What's the deal with eastern europe? Is it really that poor?
What's the deal with eastern europe? Is it really that poor?
they were commies
wich means they are poor but also redpilled of leftism
>Eastern Europe
>Eastern Europe
>Not in Muslim countries
>redpilled about leftism
Red is the key word here. People might not be sjw or open marxists, but the fundamental elements of omnipresent and all powerful state taking care of their needs exists in full strength.
Well hello there mister saint kittens. Ignore , Finland is eastern europe but we aint that poor.
yes, although a few reach almost western europe development.
rare and saved
communism really fucked it up
hello :3
Best Eastern European countries to live:
Poland, Czech, Slovenia, Slovakia, Croatia, Balts and Hungary
Russia, Serbia, Belarus, Romania, Bosnia, Albania, Macedonia, Montenegro,
Africa tier:
Moldova and Ukraine
are you guys full or can me and my big dick come live with you guys?
>Poland, Czech, Slovenia, Slovakia, Croatia, Balts and Hungary
>not a shithole
Albania should be moved to africa tier desu
Its basicly a warzone infested with albozergs
Slovenia is better than Spain for example.... they are good countries in my opinion but Russia destroyed them
About the same level wealth as saint kitt and navis, according to gdp data.
Except our weather sucks.
Germany is southeastern europe or levant, depends whom you ask.
You retard.
> slovenia is better than Spain
Nope the worst ones are Austria Slovenia Romania Albania and Ukraine
>Slovenia is better than Spain
Yeah and Spain is shit.
They are redpilled on social issues, but they are leftists in every other aspect.
There was a huge transfer of wealth in the 90's to the west, which propped up their economy. That's why they are poor, not because of communism.
My family lost their savings twice. Once when the USSR collapsed, and when Russia declared it's first default. But both are due to economic agression.
Just Google "economic hitman"
come by saint kitts any time if you like blacks it's lit
also don't genghis our country
It's poor but those countries are not full of violence and degeneracy.
Unless being a poor country constitutes a shithole for you, then ok.
>Yeah and Spain is shit.
i know it. we are shit tier
Soviets raped the every-living fuck out of it, left behind a corrupt sewer of PTSD victims. Anyone about age 20 or older is a psychological wreck, with very few exceptions, and they are passing the corruption and mind break on to their children for te most part.
Anyone you meet with any substantial wealth is a psychotic criminal, with very few exceptions.
> t. I lived and worked there, running my own business for 10 years
> I barely got out alive
> it's fukt, m8
What the fuck is a nevis
It's dysgenics. The years of communism genocided the actual productive people.
ur a nevis homo
Isn't Saint Kitts and Nevis a ska band from the 90s?
>muh degeneracy
Come here please
Decrease the poleshit population
Eastern europe is poor because it lacks colonies and countries to exploit. We just tried to create a system to have a decent standard of living without exploiting other and having colonies. But those who exploit others won and started exploiting us as well.
hello CIA
Pretty much this, and the newer generations are leaning left because popular media.
>also don't genghis our country
Fine, I wont come then.
tons of Spaniards move to your country, is "the spanish dream" like morocco with Spain "the moroccan dream "
t. mad bosgor
>We just tried to create a system to have a decent standard of living without exploiting other and having colonies
we had colonies and we are poor like shit with huge debt....what are you talking about
Nice flag.
First of all you are rich compared to eastern europe. Secondly, you got fucked by anglos, because they actually took over the control of your colonies.
Well, that says a lot about Spain, doesn't it?
slovenia/croatia are the only good ones
>First of all you are rich compared to eastern europe
20% unemplyment rate and Spain is ruined for 50 years...no, we are not better than you
because we were born too close to russia that's our biggest sin without russia eastern europe would be the top region of the world
Bitch please you know nothing about unemployment. In my country over 60% of young people are unemployed. Also if you get a job you can expect to earn at least 1000+€ while we can expect 300€ at best.Also, spains unemplyoment worsened in 2007, before that it was quite OK. During the 1970s it was like 6%.
EE is poor if you think in terms of money but once you look at the price diff as well you'll see that wealth wise we're not poor. Salaries are 5 times smaller but so are prices, except electronics. More white and hence much less crime.
>saint kitts and nevis
What in the fuck
>only black people do crime
You spend to much time on Sup Forums friend. You are taking this site to seriously.Read a book or two.
>not estern europe
unironically send your Poles here senpai, lowest unemployment rate of any ethnic group
Crime != violent crimes
The majority of jail sentences have nothing to do with activities that will bother the average citizen. If you look at the penal code, most crimes in there are for things the gov considers bad like tax evasion, bootlegging, not having proper license etc.. As a citizen I don't care about this.
BiH was a mistake
Also stop coming here every summer to take half the jobs.
Wait i thought our unemployment was 40% or something and that the ebil government abuses poor,valiant Serbs and only people with connections can get jobs kek.
Austria in V4 now.
slovenia is shit tier yes.
Immigrants pls don’t come here
On behalf of V4, sorry no cucks allowed. Austtria is the european israel filled with "white jews".
Fuck off.
notice how the typical bong on Sup Forums behaves. contributes nothing, is petty and insults other europeans. this is why they will forever be cancer.
>60% of young people are unemployed
Sounds like heaven. You can be a NEET and it's normal to be a NEET, while it's not normal to be working.
Shut up, you're not even a country.
Lithuania please
I knew you would come back, you unfaithful, cheating little slut.
