Redpill me on vaccinations, Sup Forums. Are they good or not? They must work because we're eliminating diseases and saving lives, but why do so many people think it's the elixir of the devil then?
Redpill me on vaccinations, Sup Forums. Are they good or not...
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They're good. Talk to your GP if you have any questions, he's the one qualified to answer them.
They are the mark of the beast.
>Why do people say dumb things
truly a mystery, op
I got vaccinated and look at me : I'm posting on a Siberian snow eating forum at 4:00 a.m.....only mildly autistic
same reason a lot of people do stupid shit
>but why do so many people think it's the elixir of the devil then?
Because they don't trust doctors injecting shit into their children.
They're a classic example of the free-riding problem. Taking vaccines is a risk and so long as everyone else takes them you don't have to take that risk, so people don't.
Let me put it this way: there are no anti-vaxxers in third world shitholes that actually have epidemics of the diseases against which we vaccinate. Vaccinations do work, and even if they have negative side effects they should STILL be mandatory because the benefits outweigh the costs.
>muh babby muh choice
These people deserve a jackboot to the fucking mouth until sufficient damage has been done that they can never utter anything so stupid again for the rest of their lives.
Freedom for freedom's sake is the position of blind ideologues. Freedom is merely a political tool that serves human purpose, and where freedoms interfere with our goals then freedoms should be curtailed.
They're not a danger to vaccinated children. It's children with compromised immune systems who medically can't safely recieve a vaccine, or kids too young to get vaccines yet, that are put in danger by the disease floating around.
Vaccines are the best thing that happened to humanity.
If vaccines were bad, then how is humanity still alive today? think about it.
Well I agree, I read articles about anti-vax parents and how they're kids get sick because of it, and that's exceptionally bad parenting at the very least. I also read an article about some kid whose teeth fell out or something because the mother didn't believe in fluoride.
What's Sup Forums's opinion on fluoride? Same weird controversy there it seems.
fuck you auscunt
orthodox jews don't vaccinate
>why do so many people think it's the elixir of the devil
same reason imbeciles vote for trump
same reason bluepilled sheep drink the religion koolaid
same reason 1 in 4 people have a sincerely held personal belief that the Sun revolves around the Earth
A significant percentage of the human gene pool has nigger brains and the only solution is to prevent them from breeding.
Look at this fucking retard, for example: Just pure stupid on parade.
ugh... their*
>What's Sup Forums's opinion on fluoride?
Sup Forumss opinion is that the Jews did it and it turns you gay, but in the real world it's universally considered as a good thing.
Again, even if it does turn you gay the money saved from preventable dental issues makes it worth it in a cost-benefit sense anyway.
There have been a million and one retarded Jews did it explanations for how every policy ever made is bad and destroying the world, but society keeps on trucking. Either the Jews are really, really bad at breaking the world or they're not even trying.
You choose.
vaccines ingredient list: powdered blue pills, mycoplasma, mercury
i agree with everything you said but there must be some kind of medical examination before giving vaccines since not every child is reacting well to them. For example, my cousin was well developed kid, talking, walking, smiling, and hours after getting a vaccine he got a fever, stopped talking, stopped walking and went back to crawling, for some reason had a very bad reaction to the shot. Later in the coming years he was diagnosed with autism, and now he just draws and re-enacts commercials he sees on tv hundreds of times a day. It was even acknowledged by the medical community that it was caused by a vaccine.
So i agree that vaccines are beneficial but theres gotta be some kind of examination before, you cant just inject kids with shit and not check how they react.
The problem is usually not the vaccine itself as the other retards in this thread are trying to imply in order to easily conclude that people against vaccines are stupid.
No, the problem is that when you inject a vaccine into a baby you inject much more than that, and some stuff that is common in vaccines nowadays because it reduces the cost are known to hurt the body. Just like generics: idiots will tell you they are exactly the same as the active stuff is indeed the same, but they forget to tell you that what goes around it is not, and usually not for the better as people will only buy the cheapest drug.
I guess it's easier to bury stories like yours and pretend there's no problem, while simultaneously flexing one's dick with "anti-vax shutdown" threads on reddit and various other shit.
Maybe that's the real (((conspiracy))), vaccinations are necessary but sloppily implemented because fuck your shitty kids anyway?
You guys are all retards.
THE PROBLEM IS NOT THE VACCINE ITSELF BUT THE PRESERVATIVE USED IN THE VACCINE. For example (among others) the preservative Thimerosal aka Mercury. Give a kid a bunch of vaccines all at once and you pump them full of mercury which affects their brain.
"By age two, American children have received 237 micrograms of mercury through vaccines alone, which far exceeds current EPA "safe" levels of .1 mcg/kg. per day."
