Liberal scientists inadvertently BTFO themselves trying to prove Republicans are sexist

This is fucking great.

>We both thought that the inversion would confirm our liberal assumption—that no one would have accepted Trump’s behavior from a woman, and that the male Clinton would seem like the much stronger candidate. But we kept checking in with each other and realized that this disruption—a major change in perception—was happening. I had an unsettled feeling the whole way through.

>Many were shocked to find that they couldn’t seem to find in Jonathan Gordon what they had admired in Hillary Clinton—or that Brenda King’s clever tactics seemed to shine in moments where they’d remembered Donald Trump flailing or lashing out. For those Clinton voters trying to make sense of the loss, it was by turns bewildering and instructive, raising as many questions about gender performance and effects of sexism as it answered

Here is one of the clips

Other urls found in this thread:


that woman would be universally praised, the guy would be a laughing stock

they're finally starting to understand

meme will never stop being relevant


What did he mean by this?

The only thing that's slightly off-putting about femTrump is the hand gesturing. It doesn't work for anyone but actual Trump.

This. Plus it's really hard to authentically copy Trump's voice (especially when you have to play his character as a woman).

The sad part is this will cause no self-reflection, no admittance that maybe these people who obsess over race and gender are actually irrevocably biased and just spouting their own insecurities.

Trump looks like an even stronger candidate.

wtf I love girl Trump now

Part of the issue here is that when the genders are swapped, it looks like a beta cuck getting dominated by a woman. In the actual debates, it didn't look that way, in part because Clinton, as a woman, can get away with feminine behaviors and being measured without it inspiring a negative reaction.

Also, that woman is a good actress. would fuk

People like strong, confident and honest candidates that talk like humans and hate slimey false politicians that talk like androids. Regardless of gender. Who knew?

what movie is that Bale pic from

>that no one would have accepted Trump’s behavior from a woman
Are these people literally insane? Women can get away with absolutely anything.

>tfw no loli Trump

>Some people, mostly children, also use the gesture to excuse their telling of a white lie. By extension, a similar belief is that crossing one's fingers invalidates a promise being made.

A Murder of Quality

Crossing your fingers can also mean you are hoping something good happens instead of the bad alternative

>People like strong, confident and honest candidates that talk like human

Society is sexist you pig, that's why

>goyim starting to wake up
>Hilary running for 2020

Geez, I wonder what's gonna happen next.

Female Trump sounds like a middle aged Jewess


>imagine what we could accomplish with ivanka running next time

Kek make it happen

I like how every one of the guy's jabs at brenda sound super sexist, "I know you live in your own reality, Brenda." They would have crucified trump for talking down like that to a woman, but everyone laughs when clinton does it. neat double standard experiment

Is that actually Ivanka? It looks a lot like her but I don't understand why she'd do that.

but shes a libtard

Post full video of debate, want to introduce normies to it who don't like to read

> oy vey goyim dont share this social experiment that didnt work out how we wanted


>but I don't understand why she'd do that.

don't admit to being a moron, keep it to yourself. It's your secret.

Rude as fuck.

>There was a guy two rows in front of me who was literally holding his head in his hands, and the person with him was rubbing his back

Good article, more neutral on Trump than I thought it would be. Interesting read for someone like me whose native language isn't English.

clearly this misogyny is ingraned thouroughly by the culture and we need womens only givernment by fat lezza dykes. KILL ALL MEN!


I spent like 20 minutes searching too

fuck the guardian

this is great


She really nailed the Trump hand waving. Trump is a natural leader, dick or no dick. Male Hillary seems like a wimpy cuck, no wonder people dislike her. FemTrump seems like a badass.

How do we find the full video?

Academic leftists have been living in a delusional state for a long time. They just make up stuff about conservatives or people not like them and are bewildered when reality doesn't conform to their hallucinations.

Can you not share it?

It's a hand gesture that means they are being coerced against their will

top kek, this is great. So many delusional libcucks who actually think the issue with Clinton was that she had a vagina.

i want her to cosplay Giorno

She was trying on one of the Trump character wigs at SNL, from when Trump hosted.

This is just the clip.

I hope that at least one person has downloaded the video.

Hillary really was the worst candidate ever huh.

goddamn that woman is perfection

They won't learn anything from this. Zealots always sweep inconvenient facts under the rug when it doesn't suit their ideology.


If you fucking idiots want forced equality, carbon taxes, and to pay for abortions, go ahead elect a woman as president who's biggest accomplishment is fucking a Jew and selling clothes

>Ivanka runs as a Dem
>the general election is Trump vs. Trump
>Trump 2020 signs everywhere

And yet people still voted for her, sad.

I don't know who is more retarded, the people in this thread or the people conducting this """"experiment""""
For one, sex isn't just flipping a gender, there are a lot of convoluted variables involved such as sexual harassment committed by a women is seen as not as serious or the fact that a male Hillary Clinton wouldn't have to endure years of sexism trying to get her law degree or years of witch hunting from the right because he's a male.

tl;dr they are completely different people from the actual candidates and only shows people following preconceived notions can lead them to look pretty retarded.

