>invade and slaughter people around the world
>steal the resources of people around the world
>literrally starving milions to death in India
>the welsh, scottish and irish hates you
>just like the rest of the world


Other urls found in this thread:



Shut the fuck up, you're mad because they will stop feeding your gypsy bretheren, go fuck yourself

wtf I hate Britain now


dirty gyppos should be fighting for england on the front lines, you have been given probably even more handouts than mud slimes.

Hungarian shitposting squad is still up?

i cant hate romanians anymore because of this guy


I'm American



Do you know how small a gene pool has to be for inbreeding to have negative effects? Real fucking small


Go home, gypo

Thank u croatbro

england will be crushed!

Strange how many "hate threads" are being posted... Is this a tactic to divide Sup Forums?

That's nice OP, but you live in Romania.

*sips tea*

would be nice if you deport these gypsies

deport all sandniggers too while you're at it

don;t worry i ll come back to england to get my benefits. soon...

>be gypsy
>come to britain to leech of welfare state for gibsmedat using life savings
>find out generous british welfare was a lie
>sell self in male prostitution for fat arab bankers in london
>use money to fly back to rumania
>squat in behind the president's palace to use their dial up internet
>after 5 hours you are able to send rage post on Sup Forums saying how shitty brits are


Yeah like canada

in a few years


>>invade and slaughter people around the world
This bit is bad?

>gypsies criticizing anything
you're just a nigger that's slightly harder to spot

taca-ti gura, tigani.

I hate you too gypsy scum

Fuck off Gypsy.
England is alright.

>implying those are bad things

But let us appreciate the fine Romanian culture


The Indians had it coming

We don't even think about you, other than thinking of better ways in nailing down metal better so you gypsies don't keep making off with it.

The anglo must be exterminated

War, death, & conquest was inextricable from that era. We just happened to be better than everyone else.

That's 10/10 in England.

fuck off abdul

Top kek

Chat shit all you want lads I'm comfy being a bong. At least I'm not American.

They're basically island jews that cry out as they strike you

>invade and slaughter people around the world
>literrally starving milions to death in India

>he cares about shitskins

Oh, wait, flag.

>Be better than everyone at everything for the best part of 300 years
>Hand over the torch to America, who inherited our culture, language, traditions etc
>Even today a tiny spec of the globe is miles ahead of much bigger and more populous countries in many fields
>Some Gypsy hates on us for being one of the Best

Literally lmao'ing right now desu senpai

Ameribro's, where we at? Feels good being the Tag Team champions of the world for the past 400 years.

They didn't want to poo in a loo. Now they must face the consequences.

>Hand over the torch to America

Is this what your governesses teach in your primary schools? You didn't hand us jack shit. Christ it's like you britfags actually believe because our leaders 'get along' we like you or something.

Siding with the triple entente was a mistake.

>gypsy trying to criticise someone


Gypsy BTFO!

Which reminds me. Brb.

>invade and improve 3rd world shitholes
>make use of resources native populations were too stupid to use themselves
>literrally saving millions of lives introducing western ideals and technology
>the welsh, scottish and irish are too stupid to know what's good for them
>just like the rest of the world

why do brits love muslims so much?

>Pirates becoming world power thanks to Jews and Masons

That's all I can say, you can bitch about British Imperialism all you want, but European Imperialism legitimately improved the areas we colonized by a lot of standards. You'd be a lot better off if you were a Russian Oblast afterall.

Their skin tone reminds us of tea

Because they are closeted Muslims. Remember Cromwell getting butthurt about Christmas?

so you like shit colored things

If your shits are creamy brown you've had too much tea



WTF I love England now (Except for London)

t. Schulz

'England' isn't an island.

Fuck off Muhammad

Did you buy a pass Armando?

Romania doesn't know anything if it's not in someone else's pocket

>An island
>Great Britain
>"Tiny gene pool"
>Gypsy education

We call you England because that's pretty much what you are.
>but muh Scotland/Sheepshagger/Potatoniggurs
Shut up, they all got Anglofied.

And we call you gypsies because thats pretty much what you are

Scot here, can we start a petition to kick the English subhumans back to Germany or Denmark or wherever the fuck they came from? Tired of these cunts fucking up ours islands!

But then who will pay for your heroin addiction?

Blame Wales. The fuckers invited the Anglo-Saxons as mercenaries to fight the Picts.

C'mon now, there are some hard working people in Scotland. They are English but still

When has such a small Island ruled so much of the world?

You jelly of our history Romanian peasant?

hey OP, read this faggot

How many roof tiles did you have to steal to afford that heap of shit dell you're on?

>They are English but still



How many Indian shitskins did you suck off Ahmed? Your people seem fond of them.

>prussian laughing at a nigger stealing a polish guys adidas



Personally, I would've choosen


It's a █▬█ █ ▀█▀ m8.

Any time there is a thread like this, I just assume the OP is a proxyfag.

The only reason there's a heroin addiction in the first place is because England
They made a mistake but are still our Celtic brothers, English don't belong on our islands and we should work together kick them back to the German wastelands.

t. Jew trying to foster animosity

Back to your desert shithole, m8.

British empire was invented by the Scottish and built by the Irish, England just took credit for our achievements just like you took credit for all of Scottish inventions.

Post example of British cuisine please, I'm hungry.

T. Anglo trying to scapegoat the Jews.

Fuck off your not fooling me cunt, you don't belong on this island and neither do the Jews, fuck off back Germany and Jews fuck off to Israel cunts.

like Canada



We will never buy into your slimy Jewish divide and conquer shit.

Burgers are our greatest ally and we will always unite against you filthy pikeys.



great I'm making myself hungry now

u wot? av you never eard of a puffinbird puddin m8?

these and meat pies are the only ones I can make myself, sadly

Why do so many of your fellow Romanians follow me around the streets of Britain with dirty hands extended begging for money ?

>too much tea


We've found the Albanian

Have of you're gypsy brothers can only survive here because of our generosity and them taking advantage of actually being in a place with value stuff it's like anywhere they go they get overwelmed they're not ina shit hole with people starving to death and have to fill there pockets with honest peoples stuff to send home

> our scrapes is your treasure

>our scrapes is your treasure
I understand why you hate us
Anyone with enough money to leave your shithole comes here just to scrounge of us, this is the best your familys and sons can hope for

This tbqh

I'll put a few inches of America in you if that's what you're into big bong boy ;^*