What the fuck is their problem?
What the fuck is their problem?
>kill communists
>give crack to niggers
Idk seem based to me
well at least they're not using cvs
maybe they can upgrade to git
It started off pretty simple.
>they realize communist Jews who enterered our country during WWII were a threat.
>they decide to recruit these communists thinking they can use communism as a meme in the third world and help America
>over time communism spreads in their organization
>2017 they see America as the enemy and fully support the communist Jew plan. The old psychopaths who led the CIA are all dead, only low lvl people are patriots. All high ups are devout leftists and commies. You add in foreign powers like Israel and Saudi Arabia and their recruited communist agents the CIA got to join.
I am the time of person who believes there are multiple factions within the CIA as some have said. The higher up are the problem right now, along with the ones who help Wall Street and foreign nation agents.
Your idiocy is astounding
Bitbucket, my nigga.
>What the fuck is their problem?
They lost control of their mind control sattelites to rothschild.
Deep State