do you guys know some racist/white nationalist musicians who are still active
RIP Johnny Rebel
do you guys know some racist/white nationalist musicians who are still active
RIP Johnny Rebel
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Ew, gas those degenerate freaks.
>niggerloving me(you)
I hate niggers, gas the kikes too. 1488 all day every day. Skinheads are degenerates. They are the stereotype and have caused our movement to lose support from sane individuals. Do those pale and pasty manlet ugly brats look like Nazis to you? Or are they no better than the libtards we all hate?
Now that's couple of subhuman looking fuckers.
>subhumans larping as nazis
there is absolutely nothing more retarded than slavic neonazi, except maybe jewish neonazi.
but bulgarians are aparently tatars, besides sucked german cock on every occasion, so i guess it makes sense.
every white man who hates shitskins and racemixers is an ally, we can't trow those guys under the bus because normie white man are bluepilled asf spending their time watching niggers chasing after balls like retards and listening to degenerate nigger beats. We need brutes who are willing to pummel uppity nigs, spics and mudslimes.
It's funny how race realism is now racism.
russians r wite
its funny how "race realism" was never anything but a euphemism for racism
We would lose the race war. Do you understand that at all? We don't have the numbers at all to do anything. If you included every neo-nazi, even the entire KKK, and the entirety of the old alliance, we would lose hard. The founder of American National Socialism, Commander Rockwell, actually started gaining public support. Not just from skinheads, but from real logical people, from niggers even. The movement isn't about hate it's about family, love, and bonds between fellow members of your race. Hitler didn't actually gas any kikes, though he probably should have, he viewed them only as war criminals, which they were. The movement even started gaining traction again in the 80s with the original National Alliance and Dr. William Pierce. Not with violence or bigotry, but with logic, reasoning, and promoting your fellow white man. We can avoid a racewar entirely, and have all the races just separated if we could actually gain some political traction like those great leaders.
they look finno-ugoric, not slavic
fuck outta here gypsy reddit kid. Serbs are subhuman ape shitskins from arabia
aah , white russian world
this is your dream user
fucking hell that bastard in the middle looks like he's just dropped a tab of acid
why have i never met anyone who looks like the guy on the left, but he is in almost every russia pic?
because russians have cheekbones that can break a razor-sharp knife
this guy looks like someone who spent a decade behind a PC monitor, he looks like my twin brother.
Ukrainian nazi subhumans are obviously much better.
Cлaвa Укpaйнa
This is an oblivion character...
Kolovrat ?
Gesta Bellica ?
Direktna Akcija ?
Never unironically say racist again
>Their grandfathers fought and shed blood to protect them from slavery under 3rd Reich.
>2 out of 3 wears nazi emblems.
Those 3 are going full retard, as all the Russian nazis are. They are a shame for Russia.
He's more aryan that you will ever be. Calm down.
I once knew a nazi who was jewish, he wore skinhead boots, was thin as a stick and was beaten for like 3 times. The irony is that he was beaten for satanist pentagram on his bag, not for being a naziboo
Fuck off commie
havent your soldiers also been fighting nazis?
stop being such a traitor to your nation, you self-hating cuckold
Disgusting mongol snownigers
Thank god this mutant country dont control eastern Europe anymore.
I've been considering releasing music to get those sweet sweet alt-right shekels. Original songs, not like RWDS.
Fuck off commie
Literally kill yourself
I always wanted for Rammstein to be a nazi band.
As a teen, I always imagined myself leading a nazi army to the tunes of this song.
Ends up they aren't nazis.
>Fuck off commie
pretty much this. Are slavs human?
t. Disgusting gypsy subhuman. It's a shame you werent all exterminated when they had the chance.
>Are slavs human?
kys for even asking.
Fuck off commie