This whole argument is like someone saying don't drink tapwater because the flouride may affect your IQ. Then nigger faggots saying there's nothing wrong with water and waters good. No its the flouride in the water you faggots, and it is the preservative in the vaccine also.
Poor kid. One of the shit they inject along with the vaccine itself must have entered the nervous system or brain.
this, glad i have non-retarded countrymates
also sanitation, i.e. running water, soap and safe shit disposal.
Vaccines on their own are not harmful, in fact are quite helpful.
Unfortunately, ((((they)))) put all kinds of shit in vaccines that we don't know about.
You're absolutely right.
What I'm about to say is incredibly presumptive and I'm certain that anyone in your situation or even closer to the affected child would love to put me in my place, and I acknowledge that, but nothing works perfectly. There are costs to every course of action and in medicine these costs are human costs. On a cost-benefit analysis for society we still win, even if your cousin and your family lose.
Vaccines are already developed to high standards and yes, we should still be trying to improve them and all that, but it's not witch-doctor hocus pocus juice. People make the best vaccines that they can. They're just not perfect.
Thimerosal isn't used in any vaccines any more except for some older flu shots or in trace amounts (as in such tiny amounts that it's effectively zero).
Keep on posting that pseudoscience though senpai.
Feel free to source your quote back to
Wow, for once a kangaroo fucker makes a good post. Shout out to my town for not putting fluoride in the water, or anything at all for that matter.
I just had to do four vaccines at once for my one year and a half baby. I can only hope she is a lucky girl..
They work but they can go wrong, just like most things in medicine. Of course saying that, since we aren't doctors for all we know "working" could mean turning you gay.
Same here. I was ahead in my milestones and now I have autism and a NEET. Although to be fair, part of it isn't just autism, it's growing up in an extremely abusive household and being bullied all my life for being "weird". I was getting straight As and had a social life until about 4th or 5th grade, long after getting vaccines.
>tfw am lesbian because vaccines
Can't even be mad, girls are pretty.
Thimerosal is a compound of mercury, not elemental Mercury. It doesn't have the same effect as mercury. There's a compound of mercury that goes through fucking latex gloves, into your skin and into your brain and kills you (Dimethyl Mercury, shit's seriously fucked), that doesn't mean you're going to instantly die because you touched any kind of mercury.
Salt contains Chlorine. Chlorine is an EXTREMELY toxic gas. That doesn't make salt toxic. Turns out, things react differently in different compounds, Thimerosal doesn't decompose into elemental mercury or anything of the sort and isn't toxic by itself just like salt isn't toxic by itself.
TL;DR Australian chemistry education must suck.
i think i d want my daughter to be lesbian, thought of any cocks in her bothers me.
vaccines allow you to acquire immunities to diseases before being infected with them thereby preventing you from every getting sick from that disease .
>but why do so many people think it's the elixir of the devil then?
nobody thinks that , because it makes no sense. how is saving people from disease a bad thing ?.
Btfo by a gypsy
Australia on suicide watch.
Kek. Actually, I'm not fully lesbo, I just don't like the look of dicks, but I wouldn't mind having one in me. But the look of vaginas I do like.
Although honestly I don't want either of them anywhere near me at this point in my life. I'd like to remain an autistic virgin NEET. Well, not the NEET part at least.
>why do so many people think it's the elixir of the devil then?
Basic stupidity.
>looks at flag
>reads comment
It checks out.
Alright, correction, it IS toxic in high concentrations, it simply isn't toxic the way mercury is and isn't in the concentrations found in vaccines. My point stands, you can't judge one chemical by the elemental metal in it, because chemistry doesn't work that way.
>They must work because we're eliminating diseases and saving lives.
Vaccines work. Of that there is no doubt. The question we should be asking is should those lives be saved?
Follow up question: Are we not contributing to the overall degeneration of the species by letting those whose immune systems are not strong live long enough to reproduce and spread their weakness to the next generation?
>A fucking leaf
"Oh Thimerosal isn't used in my country therefore it isn't used anywhere" fucking retard. It's still used all over the world. Keep spewing that pro vac garbage though bro
I get where you're coming from but she won't ever truly be happy without children.
Also, lesbians have the highest case of domestic violence of any group.
Cait fuck off
like Stephen Hawking?
He should have been left to die by your logic?
ah so you are virgin. i agree tho, grils are a lot more asthetically pleasing, and dicks are ugly as fuck. men are disgusting.
t. a man
'Member when there was a measles outbreak at Disney World, and it turned out it came from people that had been vaccinated?
what does israel have to do with vaccination ?. im pretty sure it was invented by chinese people or something that had no idea why it worked like many hundreds of years ago.
Yeah, i understand that, i also think they are beneficial to society as a whole, thats why i said few posts earlier that vaccines are the best thing that happened to humanity.
