Lately there were those threads with personality/IQ tests and it seems like most people here are IQ 130 - INTJ.
Why is it so?
Lately there were those threads with personality/IQ tests and it seems like most people here are IQ 130 - INTJ.
Why is it so?
Intelligence increases introspection, too much introspection creates insecurity and sexual dysfunction.
because only people with high IQs will post thier IQ. same thing with height and dick size
their @_@
I have no sexual dysfunctions. Should I quit Sup Forums?
>sexual dysfunction
>obsess about what shes means by letting me put it in her vagina.
>prematurely ejaculate from the implications
No one cares if it's anonymous Straya. The number of people getting INTJ also was SUPER high and reproducible over time.
Sup Forums has almost always been predominantly INTJ and INFP going back years.
>Implying I got INTJ
I got ENTJ
Sure, but I saw very little people with IQ much different than 130.
110-120 is still high but almost no one posted one.
Normie get out!
Sorry m8 i'm an INFP Magician-healer and probably not a 130 IQ
We are the true master race.
There might be a lot of selection bias with the IQ 130 thing, but there are some smart people here too. As for myself, I was ostracized from from the tolerant left for having a few too many criticisms. Eventually I found my way here
Also I'm INTP if horoscopes matter
Wheres that iq test? Those are usually fun for a laugh.
LOL, well you need an IQ of less than 80 to fall for trumps bs, so most people on here are on the pretty low end of the spectrum
fellow commander
>forward comrade!
This describes me perfectly.
IQ 125-130
>Online IQ tests
Only in proving that you're completely fucking retarded.
If you aren't ESTP with an IQ of 120 minimum, you're probably subhuman.
I'm INTJ but definitely not 130 IQ
INTP here, INTJ if I take Modafinil+exercise+eat healthy. Online IQ tests range from 80 to 142 depending on the day.
In other words autistic retard
I think those personality test are bullshit and just an equivalent of horoscopes for smug smartypants. I have diagnosed asperger's syndrome and those personality tests keep giving me INTJ, but I think that's bullshit. I'm not an introvert, I'm just asocial.
135 INTP masterrace reporting in.
INTJ reporting in, lowest IQ test put me at 111, highest 140, they're unreliable memes
I bought modafinil but never use it, how does it work?
Is this a legitimate IQ test and how long does it take?
Daily range from potato to Miley? Interesting...
>tfw IQ 145+ and INTP
lel you autismos are like niggers to me
Actually, we had the same shit some months ago in a thread, and most were INTP
The most common types were INTP, INTJ and ISTP
It means that you're very special, op.
Up to 25 minutes.
I think it is legit, I had to take it twice, because first time I was interrupted and scored 5 points less.
Nah, that's from norweigian mensa online practice test, you can find it from their website. It has a time limit of about 20 minutes. It's not official test and doesn't qualify you for anything, but it's a good sample of what the official test is about and gives you an indication of your IQ level.
people who believe internet iq tests are not as smart as they think they are
INFP loner. Thank fuck I'm /fit/
Even if those tests are shit, most people from Sup Forums scored very similar. I asked my friend to do them and he had very different results.
>honestly thinking internet IQ tests are scientific and you don't have to go out of your way to get a below average score
>honestly thinking any form of the Myers–Briggs (the names of two unqualified woman who made up a personality quiz for a laugh) is scientific in any way shape or form
how... did you know?
I think I suffer from Manic depression, so on my ''flat'' days I am completely retarded but when the euphoric kicks in I am on a whole other level.
The science behind it is not completely clear, but it has been found to act as an inhibitor for several receptors in the brain, causing an increase amount of neurotransmitters such as Dopamine, Serotonin, Gaba and NMDA. This leads to an increase in alertness, motivation and mood lift, but of course it depends on the person. To me it's great for doing tedious work, robot mode but it totally kills my divergent thinking, so I have a really hard time coming up with new ideas while on it.
It's pretty well tolerated so you could give it a try, if it works, it's a valuable tool to have, specially if you are into free-lancing projects of your own without tight schedules to keep you grounded.
This place is full of socially rejected hermits with paranoid(rightly so) ideations. Literally anyone who isn't a normie will score higher than a normie on an IQ test, designed and weighted to normies. The very interest and understanding of this place requires a working memory and personality that can quickly process novel information, see beyond the veil of things, and easily dismiss information that is false, loaded, or designed to confuse. The social abnormalities help with dealing with the disgusting, shocking, and strange shit posted here.
Anyone who can't do the above quickly leaves this place, or is that retarded poster who can't capitalize or spell four letter words.
A good portion of most IQ tests have a language section. When you're an autist all you do is read and observe. Most of the math based questions are not really math, but designed to test working memory and problem solving. The trick questions are easily solvable for any paranoid or non-normie, as they are designed for normies.
Some of the tests are actually real. The Finnish test that gets posted here all the time is real, as is the Ravens progressive matrice. Ironically, people with autism score higher on the Ravens tests.
The same could be said about actual IQ tests.
The Ravens test is quite scientific, and is a good indicator of combined intelligence, or atleast perception.
I once pushed in random answers for an IQ test someone posted here and got a 90
You date boring women
One of it's most fascinating actions is it's activity on the dopamine receptor. It binds at the same site as cocaine, but is relatively weaker. While habitual cocaine use might motivate you to beat the guy who you think is looking at you with a tire iron, modafinil seems to be just active enough to give you the pickup for a mildly stimulating activity. It's also quite cholinergic.
Lots of us are 140+ and places like this are great for
You can't figure stuff out in other places because words and ideas are banned
Do you date any non anime women?
>what is creating a market to push drugs
Innovation = spectrum enlargement for revenue
>The same could be said about actual IQ tests.
