Can someone explain this shit to me please
Can someone explain this shit to me please
one word cuck
i just had an hour long fb many cucks i had to deal with. I guess im the dick head for doing it.
Male feminists are lower than dirt.
Except every day when men weren't having to fight wars.
So essentially no days.
My friends just wished each other a happy international women's day in our group chat help I hate girls and womyn
You lose for even arguing this. Cucks like OP picture are just virtue signaling.
>i just had an hour long fb argument
he's right, but only because men have built everything of importance for the last 4000+ years
Actually it's November 19th.
My old boss posted a picture of himself on facebook/instagram holding a sing about equality or some crap and had a little spiel about "Equality Helps Us All" "#internationalwomensday"
I know for a fact that he used to beat his fiance because she was upset that he was a closet homosexual.
I was so fucking tempted to post something.
>Can someone explain this shit to me please
They really think all men ruled society. They don't know rights were not bestowed to all men until a few years before women got those same rights - without having to fight and die for them.
They think that because society had a king and ruling class made up of a sliver of the male population, males were in charge. So ask them; doesn't this mean every single era where there was a queen was a matriarchy?
They will not understand this and will screech at you instead.
would you have posted something if he didn't make a virtue signal post?
this, they dont really care, they just want to seem PC to their friends and in the sad hope women will like them and fuck them (which will never happen)
thick, engorged, resounding, vehement gonads
april 20 is international mens day
Its called virtue signalling. "People" do it when they cant deal with logic.
here is a quick rundown
here its april the 10th - le first white tile day
Of stupid femnazis didn't make a fucking day they would also have every God damn day too. But they fucking had to.
link to study or gtfo
Sure, I'd love to help.
What Danny Storah is saying is that he is a massive faggot.
No. Because I don't like gossiping and his business is his business. But hypocritical virtue signalling annoys me.
rule 1? lurk moar
rule 2? ride this dick
Male feminist seeking attention.
There is an International Men's Day
Anyone giving a shit about today is either a white Knight faggot that's putting the pussy on a pedestal or a woman that is convinced she should be worshipped because of the hatchet wound between her legs that's had more cock in it than a stadium urinal.
They're literally only doing it in the faint hope that some blue haired hairy feminist cunt will take pity on them long enough for a fuck.
They're worse than feminists, tbey betray their own brothers for pussy that they will never get. The sad irony is if they actually embraced the masculinity that they reject so fiercely and take pride in being a man they would probably get laid far easier.
Make international mens day the most over the top fun day possible
Big claims mate
International mens day should be a day where men dress up in 1950's attire and slap any cunt that speaks out of turn.
>he was a closet homosexual.
Wait. How did you know out that?..
You have to wonder about just how ignorant of history the left really is.
No one had any rights in 1000 BC
You retards are so fucking lazy.
Just search on the goddamn key terms in the image.
Oh. Wait. You're a leaf. That explains it. Have to bail you out of every fucking situation.
Here's the link anyway. Links to research articles are in this too:
Faggots like him should be sterilized so they don't spread their retarded DNA. We need to thin the herd and purge the beta males.
His fiance pointed out that they basically had awkward sex in the missionary position at the very beginning of their relationship and stopped for months prior to when they broke up.
His two best friends were hardcore flamboyant homosexual men. He used to literally party every weekend (without his fiance) at gay clubs with his friends and even go away for "boys weekends" away with them. After he broke up with his fiance, him and his new "best friend" that he met on one of these trips immediately went on a 2 months European vacation.
He was always "known" as gay, even if it not open or proven, which is why his engagement shocked everyone.
And the break up did not.
If women's day causes businesses to close thus giving me as a man an extra day off I am all for it, if not fuck it I don't care
And yet he has a girlfriend and you don't. Literally doing more for your cause than you are.
i'm not a lesbian so why should i care?
Are you his friend or something? I know the UK is small but does everybody know each other?
fake and gay.
She only has the potential to keep the DNA if she becomes pregnant, as she is sharing blood (and therefore YOUR DNA) with the child.
She doesn't randomly collect DNA from anyone she fucks.
NCBI has multiple studies on it.
Just don't date a woman with a child, she will secretly yearn for he ex because she is now genetically programmed to do so.
Every day is international men's day
>i just had an hour long fb argument
I expected better from you, Australia.
Who cares? I don't need a special day. Fuck off.
Male feminists should be called McRibs
Because they're even worse than a real rib, like what God made Eve from. Besides, they're exactly the kind of guy look like a human version of the sandwich.
okay but when's pretzel day
I know pancake day was yesterday
whats the return rate on white knighting these days?
>wanting a special day
Stay cucked my friend
>Pick up random DNA
Enjoy your child made of 90% tumors or useless genetic information from when we used to be fish
>No study posted
Babies throwing a tantrum.
Just like niggers thinking of whites, women have no way to conceptualize the difficulty of being a man. They are way too self absorbed to properly empathize.
Women are fucking stupid and are actually hurting the poorest of them. Schools are closing leaving the poorest women either staying home and losing pay for the day or finding childcare and they can't afford either. Women are just self serving whores. If they were in charge this world would implode due to their self destructive nature.
That's what fake Facebook accounts are for.
>i just had an hour long fb argument
Fucking kill yourself you waste of flesh
>just had an hour long fb argument...
you have to go back
men built everything you see
>tempted to post something,
Quads Dont lie
Closeted Faggots that waste women's time like this should be castrated
>hour long facebook argument
>facebook argument
How the mighty fall
>hour long fb argument
Wow Australia...
Gosh what a mighty faggot.
Men don't need a day, let the babies have their bottles.
You punked out.
is that your butt buddy?
Those black slaves and peasants dying in wars must have really enjoyed their daily patriarchal meet ups where they discussed how to better oppress women.
So is the amount of days a gender gets related to their importance?
> he hasn't deactivated his account yet
Its like you want to get doxed
>4000+ years
What did he mean by this?
International Men's Day is November 19th.
The UN doesn't recognize it though. World Toilet Day, which shares the same date, is more important to them.
If someone you know says this, then you monitor what they do on womens day (special treatment and what not) then every other day you replicate that.
You deserve special treatment because apparently everyday is man's day.
Stop Lenposting.
wow quite the fascist eh?
you probly work for government
tax parasite
Stop awooposting.
Feminism is not the oposite of machism. Machism doesnt want equal rights for man and woman. If you cant recognize what feminism is youre just a dumb right winger. Surprise motherfucking surprise.
>Answering questions no one is asking
do it and post screenshots
Stop Mohammedposting
Even on dday?
>not marrying a virgin women is degeneracy
wow, who'd say?
Which Genesis video is this from?
>Still using Cuckbook