
I feel like we honestly need to discuss what to do about Fukushima more. It is probably the greatest natural disaster of our time and the longer we do nothing the worse it gets. As a side note we actually really need to have Japan on our side right now so we should probably help them.

I unironically propose a low yield nuke or that we tunnel under it and let it fall into a hole and bury it. I don't know. Please discuss

Other urls found in this thread:


That's how Godzilla will be born

>natural disaster


258961 nukes weren't enough

>I unironically propose a low yield nuke
That would just spread MORE radioactive shit from the nuclear power plant.

The solution is to fucking fix the water leak. There are about 300k liters of irradiated water leaking into the ocean everyday right now.

Just fix the daam breaches and stop using the plant until it is fixed. Also, install the security upgrades to the core that were proposed before the disaster and got delayed because enviromentalists are afraid of nuclear power so they protest it even when it would make it safer.

>NOAA measures radiation
>radiation is measured in cm
Every fucking thread, fuck off.

It's totally contained within the containment vessel. Why on earth would you want to explode nuclear material everywhere or breach the vessel an let it fall into the water table?

That's a picture depicting of the wave high of the Tsunami


The Japanese government has been covering up everything and pretending all's fine when in reality it's way WAY more fucked up than you all guys could imagine. The following article by Joachim Hagopian goes very well into detail and will surely blow your mind once you realize how bad things really are.


I really wouldn't be visiting Japan or US West coast anywhere soon if I were you.

>or that we tunnel under it and let it fall into a hole and bury it.

>natural disaster

>reported and saged
>this has nothing to do with politics and is bait
people are falling for this meme

why has TEPCO not been taken over by the japanese government and staffed with US nuclear safety workers? japan should never have built nuclear power plants.

This is what happens when white technology falls into the hands of non-whites.

We should have never shared anything with any other race, not even Asians.

Steal the Kaaba and relocate it there, allow the pilgrims in.

We need to arrest all leftist, commies, rapefugees and blm activists and send them to deal with this crap, saying they will be pardoned for their crimes against humanity if they sort it out.

This shit is not dealt with cause of muh gay ass sacredness of human life, when soviets had the same problem they just sent a bunch of slavs in and told them to conserve this shit whatever it takes, most of them died, but do you see radioactive shit leakign all over Ukraine/Europe now?

The world is being doomed right now, cause nobody can bring himself to send a bunch of ppl to a suicide task of saving it.

>when soviets had the same problem they just sent a bunch of slavs in and told them to conserve this shit whatever it takes
yes and you went full damage control to the point that the west made the world aware of the meltdown because of the clouds of radioactive bullshit before you did

I think it's also probably something to do with it being underwater, Ivan.

We have bigger issues.

Did those clouds spread for years to come? Shit was fixed asap, some minor contamination on eurofags' land was unavoidable and not our problem anyway.
Just issue them aqualungs

>minor contamination

You're retarded.
This is absolutely political.. Or do you believe unless somehow we can fit a trump meme into this thread somewhere, that's the only way this subject belongs on here??

Die in a fiery car accident.

Not only is OP a megafaggot, but




That is LITERALLY some weapons-grade retardation that he use for shitty bait.

Science requires sacrifices.
How would all nuclear power workers all over the world know not do do it, if we didn't show the them how it ends?


No it's not. Look at the latest info from telco and several other sources. The fuel has experienced a "melt out" melted completely out of the pressure vessel and through the floor of containment. The melted core is in direct contact with ground water that is flowing straight into the Pacific Ocean.

The situation is completely fucked you stupid leaf, go eat some seafood.

Our world is dying. There is nothing that can be done by humans which can fix that

Do you know how much radioactive material is beneath the sea? Do you know anything about radiation? Best not worrying about things you know fuck all about.


It wasnt science. You morons ran a reactor test that could only work by turning off all of your safety alarms and removing all of your control rods.

On an overnight shift no less. At 2 in the morning.

Then you fucking commies tried to cover it up. It wasnt until the contamination monitors alarmed in a nuclear plant all the way IN SWEDEN that the rest of the world realized what was going on.

So you paid workers in vodka to go cover up the plant with sand. They all died by the way. Not that anyone cared. Because their just communists. Not people.

Then you come to this thread acting like japan messed up worse when they were hit with an earthquake AND a tsunami.

Fucking russians. Hacking reactors and shit.

As peasants? Not much. Don't swim in the Pacific.

Seafood is off thew menu permanently. I imagine Atlantic seafood will command a premium, until they start lying and everyone claims their stuff is Atlantic. Safest thing is to just avoid it all.

I think it's great. Whites are dying off anyway and the brown horde is going to inherit a completely fucked up toxic planet for them to have mutated brown kids in

>do you know how much radioactive material is beneath the sea?
>he said in a completely serious tone

>It wasnt science.
It wasn't gender studies and history of Islam so probably not science for fucking leafs indeed, but nuclear physics is considered science in most of the rest of the world

Best post in the thread including OP. Shit's fucked and no one knows what to do about it.

>that tendril of shit across the atlantic

from india with love

Boom. Different leaf here. I side with rusky.


>that fucking south atlantic tendril

Pfff only Americas are directly affected so who cares?

Blowing up a reactor is now nuclear science. Good golly you sure got me there. Did you grow up with the communist party, or do you just choose to swallow their bullshit?

