beautiful.. no matter what our political views, we're all united against the warmonger that is drumpf
Beautiful.. no matter what our political views, we're all united against the warmonger that is drumpf
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dubya is legit
> I though Bush was literally Hitler when he was in power. I was wrong then but I'm totally right this time
If that's the ethical legitimacy you want, by all means you can have Bush. You can completely forget that his warmongering annihilated the Middle East. By all means, use him as the voice against our based hotel merchant. You guys sound desperate.
>also, saged
Why do Liberals love Bush so much?
Its honestly disgusting
You made that man's life living hell
She looks like an irl le troll face
Fucking gross
She looks like Manzu without makeup
i find it humorous. these lecturers are now in love with the guy that killed 100s of 1000s of iraqis for nothing, because trump is the new cool thing to be outraged at even though he's done nothing
Because they they want to ally with the TRUE CONSERVATIVES (ie neocons) against Drumpf.
Anime is for queers
>Liberals now love George W. Bush, the NSA and the CIA
wew lad this timeline is fucking RETARDED
1. Because he's a Neo-Con which is largely indistinguishable from a Neo-Lib
2. They found out Sup Forums hated W. back in the day
These faggots just shill for whatever Globalist Pig opposes people who rock the boat.
>the warmonger
nah m8 this timeline is tits!
It's these self important "I'm a true revolutionary fighting evil!" deluded libshits that are retarded.
The CIA tells them what to think and they are such followers that they'll do a complete 180 on their former "ideology" (not that they ever actually had one) so they can show how "strongly they believe" in the socially acceptable viewpoint.
Sad slave people.
Wait, she looks a lot like the "Oh dear Donald" that keeps replying to every Trump's tweet.
that's her my man
>Posing with a war criminal
Yah that'l get people on your side.
B.but drumpf is a misogynist
Do you think Bush got to oh sweetie her honeybuns?
Someone tell Obama Leaf.
I wonder if he'll flip a shit because he can't use the B-BUT MUH BUSH card anymore?
So the guy who destroyed the middle east basically is worse than the guy who.......put a travel ban on 6 muslim majority countries?
I think it's because Bush were on Jimmy Kimmel and made a few jokes, so now (((they))) 'like' him.
And they get to say "Even Bush would be better President than DRUMPF" (forgetting that's the exact thing they said about bush)
4million dead IRAQI CIVILIANS
>you fucking cunt
Why are liberals such fucking myopic idiots?
She should never have stopped covering half her face
she got wet for the BGWBC
This liberal embrace of George W. Bush is genuinely the most sickening thing I've ever seen.
Because they have no principles or anything they believe in. Their nihilism makes them easy to control.
That racist, Arab-child hating chipmunk-cheeked piece of shit should have her neck snapped.
There's something terribly wrong with kikes.
We are all in agreement that what the left says is always the opposite of what they do, right?
Oh sweety
How come liberals don't get that Bush killed more towelheads than Trump has one dollar bills?
> those red eyes
> that red nose
is george drinking again?
Even though he's gone full anti-drumpf shill i still can't help but love a bit of dubya.
he never stopped, yee-haw
Holy fuck, Donald Trump said some mean things on twitter.
George Bush oversaw two needless wars, costing us trillions of dollars and thousands of American lives, not to mention the hundreds of thousands (possibly millions) of dead and devastated sandniggers. In addition to those travesties, he ensured that domestic spying by alphabet agencies was enshrined through the creation of rubber stamp courts that bypass all legal checks and balances.
But it's ok because he never called someone a bad name on the internet.
> still thinks he will have a good discussion.
You are one of the retarded ones right?
>kill hundreds of thousands of people because the Jews told you to
>Wow I love Bush so much
>Say mean words
>Omg I hate Drumpf!
>100s of 1000s
He's a Yale party boy who never wanted to be president
Jeb was the one who always planned to be president. That's why he married a rural Mestizo Mexican, because he was planning to get the Latinx vote
best buds
I thought that one pic she had was cute.
Now her face is fat as fuck now, all her bs must be boiling to the top of her body.
A tale as old as time.
Because these neo-liberals are mind-controlled jellyfish
Bitch looks like quagmire from family gyu
>they made his life hell
Well, they had reasons to considering he was responsible for millions of deaths
Now you're getting it. Trump's only mistake was not nuking the Middle East. They can't travel to the US if they're not even ashes.
>we're all united against the warmonger that is drumpf
Trump is a warmonger?!?!?!