As a fan of the scientific method I am triggered. Fuck NYU for sponsoring this garbage.

>libheral scienists

It took a scientist to figure out that a dirty, rotten criminal was a poor candidate for president, regardless of gender.


you mean that it doesn't have anything to do with gender but with likeability? WOAH I'M SO SHOCKED!

Fucking liberal.

You can, unlisted just means it won't show up in a search.

It's a military thing. By crossing their fingers POWs show they are being coerced and they are not actually cooperating with the enemy.

its fucking hilarious because they are actually admitting themselves that they are being extremely sexist.

>There was someone who described Brenda King [the female Donald Trump] as his Jewish aunt who would take care of him, even though he might not like his aunt.
Who's surprised?

>Someone else described her as the middle school principal who you don’t like, but you know is doing good things for you.
Maybe some of them do sort of get it though.

I noticed that, too. Unsettling, even.

>because they are actually admitting themselves that they are being extremely sexist.
No, they aren't. That would be the logical conclusion though. They won't admit a goddamned thing. They will pretend this never happened and go on with their virtue signalling like usual. Lefties are incapable are rational thought.

Who cares? They were guaging reactions to speech patterns and uncovered liberal biases that they admitted themselves. The only question is how would people react to the speaking styles if the genders were reversed. The backgroundof the candidates is irrelevant.

They spent how much money on this faggotry?

...Liberals man. Fucking stupid.


Also did their genderflip reenactment end with the guy being picked up and tossed into the back of a van by two burly guards? It should've, for true authenticity.

>Also, that woman is a good actress.
Guy is better IMO, nails Shillary's smug half-laughs and condescension.

Listen to them stumble over their words trying to articulately pussyfoot around outright saying they just wanted a woman to win

Oy vey indeed

fucking hilarious

>guy gets dominated
>everyone hates the beta cuck

>woman uses social shaming
>alpha she-wolf without compromised femininity
Ivanka Trump will destroy them all when she runs.

Top fucking kek. I was going give them some credit for publishing results that obviously shocked them and undermined their narrative, but not so much now.


>Hillary really was the worst candidate ever huh.
Unlike a lot of Sup Forums I didn't vote Trump, but I sure as hell didn't vote for Clinton either. She fucking butchered her own party.

>libtards find women are given a pass in the vast majority of social situations
>this is shocking to them

>you will never be dommed by femTrump

why even live

Only if she insists that I breed with her.

This. No matter how many fluff they place around Hillary it all was ultimately resumed in "muh glass ceiling"

We will never be having this experiment if Clinton had won, the background it's brutally important, this isn't a serious experiment, it's just chance for us to laugh at hypocrisy.

You can't just throw in a whole bunch of variables that will affect the outcome and say "yeah its because of the speech patterns" or whatever you thought it was before you conducted the experiment.
It's irresponsible and leads to terrible policy like Trump's Muslim ban.

Do you know how experiments work? All they wanted to account for was sex, so they did their best to isolate the variable by emulating everything else. As far as social experiments go, this is passable.

Same. Frankly I laughed at the retard tier IQ of people on both sides of the aisle. Personally, I made the only intelligent choice for president - Evan McMullin.

So if trump said what Hillary said he'd be likeable
And if Hillary said what trump said she's be unlikable

This means she said sensible and likeable things

And he did not

This doesn't btfo anyone
Except trump and his loyal mouth breathers


Good Lord leftists are annoying fucking cucks.

this, so much this
it would have been a literal landslide for trump if it was mrs donna trump vs mr hillarion clinton

Yes but how can we relate this to Harry Potter tho?

Remember to double down whenever this story is brought up.

>Women SHOULD get more slack
>Women seem superior in debates because they ARE superior
>ONLY men need to worry about being sexist

Because we all know everyone of the tens of thousands of women going into law are sexually harassed every day right? Law school is like the fucking Congo. And of course no male politician has ever been unfairly criticized by the opposition party or the MSM.

Your version of the scientific method seems to make a lot of libshit assumptions about the world.

Liberals are idiots and intersectionality is a failed ideology. They'll never admit it though.

Source on the graph?

don't worry sve- i mean Mohammad, i have

toplel emulander, here is a (you)

>asking for a souce of an obvously satirical graph
Leaf, please.

Omg is that an illuminati hands signal?

The hypothesis was that Trump's behavior wouldn't have been acceptable if it came from a woman.
They didn't isolate the necessary variables. For one, they would have needed to find a room full of Americans who haven't heard of Hillary and Trump, which is impossible and makes it dead on arrival, and the audience only had to listen to female Trump for a few hours rather than close to a year.

The experiment, however, does show that we hate feminine men and like overprotective mother figures. That's something that can be better isolated for future experiments but it doesn't say anything about the election.

In English, please.


Commies are ideologically opposed to Liberalism, the people who espouse intersectionality are not liberal in any way shape or form.

theguardian - the whole picture

French FN and German AfD far-right parties both have women as leaders and nobody seems to mind. From this it's already pretty obvious that far-right leaning people don't neccesarily mind whether a politician is female or male.

Some youtuber guys should pick up this idea and do more of this.

Use the gender crap against them!!!

>triggered the post