The only science that came out of that is now every 2 years the rest of the nuclear plants around the world watch safety videos about how not to be retarded russian communists.

>Nintendo acts the bitch with Trump and their switch
Sorry Japan. You should stop digging your own graves when they get around 6 feet deep.

There is no upvote button here you fucking traitor.


Awesome, can't wait

It's like a tyrannid hive fleet of literal shit.

I support this

you guys clearly do not understand how vast the ocean is and how little impact this small power plant has got on an environment. if you have globe turn it facing middle of pacific ocean torwards you and see that this is literaly half the globe. not one, not one hundred but thousands such disasters would be needed so anything is detectable on the other side of it.

The world is fucked up. If George Soros was such philanthropist as Libtards say he is, he would put his money into helping to fix this. Anyway, it's a global problem and needs countries to get together to contribute resources and expertise. Even then, Fuck U shima probably can't be fixed.

kek wills it


>you guys clearly do not understand how vast the ocean is and how little impact this small power plant has got on an environment
I think you don't understand how much radioactivity is being dumped and how long that will continue.

>OP actually thinks that anything can be done about Fukishima that wouldn't further risk a complete nuclear shitshow

Just one more thing that will contribute to the downfall of life as we know it in Western civilization. There is nothing realistic that can be done about Fukishima.

Also, check deez numbers and praise Kek, everyone.

The idiotic anti-nuclear rant afterwards made me think everything was tree-hugger propaganda.

what is cumulative?


Looks bretty grim, Spainbro. At least you get to enjoy the apocalypse with qt Latin babes

Literally harmless for anyone that wasnt working at the plant during the meltdown
And even those are fine

Buy a radiation meter.


>Austria being this autistic about what is obviously the worst nuclear reactor failure in the entire technology's history.

Yeah, no. >>>>European education

I bet you support nuclear power too you liberal scum.

>leftist, commies, rapefugees and blm activists and send them to deal with this crap
Oh yeah, let's send the retards of population to fix that. We might as well wait for it to fix itself.

>Pookashima radiation

but this is a fucking map of wave

wave was before any radioactive stuff leaked significantly.

how fucking stupid you are

>Austria being this autistic about what is obviously the worst nuclear reactor failure in the entire technology's history.

If you think Fukushima compares to even 1% of Chernobyl, you might be retarded.

>We need to arrest all leftist, commies, rapefugees and blm activists and send them to deal with this crap, saying they will be pardoned for their crimes against humanity if they sort it out.

This is actually a genius idea. Only in service can the leftists be redeemed.

Based japan nuking commiefornia

zitto animale nuculear boogaloo

Hope it destroys West Africa

>2 people with light radiation burns
>worst reactor failure ever

I wonder how much cancer % rates have increased in Japan since fukushima happening

The difference is that Chernobyl is more or less contained, Fukushima is not even close and it's already been nearly 6 years since reactor meltdown, and they still have no idea what the fuck they are going to do. Thank you, come again. The radiation is going to fuck the oceans for thousands if not tens of thousands of years in that area. You're a faggot and you are wrong.

>Implying the Japanese government hasn't been trying to cover up the thousands of 'mysterious' cancer patients in the entire area of Fukushima

relax there mr Panic

deep ocean volcanoes release radiation all the time this is nothing

>open thread
>open youtube to watch brianna wu crying
>fukushima videos in related videos when in no way related and doesn't say 'recommended'

does this mean Seychelles smells like shit?

t. coulter

There called half-lifes brah



These burgers clearly didn't go to good burger schools where they would have learn what a half-life is.

>The quake shifted the Earth's axis by 4 to 10 inches, altering the length of a day

Mother of mercy!

I didnt even know this!

no wonder days seems to fly by faster ever since fukushima happened.

Thansk for ruining it for us all nips

Your major problem is the radiation is so high where the leaks are even the robots designed to fix them are basically melting. Ive heard a giant cement dome has been proposed (similar to Chernobyl) but even that would mean a full scale meltdown in a confined space...

In short, the situation is fucked

>half life

yeah I played the game it wasnt that good.

>first part explains how we have a solution to the problem

>we're fucked man omg

>we should probably help them
lel fuck them, nippa shits don't give two flying fucks about americans and pearl harbor is proof of that.

Does anyone have the Poonami cartoon/graphic??

That shits coming from Africa and South America

ah yes, POONAMI!

Greenpeace doesn't give a fuck, lol.

Putting a dome over it doesnt fix the water problem and limits access. Its a last ditch fix when all else is lost. If that happens you can say goodbye to most of the northern half of Japan.

As for the robots, no one can figure out how to build one that can stand that high of radiation so far. 4 of them have been lost this year alone and they arent even getting close to the damaged area

Where are the great garbage patches??

Peak radiation has already happened. the rate at which radiation leaks to the ocean is such that the 30 year half-life's for the worse radiation occur faster than the small drizzle of radiation can add to it.

they should do what ukranians did and send in a zerg waves of suicide teams.

kys shill

i think somewhere in the middle of the pacific people used to take trips to see it so meh.

Background radiation here is same as in Fukushima. Doesent kill you, only makes more strong. It's overhyped and possibly to cover something else up.

kek, well played m8

it started with an earthquake dumbass