How do you deal with being the only right wing person in your university class Sup Forums?
There are a lot of SJW's and getting your opinion out without being socially ostracized or called racist/sexist etc is near impossible.
Help me
How do you deal with being the only right wing person in your university class Sup Forums?
maybe you shouldn't have taken sociology
its a politics and history based class
Shoot them
Do what George Zimmerman did alright STAND YOUR FUCKING GROUND
I am usually the only black guy in my classes.
I love watching the SJWs reaction the second the teacher asks for my opinion and I don't mimic them.
It's like their computer system hit a glitch they can't recover from.
Ask questions, show the other side of the coin, dont Go full retard and show your full power level, if you stand your ground AND also dont dress like an autistic nerd you will even gain social market value because you are proactive and not reactive, increase your status and standing and you can show more redpills
I understand it's just like another way of playing the race card.
There's just really something special about that moment when she realizes she'd look silly calling me racist.
Even though I'd be happy to recommend nuking Chicago, closing our borders, and ending affirmative action
that's pretty neat
You're doing gods work son
I go to a trade school in New Hampshire, most people support trump, fuck unis
I'm in a completely conservative area, but someone the one metropolitan UNI in my state attracts every liberal.
i maintain the normie facade but i always accidentally reveal my power level when some dumb shit is spewed in class
I did a under and postgrad--I pretty much didn't attend the former, but was forced to attend seminars for the latter. I found it was quite easy simply to discuss things that are inherently conservative with people, and get them to agree with you, provided you approach it from the right angle, and don't label it "right-wing"
With girls in particular it was like "how do you know so much" "how can you have read so many things" bla bla bla. The truth is I hadn't, but university students, on average, are so uneducated and poorly read, that even my meager learning made my intellect stand out, even though I was reluctant to engage or bother to give my opinion most of the time (only when someone said something that made me want to bang my head against the wall would I feel impelled to speak up).
Fuck, i vores universiteter også? Godt gymnasiet ikke er helt overtaget...
Give no fucks and enjoy the rage as Trump is WINNING. That's how I deal with the leftie shithole of Tel Aviv where I study.
How do you deal with being the only gay person in your university class Sup Forums?
There are a lot of christians and living your life without being socially ostracized or called faggot/degenerate etc is near impossible.
Help me
Stop sucking dicks, might help.
Don't you have a village to demolish or a settlement/golf course to build?
>How do you deal with being the only right wing person in your university class Sup Forums?
This is very very hard but above everything else DO NOT lose your cool. Like it or not you have to be an ambassador for your ideas, If you behave like a shit you'll be justifying others.
By the same token if you are a good student you will lead to example and get some people to at least consider your position with an open mind.
if you are not in an humanities course the faculty is usually unbiased and interested a neutral discussion so if all else fails you can appeal to them. In human sciences if you are the victim of a biased professor it is better to collect evidence and search higher authorities to deal with him, preferably after you finished his or her course.
At last if you ever debate someone make sure you 100% know what you are talking about eg. if you debating immigration make sure you'll know exactly the effects, historical trend and costs of immigration on your country, the background of immigrants, etc. Don't just say "uuuuhh it's bad", you have to know the facts, the appeal to the emotion is the left's way.
If you have the truth and facts behind you and the opposition is not chimping out and behaving irrationally you'll never lose.
It must be the fucking dream to be a right wing black dude. Fucking glorious. College would be little more than a year long comedy skit.
Shit, didn't mean to say year long. Meant something closer to "really long" or something.
Post Election Day, one of our teachers cancelled the exam and has us write how we feel about the outcome.
No rubric, any length.
There were girls literally crying as they typed. It was peer graded, so I ended up swapping papers with some bitch with blue hair.
No joke I took a red pen and started marking her mistakes.
Felt so fucking good
> write "WRONG" next to each mistake
im in class with a bunch of sjw myself and is fucking funny and irritating at the same time the kind of bullshit they say. I just don't show my power level. If I showed 100%of my power level in my classroom I would undoubtedly be beaten to death
In my somewhat limited experience showing my full power level has caused them to stop speaking up and basically parroting each other.