To be honest, i prefer that (((they))) use that rhetoric when making pro-vaccine arguments than simply dismissing the fact that sometimes vaccines can cause more harm than good to the individuals.
Your arguments might hold some water, but vaccines can give you the advantage of fully eliminating the disease, at which point the genetic weakness to the specific disease is irrelevant.
Why the fuck did this become about lesbians
>implying I care about third world niggers
>implying a little bit of mercury is worse than a lot of polio
Seriously, shut the fuck up. If keeping costs low enough to put slightly toxic vaccines in the hands of seriously in danger people is necessary, then that's still a win for the good guys in the fight against disease.
>TL;DR Australian chemistry education must suck.
>implying it's even a thing in australia
but yeah you're right. people fails to understand that byproducts or subproducts aren't necessarely toxic
i mean you can extract cyanide out of apple seeds and almonds, should we ban trees?
>Redpill me on vaccinations, Sup Forums. Are they good or not? They must work because we're eliminating diseases and saving lives, but why do so many people think it's the elixir of the devil then?
If you think they're evil, then don't take them.
that way with some luck, the natural selection can run it's course.
Guy said he'd want his daughter to be lesbian because someone else said they're lesbian because I made a joke vaccines might be made to make you gay.
You're right. People who say that vaccinating is a good choice for the individual are lying. So long as we have herd immunity the rational choice for an individual parent is not to vaccinate. It's a free-riding problem.
So that's where the jackboots come in.
what if i said i don't give a fuck?
Retarded Hitler lovers like to blame everything on the Jews
Even if it rains..
The question is not whether it is beneficial to society as a whole. The question is do vaccines have a possibility of having any negative side effects. Provacs say there is 0% of negative side effects therefore there should be 0 research. Antivac say we should keep researching to see what are the side effects and how can we prevent them in the future
>oy vey they're catching on
And they also say not to vaccinate.
Convenient that you left that bit out.
I am not personally antivac. But surely if some kids have bad side effects you want to know why?
it's much safer to keep antivaxers ignorant. honestly this kind of people is already this retarded and they got nothing to prove their point, should you give them anything to cling on, they would have a disturbing ammount of power
it's just not safe.
Men aren't disgusting, I'm no man hating feminist. Their dicks just almost universally repulse me.
Kike. You are a kike.
The only thing it'll be raining is acid rain right onto your kike skull.
I agree completely. It's weird how it's become a polarized issue like this. Why do people attach their egos to vaccination implementation?
It's not the original vaccine that is the problem. What happens is they sub-contract the production to other smaller (and sometimes overseas) firms. You don't think they cut corners?? So, you are crossing your fingers they didn't cut that many corners so Mr. Fong could buy his daughter a new BMW for her graduation. BTW, FDA sure as hell doesn't have the people (or funds) to test all that stuff. They rely mostly on these companies doing "self-testing". You can fact check this if you dig deep enough.
>The only thing it'll be raining is acid rain right onto your kike skull.
If inbreeding is bad then how is this leaf still alive? think about it.
So you're saying it's safer for people to think that Tamiflu works than to know that the drug was a hoax?
old people with cottage cheese sperm blame their autistic kids on vaccines, like trump and deniro.
no, i'm saying that every medication has counterindications, but it's something educated men and women know and accept, which is why people vaccinate.
those who don't vaccinate refuse to do so because "it's said" that vaccines cause autism (nothing proved, ever) or contain toxic compounds (again, nothing proved) and because Jenny McCarthy so. So their proof is nonexistant and there are already enough antivaxers in the world. Now immagine giving them the slightest of proof like, idk "one of the preservatives inside might be related to a single cause of death back in 1988", it would serve as a proof and they would go on and on and on on this single case "immagine if that was your son! it might happen again!"
so yeah, no, i'd rather them staying ignorant so that their impossible-to-prove proofs aren't convincing enough and people will still vaccinate. ignorance is a bliss, knowledge can be misused for evil (and more ignorance)
Here's the problem:
Let's say a given vaccine has a 80% chance of conferring immunity to a disease which can cause lifelong disability. It also has a 1% chance of causing complications, which can itself lead to a lifelong disability.
So the decision whether or not to vaccinate comes down to how likely you think it is your kid will be exposed to this disease.
So now the math is:
If (ExposureChance*ImmunityRate)>(ComplicationChace)
Then Vaccinate
But the problem is, the more prevalent the vaccine is, the less likely your child will be exposed to the disease.
So you're sending your kid to preschool. Every other kid in the preschool is vaccinated. There hasn't been a case of this disease in your country for 20 years. Let's say there's a 1% chance of your kid being exposed to this disease.
It's in the parents' best interest for EVERY OTHER kid to be vaccinated, but for their OWN kid NOT to be.
