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t. achmed
Well, you don't have to respect the content of their opinion. You can disagree all you want.
Really makes you think...
I agree wholeheartedly. The first example is an opinion, the second is a fact.
Mexicans and blacks won't try to kill yo for drawing a face and calling it muhammad.
So you are saying that muzzies, Pedro's and harambes are factually subhuman ?
alternative fact*
but they r subhuman wtf senpai
"I prefer whites over blacks"
No they will try to kill you because they chimp out for no reason at all. Less predictable, more dangerous.
>i think mexicans, muslims, and blacks are subhuman
But that's not an opinion, it's objective fact
I prefer Western culture to that of the savage Middle East and Sub-Saharan cultures.
spoken like a true sub-human.
I prefer whites and asians over sub-humans.
Neither of those are opinions. They're both statements of fact. To be opinions you have to say "Coffee is better than tea" or "Muslims, Mexicans, and black people are subhumens". Once you couch it in terms of "I prefer" or "I think" you're talking factually about your own actions.
Yeah but muslims, blacks and Mexicans are sub-humans. It's not an opinion.
>Mexicans are sub-humans
No they aren't.
I'd like some more cowfee.
I prefer whites over subhuman muslims, mexicans and black people
k. so Reminder that if you see a THAI FLAG please be aware that the useless faggot you're talking to is
>5'9 with shoes on
>36 y.o.
>borderline homeless and running the risk of being stranded here.
>has paid for prostitutes
>uses Sup Forums memes irl
>dad hates him
>mom is dating a black man
>white nationalist/supremacist
>dates asian women exclusively (when he can manage to get a date)
>claims to be german (is actually american)
why can't they fix their own economy then
i prefer first world nations over sweden
Islam is cancer. That's not an opinion but a fact.
it's true, saying that certain races are "better" than others is a statement of a measurable objective reality.
so this is not opinion. it's something that's either right or wrong.
but independent of whether whites are better than blacks, saying you dont want blacks in your country or you want to kill them all *is* indeed an opinion.
of course you're not allowed to say that, even though it's the normal opinion of most humans (human evolved to be fiercely territorial and tribal/genocidal and are therefore naturally xenophobic)
Gween tea.
Opinions are like "Islam is degenerate and backwards and degrades women and nonbelievers"
Not like "we should just open our borders to everyone lol"
"I prefer coffee over tea" is an opinion.
Muslims, Mexicans and Black people being sub human is data supported fact.
Is it easy to an hero in thailand?
too many groups with strength comparable to their government
Can someone fix OP's image with "FACT: muslims, mexicans and niggers are sub-human". I'm on a toaster right now and can't into photoshop.
>an opinion is only defined by what I think it means
But everyone IS entitled to their
opinion. What are you, a Bolshevik?
Since when is a preference an opinion?
An opinion would be "coffee is better than tea". A preference is just a fact about which one you, as an individual, prefer. They are different.
Just raise your arm above your head and you'll hit an overhead wire.
I think muslims, mexicans, and black "people" are subhumans
I can understand calling blacks and muslims sub-human, but why Latinos? They founded part of an empire that extended much of Europe after all.
It's especially funny when non-Amerilards preach about a right that was never granted to them for a minute.
Absolute free speech is a terrible idea, which is why no one's doing it.
t. authoritarian
stop dictating my opinions you literal fucking nazi
Because Latinos are not Hispanics. Basques, Galicians and Catalans are based, raceless freaks which are modern Latinos are not.
>wetbacks / nigs
>muddling religion and race
>you are only entitled to an opinion if it's the same as mine
No, the Iberians did.
Most residents of South America are all highly interbred with blacks and natives.
yeah its not opinion at all. i dont have faith in it or prefer it. it is scientific fact.
Coffee is FAR superior to tea!!!
Tea is subdrink for subhumans!!!
My honest opinion.
Why is this even still an opinion, pretty sure it's fact and has been for a long ass time.