Doesn't matter. I forgive you. We can start again.
Being poor is what's saving us from all the migrants.
If that's the price for having a safe white country, then I hope we never get rich.
Austria is cucked af. Croatia and Slovenia have a decent chance of getting in tho.
Oh, what the matter? Did poor baby austria got cranky because you were not allowed in to a white mans union?
Too bad, im sure your brown friends will love to play with you.
> but Russia destroyed them
literally how?
when this reterded meme ends?
this. statism is as strong in eastern europe, maybe less so in the czech republic which is (surprise surprise) the richest.
but in so many ways its corrupt social democrats (ex gommies) vs shitty nationalist statists (as corrupt) in every country in the region. political class should be shot.
>eastern europe
sage fucking nigger
you realize that countries in slavic federation on your pic is absolutly irrelevant modern day? And not even modern day, they are totaly irrelevant during history. Withour Russia balts and slavs is irrelevant, do you want this or not but this is fact.
What are you nigger doing here ? How did you get a license to use a computer ?
Yes but you do realize that our country has no unemployment benefits or any type of social security programs. If you are unemployed you can literally starve. Young people are forced to live with their parents until they are fifty or beg diaspora to send them some money. It's a shit life.
Croatia, Slovenia and the Czech Republic are the only good ones. The rest are Africa-tier.
The only good thing about croatia is the capital, which has a decent standard of living. The rest of the country is africa tier.
To who? Other countries?
Why is this important?
What matters is the quality of life of the people within them.
Why should I care whether someone else considers me "relevant"?
that South border doesnt look good, we would have to push kebab out of europe
i earn 100 euro per month, but mother russia can into relevancy blyaaat
because this "someone" can come and take away from you all your quality of life , land and everything you have. Grow up , kid.
dont worry, soon whole Uk will be africa tier, faggot
good for you. I earn 2.5k euro per month, but money is nothing, because 90% of your daily "needs" is inventions of jewish marketers
didnt you guys hear?
we nordic now
>The rest of the country is africa tier.
Neither Slavonija nor Dalmacija are africa tier, not even metaphorically.
You can have quite a comfy life anywhere in Croatia if you're willing to work.
If you're a worthless parasite sitting on his ass expecting the government to provide for you then you'll have "africa tier" life anywhere.
That wouldn't be the case if the countries united as proposed.
>Grow up , kid.
wew lad
You wanted to erase our language and I'm talking for all the Baltic states. Speaking estonian/latvian/lithuanians was a banned thing which could lead you to get killed or sent to a gulag. You removed and destroyed our historical and cultural monuments and put soviet one in their place. You send the moat educated and qualified people esentially to their deaths in Siberia. Your country did everything to erase our history, culture and uniqueness.
And no apologies were made, only because Russian federation did not exist in those times. DINDU NUFFIN.
>17% unemplyoment
>40% youth unemployment
>over 100.000 people left the country in 2 years
yeah sure Mate, keep believe what you want.
here, anyone with normal degree can get 3k+.. 2.5k in Russia is like getting 6k here or 10k in Germany.. how does that make you feel?
Feels good not being poor
Well there goes the nordic dream
I still fail to see how this makes the standard of living comparable to africa.
ok retarded and now i open ur eyes.
not me, not Russia, but international jewish goverment of SU
>Speaking estonian/latvian/lithuanians was a banned
in same time ukrainian (((langueage))) was promoted, read about propaganda of ukrainian language and mentality in ukrainian ssr
and in fact this languages was not banned, there was promotion of russian only. There is the difference between "ban" and "limitation"
> Your country did everything to erase our history, culture and uniqueness.
and again
i need to remind you that there was lithuanians in the soviet goverment. Stop being gib me dat nigga
You are only DINDU here, not me
>africa tier
its because of albanians, bosnians and serbs which immigrated here. same shit like in western europe, only with different mongrels, 3 aforementioned are like africans and arabs in Sweden/Germany/UK.
REMEMBER Sup Forums, everytime you see someone talking shit about Croatian people and their behaviour, remember its not Croatian who did it - its usuallly albo, serb or bosnian.
fuck, we even have serbs in government.
is Croatia cucked? I would say yes in terms of people which were allowed to immigrate from Ex-Yu countries. Hopefully, there arent africans and arabs here... yet.
Also, Croatia is not only beautiful coastline and "Kings Landing". Eastern Croatia is almost nuclear wasteland as described by croatian newspapers and internet portals. All because of "muh 200 families", communist laws which havent changed after breakup of Yugoslavia and high corruption.
Maybe Croatia would be prosperous country someday, but currently, its fucked up to survive 1 month with $300-$400 payment while food and other products prices are same as in rest of EU.
There are more and more croatian people dumpster diving, while albos, gypsies, serbs and bosnians drive fancy cars, have luxury houses and large families - all because of social politics and benefits which allowed them that. As I said previously, same crap as with africans and arabs in Sweden/Germany/UK.
it make me feel like i am richer then you, because my all bills is 160$
We are.
All the shit about us being western europe is propaganda shit starting in 70's. We started to push us more to Sweden and thus to being as European and then as western Europe. Biggest mistake of our life time especially considering the rape gangs that are roaming our streets now.
Don't disrespect Croatia.
> roaches still have Κωνσταντινούπολις
Fuck off nigger we asian
>Implying Albania and Greece wouldnt ally to murder the turks
while anything useful (Electronics, cars etc) cost the same as in europe..
but at least that gas is cheap, so you can drive your lada