come and enter a waiting list here
>somewhat masculine appearance.
I should fucking hope so being as you have a Y chromosome and all.
How does a NEET get a gf? What's your wealth, or family's wealth?
Start lifting and get a job
It'll make you more conservative and cure your leftism
Wrong pic
Trump wants war with China and Iran. His DoD could recommend ground troops in Syria. Steve Bannon sees the United States and the west as basically at war with Islam. Russia is a threat to Europe and the United States. They are escalating the conflict in Ukraine and they hacked our election. Assad is a war criminal who needs to go.
Trump is the liar and the criminal.
>Trump is the liar and the criminal.
citation needed
why do you take everything so fucking literally
I wish I could. I'd escape Trump. I could get my teeth fixed and I could smoke all the weed I wanted.
Bottom or reallllllllyyyy sub bottom?
>Obama wasn't born in the U.S.
>Obama wire tapped Trump tower
>Trump U
>won't release tax returns
>possible treason/collusion with Russia
What other way is there to take things?
What language is that?
Please don't we have enough long haired do nuffin retards here
Sounds like me haha. You guys taking refugees?
wrong answer
Why are you so morally deficient to legitimately believe that a mandate can come from a simple majority and not a plurality of citizens and that mob rule can rightfully overturn the legitimate rule of law at the expense of the minority.
Also why is it so hard for Democrats to accept that the big switch is a myth?
Only brown ones with a hostile religion
You're shit outta luck
>Obama wasn't born in the US
Legitimate concern, he admitted he was wrong.
Even though he probably wasn't.
>Obama wiretapped Trump Tower
That's true.
>Trump U
Literally no admission of guilt.
>won't release taxes
Not a crime.
>muh Russia
So the minority should rule over the majority like it's doing now? I don't think so.
hey maaaaaan
whats wrong with long hair?
wished the bombs would have gotcha
Hey there Styx.
Not an argument.
t. Styx
>not actively oppressing minorities with power is literal aristocracy
>democrat brain power
yep checks out
If that was really your conern, then why wouldnt you oppose the manifestation of rule? Things like, I dunno, legal privilege. Why arent you in favor of prioritizing legal reform to ensure equal application of the law towards the rich and their friends, and the abolition of corporate welfare which is maintained by theft? Why do you choose the ideology and party that cares little for these things and instead support the faction whose ideology is the same except just for different groups?
Holy shit that got me I actually laughed
No not yet, he is livin the dream though. My hair is only down to my chest.
Also I was equally curious about the second bit, why Democrats find it so legitimately difficult to accept that the 'Big Switch' was superficial and not all that big, and that ideologically theyre the same party that they were 100 years ago.
i hav a weener nad want a vagina?
Are you that arab jesus guy from hwndu?
How do you lose an election if you're too smart?
Nope, whites as a winter dawn. Uncut hair is the mark of a freeman, only those people bound by necessity or obligation cut their hair. Also my hair is a beautiful color.
I need to look neat for job interviews. And my hair becomes a mess after 5cm
Shame. And not doubt its a mess, definitely more trouble. I do get my hair cut from time to time, and when I do it all goes. Im not a girl Im not gonna pay money to get it trimmed. But I only get it cut every few years.
I dont understand the "professionalism" meme, isnt professionalism and attitude, not an appearance? Dumb social mores.
Why are you on /pol cuck