>mfw racists imply ethnic nationalism was never tried
Mfw racists imply ethnic nationalism was never tried
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Literally tried in the most of European states back in 19 century.
This thread is is more like a reply to a NatSoc thread than an actual thread itself.
I don't think they imply this, they venerate 19th and 20th century ethnostates
Ayo babee! Can I get yo phone numba? You gota a purty mouth
Civic nationalism is the future, anyone who says otherwise is shareblue.
I'd have sex with her if you know what I mean.
Does this even apply to Americans? We're all mixed breeds.
It's been a success in every nation for the last 20,000 years. Only in the past 150 years have things changed.
It works pretty damn well
>tfw Bess Kalb will never be your liberal waifu
Ethnic. Ethnicity actually means Culture. Nothing to do with skin colors as the Left uses to create Neo-Racism.
In Brazil we have the Culture of Carnaval, using Bikinis, etc etc. That's our culture. Like it? Join us? Don't like it? Move.
Atleast I'm only 2nd on the nuking list ahmed
Yet they pretend that back then whitey din't massacre mostly whitey...
>she will never say this to you while you lay in her lap sucking her tits while she jerks you off
Its not fair bros
You're sick, get help.
what did he mean by this
Oh sweetie McShmoomuckums
it has been tried and is wildly successful.
i however, fully support sweetienationalism.
I'll join, Brazil looks like a nice place. But I'm probably too autistic even there to find a gf
But it was tried and it was extremely successful.
>Clear Sky
Those fucking retards killed themselves for thinking the zone would stop doing shit if they stop strelok
Someone has a lady boner.
Is she saying Israel is a failed state? What kind of anti-Semitic bullshit is this?
>killed themselves
they're not dead also
>only group that understand what the zone is
>actually made it
>c consciousness are their friends
They are dead, Nimble became a loner and the other guy is working for the ecologists, the other ones are kill, also c-con arent their friends, Lebedev quitted he group and founded CS with other scientists that followed
post Csky monolith is actually infiltrated and controlled by clear sky , lebedev planned all of this since the zone was created.
>mfw civic nationalists destroy my country from the inside
Sweetie it has.
That's a good theory right there, that still doesn't explain why the Monolith doesn't just work with the Ecologists or the army if they were infiltrated by CS.
Then the Marked one killed them all, when he came to Pripyat and kick their asses
China has been around for 4000 years
because now they have brainwashed drone-soldiers ?. the only reason they worked with mercenaries\outside scientists ('ecologists') is lack of manpower and some common goals with the ecologists (zone research) .
but now that they infiltrated the monolith and center they dont need them, it is in they best interest to prevent anyone from coming to the center and fucking with the zone\c consciousness while they perform their years-long deep analysis of what the zone is and how it works.
Has anyone on Sup Forums denied that the world wars happened?
it never happen
at this point who the fuck knows man.i mean the bigger the lie the more people will believe it and WW2 is big.
You think that's sick? What the fuck are you doing on this site?
>talking will a guy on reddit
>he calls me 'sweetie' when he realizes he's wrong
why do people do this
Reddit is full of effeminate men
He said that no religious person on the planet takes their scriptures literally 100%
I said he was wrong then he replied this
honestly triggered me 2 be honest
Dude, that's mild. Have you seen the shit posted here ?
bandits are culturally stronger
Since when do Bandits have a culture ? The Monolith have a stronger culture, to the point that they are a fucking Cult.
bandits are 10/10 bantsmasters , have a fighting spirit and love banditing and drinking vodka .
monolith are literally brainwashed drones on the neurological level , cant even think of anything complex because their brains are fried.
c consciousness >csky>ecologists>loners>everyone else desu tho
> Best graduation speech I have heard from the many commencement ceremonies I have been to. The speech meant more to me as I was one of the graduating students in the auditorium while this speech was being delivered.
Has anybody ever actually claimed this also sage for shitty slide threat
>protestants, orthodox and Catholics all believe the exact same thing
Is he actually fucking retarded?
no he's saying that I'm the one saying it
What happened was he said no religious person believes the bible 100% literally
I replied "you're wrong"
he replied what was said in the pic
It was the default for most of history.
Multicultural or (((Civic))) states failed.
He is asking for anal
>tfw you will never stick your benis in her bagia
That's a bit redundant don't you think?
I can't wrap my head around this
>tfw sweetieposting makes you rock hard
>1 post by this ID
You niggers fell for some bait.