
Dump them








how much sun do actually see each year? it must be depressing as fuck if it rains every day









It's not that bad desu, but grey, overcast days are common










Depends where you live. In the south east of England it's actually closer to Mediterranean weather, but in the east coast of Scotland it basically does not stop raining, ever.





yeah fuck that tbqh, being out of the sun for so long is not even good for you physically
>muh vitamin d n' shit

I think it's more of an "eternal overcast" desu







Why are Brits so obsessed with us?





Krautposters are always bitching about Brexit





It's worse than that. Due to being at high latitude, in winter you only get about 6 hours of weak daylight. It's the reason we drink so much, because what the fuck else are you going to except maybe off yourself?

But on the other hand, in summer the sun doesn't really set - only twilight for a couple of hours before it comes up again.













please be gentle








I was surprised to learn recently that NZ was not officially colonised until the 1840s. In the half century before then you were basically an open brothel with a couple hundred whalers trading muskets for maori sloots

Hope you enjoy having your inner thigh skin being sewn onto your face when skin cancer


Who are you losing land to George?

Did that actually happen?

I think so. I've read new articles about women getting raped and not reporting it, but not gang rape. But I certainly believe it.


I don't get it, what does Russia have to do with dental care

shut up armenia jr.

meant abkhazia and ossetia

retard speaks the post

We lost everything in that war

;__; makes me sad.


Calm down Hachik, I know you middle-eastern types sure are emotional

Russia pls

They are obsessed with the past because living in the present is really butthurt for them. I kinda understand them, we would be that butthurt if, let's say, Mexico or Venezuela happened to matter more than us in the world (like they used to back when natives couldn't vote)

Imagine Germany being Tanganika's bitch, not good is it?

r8 its fresh

Btw I do like the Premier league more than our Liga so fuck you

can i get a template?

Because you will start yet another world war.

Merkel is the new hitler. USA, Russia, UK and (if frexit) France will be allies against the axis powers of merkels international socialist (internazi) army

>Started world wars
top kek


Football World Cup Winners
Rugby World Cup Winners
Cricket World Cup Winners
Tennis Grand Slam Champions
(45 times)
The Olympic Games Champions
Golf Major Winners
(102 Times)
The Tour de France Winners
(2012, 2013, 2015, 2016)
Boxing World Champions
(Holding 5/6 Heavyweight belts 2016)
F1 World Championship Winners
(16 times)
Most Male Gold Medallists*
(Rio 2016)
Ryder Cup Winners
(1929, 1933, 1957)
World Badminton Champions
(1980, 1983, 2006)
Super Bowl Winners
(2002, 2008, 2012)
Moto GP World Championship Winners
(17 times)
Darts World Cup Champions
(2012, 2013, 2015, 2016)
Davis Cup Winners
(10 Times)
Ice Hockey World Cup Winners
Most Gold’s In Different Disciplines
(Rio 2016)
The European Cup/Champions League Winners
(13 times)
The Commonwealth Games Champions
(1930, 1934, 1954, 1958, 1966, 1986, 2014)
World Rally Champions
(1995, 2001)
UFC World Championship Winners
The Masters Champions (Golf) Winners
(1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1996, 2016)
Baseball World Cup Champions
Indy Car World Champions
(1916, 1993, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011)
Snooker World Cup Champions
(1979, 1980, 1981, 1983, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1996)
Touring Car World Champions
(2005, 2006, 2007, 2012)
Squash World Champions
(2010, 2011, 2013)
World Table Tennis Champions
(12 times)
Karate World Champions
(24 times)
Judo World Champions
(16 times)
Taekwondo World Champions
(3 Times)


>being this triggered


It's a meme bro

Copy and paste, semi triggered


>Autistic socialist spergs out because of butthurt over WW1

Germany started WW2.

Bait or >american education