What the fuck is their problem?
What the fuck is their problem?
>kill communists
>give crack to niggers
Idk seem based to me
well at least they're not using cvs
maybe they can upgrade to git
It started off pretty simple.
>they realize communist Jews who enterered our country during WWII were a threat.
>they decide to recruit these communists thinking they can use communism as a meme in the third world and help America
>over time communism spreads in their organization
>2017 they see America as the enemy and fully support the communist Jew plan. The old psychopaths who led the CIA are all dead, only low lvl people are patriots. All high ups are devout leftists and commies. You add in foreign powers like Israel and Saudi Arabia and their recruited communist agents the CIA got to join.
I am the time of person who believes there are multiple factions within the CIA as some have said. The higher up are the problem right now, along with the ones who help Wall Street and foreign nation agents.
Your idiocy is astounding
Bitbucket, my nigga.
>What the fuck is their problem?
They lost control of their mind control sattelites to rothschild.
Deep State
They're a branch of the U.S government specifically dedicated to both undermining the actions of government and the sovereignty of American citizens simultaneously in an effort to further espouse Globalism and its own brand of Communism.
In other words: They're fucked in the head
One issue is that these types of agencies often and inherently have a bias towards siding with, and partnering with particular interests within Corporate America, and abroad. The CIA becomes more of a class warfare tool of the capitalist class/elites to protect their interests, and not really protect the interests of the majority in a nation, cant trust these guys
Who are "they?"
what are you guys talking about
the cia?
theres nothing wrong with them
they seem like cool guys
\( ◡ \)
we should tell them secrets right?
Where do people get this whole "CIA is communist" thing
What are you talking about? They're a bunch of government funded spying and kidnapping pieces of shit. The worst part is when they
every government agency is a (((jew))) at heart and acts in its own best interest for those within the agency and devote 99% of their focus to how what they do benefits the agency and 1% to how it actually helps the country
has the CIA ever done anything useful?
jesus christ i think they got to h
They're bullies.
We should tell the teacher .
They're complete monsters of humanity. They fucked my life up, won't let me continue, and trapped me in this New United States/won't let me have my passport, which they'll find was a mistake if it doesn't arrive here quickly.
All I want to do if leave with my dog. Let me leave, and very little further trouble will be had.
user.. where the fuck have you gone...
CIA niggers need to be run over.
>C.ool I.n Everything A.wesome All the Time Around the World
Well please explain then
why you drumpfkins want the CIA as enemy?
seems like the worst idea ever,sempai
Let's take a look at the CIA's history, they spent nearly all of the Cold War destabilizing and overthrowing Marxist and Communist governments all over the world. It's cause of the CIA Pinochet got in power
Maybe the CIA sees things we do not see and monitors the power politics and problems we do not even hear about and this leaves them and their methods a bit strange to normal people.
Could be they are just full of normal people trying to make due and push forward in shitstorm of information, and actually have good intentions.
Seems like we'll have to add your name to the list of niggers to be killed DAY OF THE ROPE IS COMING
Judging by their memes and the language in their internal comments, the CCI at least is made up of nerdy, millennial redditor dudes.
Shut uo fag what he said was pretty reasonable
You think the cia supports a specific ideology? Jesus you're retarded. Soros is funding marxists in the usa and the nazi party in ukraine. They dont give a fuck they just want chaos
>le mean bully government chads xD
How SJW are CIA?
Given the tendency of intelligence services to deliberately hire perverts and deviants because they're easy to control with blackmail. How common are SJW opinions amongst sexual deviants?
They don't seem to regard themselves as part of the government, but rather as a separate government that never loses power.
Ok, prove that the agency is not a leftist organization
>job is to spy on people