>Loving your country as an American = Patriot
>Loving your country as a European = Nazi
But why?
>Loving your country as an American = Patriot
>Loving your country as a European = Nazi
But why?
Because of my original sin of personally killing 6 gorillian jews.
I fucking love my county. Every neighborhood has at least a dozen houses flying flags on their lawns
They've been trying to change this. I mean fuck that school district (in California I think) changed the rules so students can't wear stuff with the US flag so as not to offend the spics.
>implying american patriots arent all brainwashed drones who cheer on the most destructive government in world history
nationalism is probably a bad thing for yurop since you all hate each other
Competition drives innovation.
Here in Denmark there was a huge ruckus because they put up the Danish flag in the Danish parliament
>Loving your country as an American = Patriot
nationalism world wide is now being considered nazi-esque because leftists are getting drunk with power
Fuck you nazi bigot scum god I hate white males
>the most destructive government in world history
that title belongs to your country you subhuman inbred. you controlled the world for a 1000 fucking years, allowed to the jews to gain unprecedented power in yurop and created israel
patriotism in America = cosmopolitanism
they have difficulties with making distinctions between the two. This is why even a multiculturalist can call himself a patriot in the USA
It's all the same idea, nationalism. One country is a good example and the other is bad, and I'll let you decide which is which
>when you lost millions of men killing nazis and abolished slavery first but you're all still racist nazi bigots.
Americans claim the flag is inherently about diversity whilst European flags of old are usually pretty ethnocentric in connotations.
It's pretty obvious they're trying to subvert certain sentiment.
It's what (((they))) want goy.
Yeah but in our defence you can't grow good tea leaves in the UK. If you could we'd have left the rest of you cunts alone.
Damn, I like you Denmark.
But that's some serious cuckoldry.
The innovation takes the form of more effective methods of killing each other.
It was a pretty pathetic leftist shitfest. They wanted them to put up the EU flag instead.
Luckily no one took this shit seriously and even a fucking sandnig politician was saying they were retarded
Sure, that and the greatest civilization known to man.
>This is why even a multiculturalist can call himself a patriot in the USA
They can't.
(((Multiculturalism))) is different than the melting pot idea, which was supposed to be that Americans can come from all different backgrounds and they shed the parts of their culture that were in conflict with our society
While our society adopts the parts of their culture that would benefit us.
It's only a good idea because the USA was a new country, a blank slate. Europe has thousands and thousands of years of history
What would happen if you put one up on your house?
I don't feel like a nazi.
Only calling yourself patriot isn't exactly a good thing either here.
same here man
Why did you do it, man?
guess im just a white, racist, bigoted NAZI scumbag.. story of my life
Doesn't mean shit if the greatness can't even last more than a couple generations before it collapses because you can't stop killing each other.
Because Amurica is a mutli racial diverse mongrel metling pot proposition nation shithole so worhiping muh flag is harmless to the jewish establishment. You are swearing allegiance to the Federal government and the political system.
In Europe states were revolved and organised across racial and ethnic lines so jews get terrified by expressions of patriotism
modern greeks are literally shit skin arab rape babies
Whatever mongrel go worship some niggers wrapped around muh flag
fatty got triggered lmao
dumb subhuman shit skin
>Loving your country as an American = Patriot
What do you plan on doing to cia and nsa employees then, patriot?
>But why?
You allowed women to vote and put them in positions of authority. Now suck that black dick for eternity.
>Check out this dank black guy with the MAGA hat so fucking based!!!!
What are you talking about a few generations? Post-roman European civilization has been on the road to greatness since Charlemagne. When China consolidated and got stuck in their lands under a single entity we competed, innovated and philosophized and from the 1500th century and onward took over the world.
Take the scramble for Africa, for example. A single entity would concern itself with holding together the empire and great people would not build new outside, but compete to take control from inside, and maybe venture outwards when it was safe. In Europe one state started risking colonization and the benefits from that FORCED the other states to get their colonization going, or be out competed. Some failed to keep up and the best kept on innovating out of necessity. Compete or die, just as in the free market.
But so did the US
It still 50/50 there. At least half of them believe in traditional values. The other half is cucked to the max.
True. Our country is so divided we can't be classified as cucked or redpilled.
Loving America makes you a nazi in 2017. The word patriot has pretty much been replaced by "nationalist"
ew. None.
This. Nationalism in America is about swearing allegiance to land and property. Nationalism in Europe is about swearing allegiance to our heritage, culture and ethnic kin. Burgers will never understand this. Unlike us, their jingoistic flag-waving and patriotic chest-thumping is 100℅ kosher-approved.
Muh 6 gorrilion
I confess I've killed over 5 thousand of those with my bear hands.
From the perspective of the common man living in that time, not from the perspective of history books.
European competition is what allowed them to take the gunpowder China invented, outpace them with developing military sciences, yeah.
That's what I'm talking about.
Congratulations, instead of a few hundred thousand dying in a war, it gets to be a few million.
Free markets end in crashes. That's a bad comparison to make.
but he will not divide you tho
my country = my race
Is this real life?
Try an ISIS flag next time
How dare you not fly the glorious flag of the profit of peace PBUH
You have hands like a bear?
>they actually have a machete on their flag
Doesn't apply to Finland
Because the EU is run by das Juden.
sword of peace
profit of peace
religion of peace
jihad of peace
bombing of peace
attack of peace
remember if Islam dose it, it is by definition peacefull
The same people that see "Loving your country as a European = Nazi", also see "Loving your country as an American = Nazi".
Not here
The hatred for foreigners binds us together