Convince me to vote Geert Wilders.
Dutch politics
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He will rule the world.
Haven't you heard? We /Thierry/ now.
why is this?
Active shill base, I guess. It works as well; I went out and bought Breek het partijkartel and bought a ticket for the Thierry-train.
he is David Brocks nobody
Kek wills you to vote Geert!
More like Great Wilders.
It's a reference to a children's video game in which people are composed of two parts.
He will remove Paki kebab.
oy vey, he loves Israel goy, of course vote for him! are you anti-semitic or something?
If you like his performance and achievements in the last 12 years, vote him!
>pic related, the only person that showed up for the demonstration Wilders planned this morning in front of the Turkish embassy.
Watch this video.
Lads is there an alternative to Geert Wilders who has similar policies to him on immigration but isnt a kike zionist?
Israel as a country looks really nice and isn't like the rest of the shit hole middle east.
this already says so much
Support for PVV on Sup Forums was always reluctant, for lack of a better alternative. We considered him 'based' because he was the only anti Islam anti EU candidate, but he was always a poor man's Pim Fortuyn, a leftist and a meme.
People are starting to wake up to the fact that Geert sabotages himself every time he gets close to power. Where the fuck has he been the past weeks? He overplayed the security issue, and even then he could have sent Bosma or Fleur to some debates. He has been invisible.
Then there is the ridiculous one-sheeter in pic related. Even meme parties like Piratenpartij and Art1kel have more substance. Whenever anyone presses Geert for ANY details he just shouts 'you know damn well', even though we obviously don't. It contains ridiculous mistakes (NEXIT has 0 net economic impact? Lolwut?) and the word ETCETERA inpoint 7 for fuck's sake. What does he mean by this? He won't tell us. And what is 'innovation' and why would you cancel it?
There are those on Sup Forums who believe him to be a zionist puppet. I personally couldn't give less of a shit about Israel but I am starting to suspect that he is controlled opposition. We jumped ship to the first reasonable alternative. That's either FvD or VNL. I identify with FvD more since I think direct democracy is the only way to break the center-left grip on our country that has been going on since WW2, but either one is fine. Provided you have any faith in Jan Roos.
Ask yourself what Geert has accomplished in the past 19 years and if his party truly deserves a 4th chance.
Yep, that sums it up nicely.
So 97.5% of all Turkish people and 94,9% of all Antilleans do perfectly fine? That's quite a positive message to be honest.
you dont want to be left behind after year zero.
If you are still curious what the burgers are doing I seriously suggest you watch Alex Jones' show from yesterday. He brought out most of the heavy hitters to talk about happenings + vault 7. The first 2 interviews in hour 1 are political/intelligence operators, and give the true perspective of current state of affairs.
I dont know about his politics tbqhfamalam. But I know he has been pointed out by a number of sources I trust, including the only dutch media dude I trust, as /ourguy/.
If you see what is happening in the US and UK, its LITERALLY a cold revolutionary war and we are winning. If you want to be on the right side of it, wilders appears to be your dude.
ANti Islam views and ban on immigration from islamic countries along with ant EU stance should be reasons enough to vote for him.
This nonsense that he hasn't done anything in xy years is pure BS. As if other far right parties in EUrope have had significance till recently.
The nationalist movement is in full swing NOW, not 5 years ago, and it certainly wont be alive in 10 years if you pass up on politicians such as Geert.
>People are starting to wake up to the fact that Geert sabotages himself every time he gets close to power. Where the fuck has he been the past weeks?
Women, (small) children, elderly, guilty but not arrested, just lazy pieces of shit collecting welfare etc. Doing fine is oversimplifying things.
The same video says 40% of Moroccan teens have had dealings with the police.
>desacrating the flag with a picture of an indo-jew
We've had anti-immigration politicians since Hans Janmaat in the 80s. They come and go. Wilders' era seems to come to an end.
'Dealings with the police' is vague though. What does that mean, have they been questioned for something? Have they been convicted of a serious offense?
I've been questioned for things in the past, even though I was innocent, and are quite a formidable citizen. Does that mean I have had dealings with the police? Does lighting fireworks on December 30th count as having dealings with the police?
I always get the feeling that those statistics are incredibly twisted to fit one's agenda. I'm not denying there's a problem, but I don't trust those people to provide only facts.
You don't
Squalor and filled houses and apartments happens either way, might as well fill them with the best people you can get.
>He overplayed the security issue, and even then he could have sent Bosma or Fleur to some debates. He has been invisible.