When did that happen??
Bush had us attacked Iraq, who NEVER attacked us...where were you then?
Obama had us attack Libya, and Syria, who NEVER attacked us, and destabilize Ukraine (look up Victoria Nuland)...where were you then?
Trump is not a career politician.
Trump wants peace between us and Russia.
The Deep State wants us at war with Russia.
Liberals/Leftists should be put down so we can all live in peace.
>loves Hillary policies
>hates bush policies
I will never understand these people
No he's a skull and bones illuminati cuckold
Bush couldn't string two sentences together, he was an idiot.
>she swore to do something if she ever met the guy
>when she does she caves, shakes hands and smiles like a little bitch
Pretty telling. Internet tough guys is all what liberals are.
haha...L'ironie du truc...Avec une photo du Neocon , criminel de guerre G.Bush , rien que ça...Elle est conne à bouffer du foin !
true this
That's because that's her mah dood.
The beautiful Bess Kalb everybody!
One day the people hating on Trump will be sucking his cock to show just how bad in comparison some 2032 candidate is because he doesn't want to fund public cuck shed programs.
>there we stood, we were just two folks a-laughin' and a-havin' a good ole time
that justs warms the cockles of my heart
Pic is what they actually look like.
He became the president of the most powerful country in the world. You're a nobody posting on an oriental knitting forum. Who's the real idiot?
Wait, isnt this sweetie sugar baby bunny belle? What was her handle again? This looks just like her
Watching the left cozy up to GWB and the CIA is probably the most cringeworthy thing I've ever seen.
I'm fucking embarrassed that I marched with these exact same retards to protest his bullshit wars of aggression based on "intel" the CIA straight up fabricated. What a fucking joke.
well that is confirmed
Lol fucking dipshit.
>female/liberal political logic in a nutshell
"This guy is Hitler...and so is the next guy...and the next."
this desu
can someone put her back in the oven? she's not done yet
true this
She needed to justify getting wet upon meeting a powerful man
Bitch pussied out the second she saw him lol
I stopped paying *any* attention to time-wasting-jellyfish Leftists/SJWs after the election.
But this. THIS. Really catalyzes my pistachios!
Same. I didn't think they could surprise me after seeing how much they would shrug away from Obama, but this is just nuts. It's not even party loyalty anymore. These are unimaginably docile people who are completely ready to just let the country be forever openly ruled by an anonymous, unelected group within the US deep state.
Why does she write like a retard? Sorry, english isn't my first language.
Haha people really did dress TERRIBLY in the early 2000s
Like I'm supposed to know some nobody internet twitter twat by her instasnapgram handle? Fuck you guy. Look at that chubbie wubwub face, that fatty bo batty set of widdle cheeky weekies. Shes a fat fatty fat fat now, no wonder I had twouble recognizing her dumb muggy wug.
That's because neoliberals and neocons are pretty much the same. Just feeding their corporate overlords.
Thanks, Satan.
>Wait, she looks a lot like the "Oh dear Donald" that keeps replying to every Trump's tweet.
it's her dumbass
she works for a certain late night liberal "comedy" show
Not using forced-cutsey language for once really tripped her up, I think
Yeah, but so did Obama. If the left hated killing muslims they'd be completely hypocritical
That really buttered my toast.
Yeah both killed countless. Only difference with ol' Dubya is that he's a neo-con instead of a neo-lib
Because she is retarded. Literally. you can see it right there.
She throws her principles under the bus because trump is a big fat meanie.
It's like feminists or gays who align themselves with Islam because they have the same intermediate goal, destroy western morals as they are now, with no plan what happens between them if their goal is ever reached.
Pic from
Stupid whore
>Oh no, he used numbers instead of spelling in full!! What a dummy!
Great post
I mean I don't disagree with you. She's always been ugly though. Her twitter profile pic was just a good pic of her. OP's pic is what she has ALWAYS looked like.
take a guess
>(rhymes with "she's retarded")
Faceblindness is a symptom of autism. I would have a doctor check wether you are on the spectrum or not m8. Pretty likely tb h
>Faceblindness is a symptom of autism.
For real? I keep hearing that things I have are symptoms of autism.
There is a massive (forced?) surge of "GWB was a pretty cool guy" amongst liberals including disgusting rebbit.
Im not sure what their goal is
>There is a massive (forced?) surge of "GWB was a pretty cool guy" amongst liberals including disgusting rebbit.