> It's children with compromised immune systems who medically can't safely recieve a vaccine, or kids too young to get vaccines yet
Well that's weird, because the last time I checked kids were getting vaccines the day they're born, and without any fucking clue what their immune system is like.
Source: I had to sign a form because I said "no" to my kid receiving three different vaccines right there in the delivery room.
Do you ever feel
like a maple leaf
blowing in the wind
never to return again
>So the decision whether or not to vaccinate comes down to how likely you think it is your kid will be exposed to this disease.
unless people sneezes directly in your face so you know you're fucked, you sometimes get a fever don't you? it's not like you have a choice in it. it's not really about choices.
>So you're sending your kid to preschool. Every other kid in the preschool is vaccinated. There hasn't been a case of this disease in your country for 20 years. Let's say there's a 1% chance of your kid being exposed to this disease.
problem is that vaccines do not give immunity to diseases, it gives your immune system to know what it's going to face so it's going to build antibiotics able to fight. You know how you go to places with malaria or other bullshit diseases and you get a vaccine? it's because your immune system is not accustomed to that, so should you get in contact with the disease, you will get it (and likely, die)
It's the reason why doctors can hang around sick people on daily basis and not being sick 24/7, exposition and vaccines raise your defenses.
its always a little suspicious when the science is settled on something & they recommend no further investigation should take place, & if you do, then you are persecuted for it...
ha! sounds like a historical event!
do your research, here's a start..
dr suzanne humphries :'
dr sherri tenpenny
dr. james jeffrey bradstreet:
good movies to find :
i/ vaxxed
ii/ trace amounts
good site :
fun facts :
i/ msm push it hard
ii/ check out our good friend bill gates contribution
iii/ find proper names of vaccines & read their actual inserts
ave a larf you limey geez
Didnt you read the thread yesterday?
Saudi Arabia is now vaccinating every Danish chlid, through a private company.
Prepare to get some shit injected into your children by the royal saudies.
Thanks, saving it for later watching
Missed that
RIP Denmark
Wasn't the HPV vaccine causing menopause in teenagers
>hur dur lets focus on vaccines instead of the shit people are putting into their mouth 3x a day for 70+ years
no one off event is going to cause as much damage as a shit diet
protip : i havent been sick once in the last 15 years and i have no doubt a large part of that is because i got vaccinated
I dont know how the stuff works in your country, here almost everything is covered by insurance so i they avoid doing the necessary medical examinations on babies and kids before injecting them with vaccines in order avoid additional costs that they would otherwise have. I don't think there's some kind of new world order/population control conspiracy, they are just trying to save money.
No, but since the CDC has a special note on their website saying it doesn't, I wouldn't be surprised if tinfoils spread that it does.
The same reason people think that autism is caused by parasites and can be cured by giving their kids enemas with an industrial-grade bleach solution.
People are fucking retarded.
Doesn't faecal transplant cure severe screeching autism
you like being injected with aborted fetus bro?
and carcinogens?
You can find lists of ingredients online, these are in the MMR from memory. But there are all types of nasty shit in them.
And your going to bring a baby into this world and poison it as soon as it pops out? get real you retard.
And you get all the fluoride your body needs from don't need it in water, or ANYTHING, it causes fluoride toxification (look up the symptoms)
yo, it's the (((CDC))), you know me. I refuse to believe anything until 110
How do vaccines cause autism?
i was about to violently lash out on you
good job, italianfriendo
>What's Sup Forums's opinion on fluoride? Same weird controversy there it seems.
Shouldn't be in tap water. They did that in Amsterdam, but the supreme court shut it down because a) clean tap water is considered a basic necessity the state MUST provide and b) water must be as pure as possible, so no additives. Just filtration.. Bottled water sometimes comes from the same springs as tap water here, and in those cases tap water is actually more pure because mineral water can have a higher mineral content as tap water (sounds obvious I guess).. Additionally, fluor is considered a medicine so it should be prescribed or adminstered by a doctor.. I had to bite in cups with fluor gel at the dentist when I was a kid. That's legal.. Mixing medicine into the water supply without choice or medical professionals intervening is not.
I think that's fair enough.
Only retard science denial feminists may think vaccines are bad.
Don't like vaccines? let's put you and your retard kids all toghether in a city and wait
for the experiment's results
Are you plain retarded, or are you actually trying to be a scientifically illiterate fuckwit?
You understand that thiomersal (C9H9HgNaO2S) is a compound, and not elemental mercury, right? Do you understand basic fucking first day Chemistry 101 here?
Breathing in nothing but H2 will kill you in a couple minutes, but hydrogen is found in water? WOAH WTF CHEMISTRY
Further, all infant vaccines have < 1ug of thiomersal in them in the US.