He could have at least doubled down security to show that he 'won't be silenced by...'
If he played the security thing right he could be sitting on over 40 atm.
Sure it's vague. I don't remember if it's defined further in the video; I watched it a couple of weeks ago. And of course statistics and agendas go hand in hand.
Still, certain groups being 6 times more likely to commit crimes is bad in anyone's book.
Thierry is better but Geert has more zetels dus Geert omdat Thierry dit jaar geen kans heeft en je anders je stem weggooit
Don't, vote FvD
Heb je enig idee wie de nummer, ik zeg maar wat, 29 van de PVV is en of die beter zou zijn in de kamer dan Thierry Baudet of Theo Hiddema?
But its not
that means that if you are in a room with 200 turks most likely at least 5 of them committed a crime
Also listen to what stefan says at 7 min mark
>between the ages of 12 and 24 40% of moroccans have been arrested, fined, or charged
>it reaches 50% in some places
so I guess we can assume its over 25% or so for turks
still looks so good?
Have you never been fined, arrested or charged? I'm sure you've had a fine once for public drinking, lighting fireworks on the wrong day, or something silly like that.
I'm not trying to deny there's a problem, i'm really not, but these figures require some nuance.
>eigen risico zorg geheel afschaffen
this is what made me look for alternatives
So if not FvD what next?
PVV won't be able to get antything off the ground.
Look at the comma
Good goy
the only fine i've ever got was for driving over speed limit or parking in wrong place.
But we are still talking about people in the ages between 12 and 24, yeah things happen but this number is just ridiculous.
Especially that we are only talking about the part that ever got caught, think about how many of them are, stealing for example.
I sure don't.
Let's vote cuckyKlaver instead :^)
Are there even schools who don't teach about the holocaust?
We have islamic schools nao.
Hoezo geen kans? 3 zetels minium.
Why not?
He isn't in charge of his own security sadly, the state is. Still. Bosma is AT LEAST as good as Geert in debating but he gets zero airtime. All Geert had to to do to win bigly was not fuck up and yet again he failed.
What the fuck do you expect? A 'gas the kikes race war now' at the end of every speech? You know damn well that is political suicide.
Like I said I couldn't give less of a shit about muh Jew boogeyman but Geert is the biggest Israel shill there is.
>Especially that we are only talking about the part that ever got caught
Keep in mind that, due to the existing problems, the police keeps a really close eye on the areas they live in. I live in Friesland, and I don't think I ever saw police in my village.
I've done typical youth-things that might get you fined if there's police around every corner.
My history class was 50% holocaust, 45% Pieter Jelles Troelstra, 5% the rest of history.
>direct democracy
>people who can barely tie their shoes will have a say over what hapoens with my money
This is why the west is losing
Private security is an option too.
If he had've taken that path it would have also been a propaganda coup.
>the common folk must not concern itself with matters of the state. That burden falls upon us noblemen.
People tend to vote more fiscally conservative in referenda than in a representative democracy because they damn well understand the money must come from somewhere. Plus it is the only way to ever get a NEXIT.
i know about a dozen dutchmen pretty good
nice guys, but biggest bunch of cucked faggots ive met outside swedes.
i would appeal to you to vote for him to try and save your doomed culture before its too late, but at this point i think you guys are better of just dying out and serving as an example to european countries that arnt as far along as you are yet.
Actually you're right. He absolutely should have done that.
Your greentext is 100% true though. What we have now is just an ongoing illusion where groups of airheads get to select liar after liar. Just look at IQ distribution charts. If you have any brains, you are in a small minority.
Thierry Baudet or w/e his name is will dissapoint just as much as the next liar. The only thing he has going for him is that he is not as ugly as the other politicians. But this will make sure most socialists will never vote for him, and there are millions of them. They want someone that looks like them.
All capable and handsome folk genetally go into business.
What we have now is just an ongoing illusion where groups of airheads get to select liar after liar.
Yes, and this is solved through direct democracy where politicians simply get smacked with a people's initiative when they lie. Experiments everywhere show it increases accountability and involvement.
I vehemently disagree with the assertion that people are too stupid to rule themselves. The reason for the constant drift to the left is that the left consolidates power and the elected officials are afraid to lose their job. Not because the people truly want leftist policies.
Just look at how we constantly vote against the EU when it comes up but out so called 'right wing' VVD and CDA shove it down our throats anyway.
As a side note, are you familiar with Menicus Moldbug? You echo a lot of his sentiments.
make holland great again