I prefer tea and I think muslims are inbred subhumans. The tea thing is an opinion the inbred subhumans thing is a fact.
Do not post in shill threads without sage
Coffee was the muslim drink until the Pope said it was okay.
Tea is infinitely more European and tastier.
I prefer deadblack/spic/muslim over dead caucasian. Am I doing it right?
that's very unbritish of you
No, this is still an opinion
Saying "Muslims, mexicans and black people are sub-human" is not an opinion. Saying that YOU THINK that is.
You can disagree with someone opinion but you can't say its not one.
It also doesn't make you stay up if you drink it late.
Sandniggers can keep their black cocaine drink
Brown people have statistically verifiable lower IQs. It's not an opinion.
True, some statements are facts.
Facts are like:
"Muslims, Mexicans, and black "people" are sub-human".
NOT: "I prefer coffee over tea."
Poland got cofee as spoils of war from Battle of Vienna. It's taste greatly improves our black and bitter slav life
Still an opinion even if its a negative opinion in the same sense that negative advertisement is still advertisement
Also Sweden we know youre a cuck but thought policing? Really?
Stop denying science
>It's taste greatly improves our black and bitter slav life
>implying sarmats shared their coffree with slav bydlo
True, blacks, mudslimes and spicks being subhuman is not an opinion. Its a fact.
And that's why straya will always be superior to leafs
>implying slav bydlo existed then
why so hostile Łotwa?
muslims, mexicans and blacks being subhuman isn't an opinion, it's a fact.
Nothing more than a flavor....
No one has any differences at all.
Everyone is indistinguishable automatons.
i prefer whites over non whites
youre absolutely right. its practically a biological fact that shitskins arent really human.
I'm East Asian, I used to be SJW, but then I met actual black people, and how black people behave is completely different than the way they are portrayed in the media (as doctors, as thinkers...)
Blacks and Non-Blacks are different. That's not just opinion.
The day of the rope will come when there aren't enough stupid white people in power to protect their pet niggers. Spare the tigers, stew a nigger! Yummy!
But they are sub-human.
OP has no idea how opinions fucking work
I severely dislike shitskins, niggers and faggots
Blacks have actually been outperformed by actual chimpanzees on some intelligence tests...
>implying slav bydlo existed then
do you say that polish peasants called bydlo by their owners didn't exist?
I respect your opinion on what opinions looks like, but I disagree with it.
Fuck muslims, they are sub-nigger teir as fare as ignorance and arrogance. You're welcome for literally everything as far as technology goes.
>Muh maffs
That was pre Islam and that goat fucker Mohammed. I award you zero points and may God have mercy on your soul.
This image is entirely unrelated.
#Boom #OpinionsAreLikeAssholes
What have shitskins and niggers provided for society and the greater good?
Fags are up for debate
hes right. those would be facts.
correct, the latter is a fact.
I don't think they are sub-human. I mean they are Homo sapiens after all, but it's like comparing chihuahuas to German shepherds. Neither one is sub-dog, but one is clearly superior.
Brutus wus a good boi
Yea opinions aren't "I'm gonna chop my dick off at your expense because I feel like it" or "I'm gonna murder my unborn child because I couldn't be arsed waiting a few months"
I want my sisters to get married to good guys and be happy with their lives, NOT i prefer my sisters to be raped and killed by backwards sand cultists and uncivilized apes.
No, he wasn't . OSU is racist, sweetie. Repent for your patriarchal sins.
>Being preached at by a Swede
It really depends on when you drink tea or coffee.
And indians.
I knew this was coming the moment I saw this thread in the catalogue.
true it's not an opinion, it's a fact that muslims, mexicans and niggers are subhuman
Coffee became great when europeans started collonizing the countries it came from
Funny how that trend repeats itself again and again throughout history
Why does every argument have to be so extremely detrimental of the other side.
It's like - oh, you don't want to legalize marijuana? So I guess that means you want to let all the people with cancer die. REAL NICE.
It's a fact.