Hey listen up jerks

Equality means equality



fkn gay as shit dude

lol gay




this seems kind of ironic

Hey man love is love



Dear Diary
Today too, OP was a faggot.

It's about time pedosexuals were given equal rights.


If this continues people will eventually want to start fucking aborted fetuses.

Fuck off Luke "Sissyfag" Montgomery.
Nobody wants to watch your shitty videos.

Wat y

Uh, it is Wednesday not man-love Thursday you dirty bitch.

OP has an American flag but I swear to god this is a sweden poster.

I don't get it.
So they have lots of.. angry sex?
That's probably why they are so butthurt. Angry buggery.

Sweden is cool

Fckh8 is a Republican funded falseflag.

>fk h8
This is what life is all about! YAY!

I won't sleep to every man on earth is gay.

>I will sleep with every man until they are all gay

Dont let them get to you. These videos drive more people to the right

And immoral faggot behavior is immoral faggot behavior.

Every man is equal in the eyes of the law

That's why they have to go

How will those who identify as combat helicopters will influence the balance of the upcoming race war? I suggest we drop our heliphobic ways and welcome our new helicopter allies!

is that milo and his sugar daddy?

Besides 98% of fags are child molesters.

Did you watch this vidya


Reported for illegal content.
Two male kids under 14 years old are kissing in an overtly sexual manner.

I count this as pedophilia.
Also sage.

Fuck you.

F*ck you OP this is g*y

fuck your faggotry faggots

get back in the fucking closet