Trump wants to get rid of states

Trump wants to get rid of states.

its not united states of america anymore its BIGLY AMERICA

Remember when Marco Rubio made Trump look like a retard at the debate because Trump doesn't know shit about insurance and could only say "muh state lines" when Marco pressed for details.

Good job electing this piece of shit guys.

>Trump wants insurers to be able to sell insurance across state lines

god emperor rising

shoo shoo narco marco

Only thing I remember is him getting burned out of the nomination by Crispy Creme.

How is this a good thing? To save money I would have to fly to another state to get surgery?

What should Trump rename America to after he is crowned God Emperor of Mankind?


wtf??? i like this trump guy even more now!

Fuck white people!!!


t. CNN

Rubio pushed on one point, he asked Trump to clarify what he meant by state lines (which was pretty fucking obviously allowing providers to compete between states)

He will unify us into one kingdom and rule with a firm hand.

I thought liberal maggots were all for no borders

Trump had nothing else to say on the topic other than "state lines" and sounded like a moron but sure user... it never happened.

>wants to increase competition
>this is a bad thing

But state lines are a problem. Autarchy increases costs by reducing competition.

>fake tweet
>Aussie flag
Wow Bruce bet lots of people will fall for this one! Not like Trump has repeatedly supported States rights on multiple issues or anything.

>getting rid of state lines is the samr as eliminating states.

Okiee buds, if the only thing making your state a state is an imaginary line, you were never one to begin with.

When asked about his plans on Healthcare he repeated "state lines" with middle school public speaking level details. He had no other info on his plans.

Not saying it's not an issue but I think some of you need to rewatching it. Trump did not look good.

Look at all thr piece of shit haters come outta the woodwork.. Leave to your respective leftist boards. Ty

Trump confirmed communist now
First step Russia, second step communism
meanwhile Trump supporters pretend they fight commies
America is doomed

Trump isnt a pro orator like shillary was

He doesn't need to be articulate about it, he needs to do the correct thing, and this is a step into the right direction, a step career politicians and splendid orators refused to take.

Problem with tweets is limited context can be provided, leading to morons doing shit like this.

State line limitations forcing people to go with monopolistic healthcare providers that are in their area rather than shop around for the best deal.

The free market will fix it


American Empire of Emperor Trump when?

Even Russia isn't communist anymore, kike.

Trump doesn't want to remove state lines completely, he just wants to increase competition and lower cost of insurance by allowing insurers to operate across state lines.

It comes......

That's enough of your truthfulness here thank you! You are ruining the moment!

Liddle Marco

Yep i could see cnn rolling with that.

Remember when Marco Rubio said the exact same sentence 7 times in a row regarding Obama

Those were the times eh

Allowing Healthcare companies and out of state customers to connect is not a new concept.

The Republicans were pushing for it during the obamacare talks when obama pretended to "reach across table"

Then he totally disregarded anything they said and did it his way.

Trump knows business, as many in the GOP do, and understood then as he does now how competition can drive down prices and increase product quality.

He wasn't at the debates to be another talking head, he had a point to make and he made it.

>wanting to get rid of states
Never knew Trump was ancap
I think we overdosed him hard on ancap ball memes.


He wants to open the healthcare market across state lines. You currently have to buy insurance from a company in your state.

I heard him talk about this outside of Twitter, where he could go into detail.

He's trying to get rid of the lines as it pertains to health care, as some providers are only for one state.

Anyone would be insane to try and eliminate the states, especially as it is such a large landmass.

God Bless the Republic of America

Wtf, I support Texas secession now.

States are merely large voting districts. Embrace being American.

Muhh Marco Jubio. You mean the Cuban cuck who wanted to legalize 30 million illegal aliens? That cuck?