what would be best for boys and girls?
to be raised by a single mother or father?
What would be best for boys and girls?
How a father and a mother?
Father, or grandfather.
girls for mothers, boys for fathers.
But having both parents is the best option
I know a lad, he's the only boy. His mum and dad are together and he's really fucking femenine
Father. There's some study that says the negative effects of single mothers generally aren't seen with single fathers. It make sense since women are emotional and men tend to be more stable emotionally.
It's not good for anyone to be raised by a single mother.
just keep the Father off the grog
I've noticed this a lot with only children. They always seem to be attention seeking faggots and drama queens.
Fathers are worthless. A kid is better off being raised by the mother than by both parents. The mother's the one who is pregnant with the child for 9 months and gives birth to them, the father basically has no part in the process. It's simple science.
Two transvestites
>t. tyrone
Have you ever met a girl raised by a single Mother? Fuck me they are awful.
to be raised by a family
Statistics show that children raised by single mothers grow up to be the most problematic.
>The mother's the one who is pregnant with the child for 9 months and gives birth to them
Exactly. All a woman is good for is the biological part of raising a kid. Carrying it, birthing it and breastfeeding it. They are shit at everything else though, like instilling values and making sure the kid grows up to be a productive member of society and not a worthless piece of shit, like many fatherless niggers and SJWs are.
Someone post the image about how single moms are crime-factories.
Is that Sean Bean?
I think it's pretty obvious that if you really need a single parent then the father is the best option.
FtM trans who can still breastfeed
who cares? They are being raised by the state nowadays, parents are just herders to bring them to daycare / "school"
assault helicopter
>girls for mothers
Christ, no thanks
>Girls for mothers
You clearly haven't met a girl like that or you wouldn't be saying that.
Single dad here ... raised 2 girls by myself through their dramatic insane teen years. I don't know which parent would do it best.
But I do have to tell you kids something. I love you, but you're a bunch of assholes
Easily the father. Mothers are great when the kid is really little and can he cuddled and doted on, but when they hit 10 they need discipline, structure and a role model. That's the father's territory
Damn, AnnaSophia Robb got a ton of work done.
Single father for both
Single mother for none. Simply because females lack the masculinity aspect for men and push too much feminity on the male. Without a father the female will have issues.
Children need both figures.
If they have only one, however, they need a father more than a mother.
Father. A man can feign femininity when needed in regards to raising a child. A woman cannot feign the masculine influence both girls (girls learn what a good husband would be like) and boys (learn how to be a good husband father) need.
Kids are raised by their mom, adolescents by their father
Whoops I meant to add the son would be better with a decent father as he can impart good values on the boy and with the daughter can show how they are meant to be treated and give them the perfect male specimen to look for.
Basically a good father to a daughter can impart the ideals and features they should look for in future mates. If you don't ban shit they will never get that "forbidden fruit" feeling. So saying "NEVER DATE NIGGERS!" will make her date niggers to rebel against you.
> Simply because females lack the masculinity aspect for men and push too much feminity on the male.
It's when the Female is a weak minded person who can't take responsibility because she made a bad decision in a partner you get that shit, you can also get fathers who give daily beatings to their children, both genders are capable of raising a child (It's a reality of life when for what ever reason a parent is lost) but the thing is men are more likely to be capable of being self sufficient due to the nature of society compared to women and thus are more suited to raising a child.
I'm a male that grew up with no father figure. I wouldn't wish it upon anyone. I am essentially disabled or partially feral and planet earth no longer feels like a home to me
Single mother is literally the worst possible category to be born into, you're more likely to have a better life if you're born poor or black or gay or whatever other demographic, so whatever a single father is like it's better than single mother.
Look at all the tranny shit. Imparted by single mothers and cucked males.
Mother. Bad fathers are incredibly common.
Why can two gays adopt a boy if a single male can't adopt a little girl?
this. Women should not be left alone.
Partially feral is a really good description. Without proper discipline and guidance from a father figure you're essentially tossed out in the world and forced to reinvent the wheel on everything. Also the fact of the matter is nobody can do that unless they're exceptionally smart and that's why the crime rate with single mom households is so staggeringly high.
Civilization is based on parents elevating their offspring to a certain level so that they wont waste most of their life just catching up.