Except actual IQ tests take a very long time and require an actual psychologist. They're general regarded as accurate among people who know what they're talking about. Do you people not see a scam when it hits you in the face with it's 12inch dick? You're IQ must be very low.
>The same could be said about actual IQ tests.
actual iq tests are supervised
let's say you have a website and offer free iq tests
wouldn't you want as many people to visit the site and take the test as possible? what better way than to let people score high so they tell their friends to make them compete each other?
98% score less than 130 though i never see people get 100
Definitely a very interesting drug, the side effect profile is great for the effects it produces, compared with other stimulants in the market. I am going to be experimenting with Aniracetam + Alpha GPC next, I keep hearing lots of good things about it.
88% of blacks voted for Hillary and 50% of them have IQ's lower than 85.
Really cooks my noodle.
Physically administered IQ test put me at 128.
I've consistently had my personality estimated to be INTJ.
I'm a shitposting fascist.
Idk, man. A lot of the people I've talked to here and on Stormfront are scared to go to collage because they're worried their professor will say something they don't like. They defiantly don't expand their horizons or dab into territory they're not comfortable with.
IQ 152 INTP come at me bro
How many beans in five?
How is it learning stuff at that level, bro?
Yes, that's me.
>master's degree in econometrics
>125-130 IQ
>work in banking
>classical liberalism
It is MENSA, not some "click on ads" shit tier website. The more people come to their website the more money they lose on it.
I'm INTJ with a 142 IQ (professionaly tested) and I still manage to get laid. Stop making excuses autists, you can do it if you want to.
honest question here, i have scored very high with some of the online tests. in fact i have not scored under 160 on any of them. am i autistic? is this the reason i'm 35 and rarely have sex? i'm actually handsome. what the fuck is wrong with me?
Fellow INTJ-A here, I think my IQ is in the 120-125 range as a conservative estimate.
Apparently this is one of the smallest personality groups by sheer numbers and it's one of the hardest groups to get on with out-group people, so INTJs tend to look for other INTJs and it's plausible that places such as Sup Forums just happen to be one of those places we've decided to congregate. A lot of that is to do with the intellectual stimulation of the dissemination of information.
I have a friend like that. If you tell him:
243235 x 2342 he will give you an answer in 3 seconds, 190cm height, handsome, 28, virgin.
Mine is 180
I know because of an online test
That still does not make it accurate you dumb shit. Real IQ tests require an expert to administer them to you.
>The more people come to their website the more money they lose on it.
afaik the actual MENSA test has to be paid and being supervised by an actual psychologist. an actual test is also valid (as long as you are in the 99th percentile)
the pre test is just a raw estimate
because edgy 19 year olds are vain and stupid enough to fall for unvetted online IQ tests and laughable bullshit like the Myers-Briggs personality mapping.
This is buzzfeed level intellectualism that fits the crowd here very nicely.
Hey fellow extrovert
My short term memory is the shit, hard to concentrate, have a hard time learning easy shit like how to do basic housework, left or right, compassing, but once it reaches the extra hard level, it becomes clearer.
>i have an iq of 140+, swear
>now back to my porn
>laughable bullshit like the Myers-Briggs personality mapping
it's fun though
INTJ is actually not bad at all for getting laid. INTP, ISFP are terrible.
I've had it a few times and it's like that movie limitless but not as good. You have to be ontop of your shit though or else it stresses you out. My friend found out his house got broken into after he took it and he had a breakdown like I've never seen. I haven't taken it since and I wouldn't recommend it
IQ test results ranged from 110 to 150 (no online tests)
>implying anyone here says dems r da real racis
thats reddit mate, we are actually racists here.
>s/phyllis weiner
>wft I'm smart now
Just did the Myers-Briggs... Fuck it I'm an INTJ too. Not as introverted as most INTJs (59%) but that makes sense. I work in enterprise software sales.
IQ greater than 130.
adderal in moderate doses raises your iq about 20 points for about 90 minutes. it fails to deliver real results on tests such as the sat or longer IQ tests, because the exams last for 3-5 hours.
There's your problem
If they are scared of something a professor will say, they are giant faggots. The risk is they will say something and the prof will fail them or get them kicked from school. This board is not a hugbox, but maybe stormfront is
INTJ here. I think that's just common with semi-autistic fucks - the sort of people who would frequent chans.
No way my I.Q. is 130. I'd be anywhere between 95-105.
>De Niro
>I know the difference between right an wrong
>drills oil
Guestimating 100 I.Q.
Damn, I can relate to that.
because you have to be smart to recognise deception by higher forces.
instinct plays hand in hand with IQ level.
ENFP anyone?
social dysfunction*
you don't even get to talk to the girl in the first place or are you implying erectile dysfunction lmao
Funny, because;
>Trump won educated and wealthy whites
>Clinton won uneducated and poor African Americans
Best post
>Why is it so?
Dunning-Kruger. Most of Sup Forums is so fucking stupid they can't comprehend how high an IQ of 115 or 120 is, so they pull a number out of their ass they think is impressive and post it.
Too stupid to understand what it takes to pass a MENSA test and break into the top 10% of humanity.
It isn't so
i agree with this
Most people here are INTP or INTJ because most of us have occipital buns/ have neanderthal DNA
These are linked
intp master race clocking in
Math student
Not that can be taken online.
You can book in for a MENSA test, but they won't give you results unless you "pass".
do you know where you are? some of the dumbest people in the world browse here, most of the people here are autistic/brilliant
INTJ reporting.
I was tested at 141-145 at around ten years old, but that has undoubtedly dropped with every hit of weed I've taken...
INTJ Master race reporting in.
>Put Benis in my Bagina xD
>What did she mean by this?
Reminder, you're here forever.