>Whites are civi-
Whites are civi-
>those nordic genes make you intelligent and comp-
>faroe islands whaling
Btfo once again Finn
>LOL at those muslims who slaughter innocent in the name of their culture
have you done any research what so ever mongolian mutt?
inb4 it's ok because it's tradition
How is this bad?
Spot the vegan.
Hunting/fishing is perfectly fine. Don't confuse cuckoldness with being civilized.
those are gooks/eskimos
>A literal animal gets killed
I don't give a shit. Give me scripture speaking out agaisnt it otherwise I dont care
They're hunting, you faggot.
They're not killing the whales over some nigger-tier disagreement.
seems pretty efficient to me
Where did you get that flag?
mein gott
Leave the Faroe islands alone they need to eat and are poor. This is how poor people get food. THEY HUNT. you fucking biggot
Day of the rake soon...
>equal to humans
think I've found my first finbro who's actually a massive flaming faggot
kill yourself pinko
now i've got to try this
>Tests have revealed that in whale meat sold in the Faroe Islands and Japan, high levels of mercury and other toxins are present.
>Finns are whi-
Wait no they're not. Opinion discarded and thread saged.
Thats Dolphin meat in Japan.
Also source on the Faroe Iselands have higher levels of mercury or it didn't happen
honestly who fucking says what the mongorian says
>580,000 pilot whales swim around the islands.
>less than 400 every year are killed in traditional cull.
It's also humane the way they do it.
It's a shame dirty corporations,shitty western society and crypto kike nations have destroyed the oceans. Pilot whales are no heavily contaminated with mercury and are deemed unfit to eat.
It's from a report in 2008 however in 2015 it says Mercury rates are dropping. So who the fuck knows? Guess you gotta trial and error this shit.
>detests white people
>lives in an objectively superior society created by whites
really activates your almonds
Chinese scum.
>Killing a fucking whale
>Not manly
what's the difference with butchering a pig?
There is no big polutions on the Faroe Iselands. it should have some of the safest fish in the world
>5th from left
Great Odin's raven
I see you like manjaws.
Whailing is difficult as fuck you faggot
t. Great great grandfather was a whaler in Denmark and Norway and I've read his sea logs
get over it
It's their culture, dumbass.
I don't mind them but why you guys killing trannies?
It's a fun family activity in which no one gets hurt.
looks pretty comfy to be honest
The world doesn't work on compassion alone, you sperg. You think you can have an utopic world of hippie tree huggers and not have it fall apart? because I can assure you none of you weepy fags will have the balls to do the tough, hard shit no one wants to do.
>It's their culture, dumbass.
So that makes it civilized? You're a fucking imbecile.
>whales are human
and whites give chinese shit for animal abuse. hypocrits.
I've never heard this before.
Are you a joking?
They eat the pig.
>whites are mocked by liberals for doing this
>Muslims are praised by liberals for doing what they do
Say it with me
A song for all the ages
Guests that are so fleeting
Enjoying all my sages.
>Throw animals alive into boiling vats of water
>Put animals in cages and drop them from great height to crush their bones
>skin animals alive
>beat them in order to let adrenaline flow to make "the meat tender"
>Slice clean through the brain stem in one swift action into a pilot whale.
Somehow its the exact same.
Nice try.
what do you think they do with the whale meat?
Surely they don't eat it.
>Muh mercury!
nice internet memes. but the animals are dead before those things are done
Fuck off, OP - I'd bet you're some little White cuckfag feminized by the Alt Cucks to be a total and complete pussy who spends his time on Sup Forums looking for Dick Rate threads and nigger dick threads - fucking kill yourself, faggot.
t. somali chimp
Reminder that if you see a THAI FLAG please be aware that the useless faggot you're talking to is
>5'9 with shoes on
>36 y.o.
>borderline homeless and running the risk of being stranded here.
>has paid for prostitutes
>uses Sup Forums memes irl
>dad hates him
>mom is dating a black man
>white nationalist/supremacist
>dates asian women exclusively (when he can manage to get a date)
>claims to be german (is really American)
Yeah, they get their food for the year in a very efficient manner, what's wrong?