Fuck you , Sholmo
Sup Forums is for traditions.
Sup Forums is absolutist board.
thats literally what brainwashed people believe.
Heck no. Always the father. Up until the 60's, here in the US custody almost always went to the father. In cases where the child was infant, the mother raised the baby until 2-3 years, and then the child went to the father. It is only a modern thing wherein the mother receives preeminence over the father.
if they can't have both, girls should be raised by their father, boys by their mother.
I feel you. I was raised by a single mother and I feel like I'm emotionally disabled. I lack motivation and structure. What bothers me most though is that now when my father is more present on my life, he doesn't seem to realize the harm he's done by not being there and he doesn't seem to care.
Wrong, oldest or middle children of siblings are always competing for attention during periods of newborns taking it all making them deeply tinted towards attention seeking.
Yes she can raise me and my peenus
Reminder that these posts with attractive women and stupid and/or divisive topics are shill posts.
Sage and move on.
>Without proper discipline and guidance from a father figure you're essentially tossed out in the world and forced to reinvent the wheel on everything.
Very well said, that's exactly how I feel. Tossed out into the world without a set of rules, without guidance, without anything. It's a terrifying feeling.
if one parent has to die it should be the mother.
otherwise there should be no kids because there is no family.
I'm a male raised by a single mother and I turned out fine. Hardly going to be Prime-minister but I'm not going to be homeless sucking off niggers for crack money.
Father. Statistics prove this overwhelmingly.
Plus I got double digits in my ID.
scarlett johanson?
No shit, but that's not the question. Go eat a soccer ball.
Slide thread.
Sage this fucking shill shitposting.
And this is why people who feel that way most likely vote for big government and that is why single motherhood is encouraged by the government.
This is overwhelmingly weighted by black people and you know it
I'm raised by a single mother and it's not ideal. Mostly because it feels like I'm the one who has to be strong because my mom and little sister are both emotionally and physically weak, I got to be the responsible one. The few times I go to my dad aren't great either because he doesn't understand me nearly as much as my mom does and he makes fun of me being a girl, I do feel safer going outside when we're with him because niggers won't bother us then.
I think both options aren't great but it feels more normal to me to live with my mom.
First some background
I'm a CS major at a top Tech school with internships with big companies under my belt. I was raised by my mom for the most part. Parents for divorced when I was in 3rd grade, saw my dad a good bit up until 10th grade where my brother and I started to go over less and less because I got busy and my brother and father did not have a good relationship. My mother was a fantastic parent and raised my brother and I very well. My brother isn't in as good of a place as I am but that is mostly do to him not having as strong of a personality as I do. My dad is a lazy dickhead who blames others for his problems, it wasn't until the last few years that I came to see this and from talking to my mom about what really happened. My dad always wanted my brother and I to live with him but neither of us wanted to. I don't believe being raised by a single mother is an end all be all to being a shit person, it varies based on the parent. My mother has a very strong personality and passed it on to us as best she could and I've taken it all to heart. Being raised isn't 100% based on which parent you have. It's based on the personality of said parent and the personality of the child.
Father is by far the more important parent despite popular belief
Statistically fathers.
Early childhood, mother. Helps them learn and be creative.
After about 8 years, though, single father becomes better because they need a dose of discipline and realism.
Best tier is both parents (male and female)
Best of the worst is father only
Any other is destructive
Not taking into account grandparents mind you
>turned out fine
bullshit, but also you're one personal story doesn't diminish facts and figures
I want to say fathers but bad fathers are the main reason for strippers, hookers and porn stars. Thank god for bad fathers lol. Children need both parents with a non beta cuck father
Your sister will.
Single mother instills empathy but no discipline.
Single father instills discipline but no empathy.
One of these produces adults that are functional enough for society.
The other creates weak, fragile, soft-brained adult babies.
You can figure out which is which.
Yeah, I'm sure having this cuck as your dad would really help:
Not sure if Sean Bean or Laura Dern...
>to be raised by a single mother or father?
Children raised by single fathers have been shown to have far better life outcomes than those raised by single mothers.
Even those raised by homosexual couples have better outcomes than those raised by single mothers.
If you're a single mother (and not a widow) then you're automatically guilty of child abuse.
Thanks Dad
Love you too dad!