Whites rape more than blacks

Whites rape more than blacks.
Whites BTFO, ya'll are racists thinkin' that blacks force themselves on others the most, and you all think negatively on poor children refugees will be doing the rapes! get it together, whitey

source: ucr.fbi. gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2015/crime-in-the-u.s.-2015/tables/table-43

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sheeeiittt...i know i be gettin it in!

Per capita and where are Latinos?

Holy shit, blacks are only 14% of the population but commit almost half the tapes white people do. What the fuck is wrong with niggers? Why does nobody want their turd dicks?

Camouflage is not a race


Underrated. Kek

Holy shit, there's so much less nignogs and they commit half as much rape?

Fucking uncivilized fucks.


Nope, FBI counts Hispanics and Arabs as white.

Try again.

And fyi, even if that were not the case, blacks are still over-represented in rapes than whites.

FBI statistics count Hispanics as white.

Also Whites are 60%, Blacks 13%.
So, a little less than 2.5X more per capita among blacks.

Americans like to pretend latinos are white when it comes to negativee things like crime

I don't see "white, non-hispanic."

Niggers don't understand statistics

They should just do like Sweden and make it illegal to record the race of those committing crimes.

there's a separate column for hispanic or not if you go to the link

They list A LOT of light skinned minorities as white to skew the data.

>The United States' government* like to pretend
ftfy, no charge praise kek

Try googling what race is

17% of the population is black and commit 30% of all rape

It's rape cubed, if you extrapolarte back using the data provided white people make up 71%of rapes and black 29% of rapes by black or white people. Now bearing in mind that the main perpetrators are men, that means 7% (black men) are commiting approx 29% of the rapes. To know for sure we'd need the statistics of rape by race and gender

Hispanics make up 50% of whites.

Daily reminder that the American government considers Muslims as white.

what is rape cubed?

>12% of the population
>commit 30-50% of the rape
really activates my almonds

Who cares? Negroes and non-whites should be exterminated from the point of aesthetics alone

>The rape figures in this table are aggregate totals of the data submitted based on both the legacy and revised Uniform Crime Reporting definitions.

LOL you wish niggers raped proportionately

>blacks rape at a higher rate than whites

Niggers in charge of statistics, not even once.

>American education


Never post on Sup Forums again you fucking retard.

There are five times as many whites as blacks. Plus those stats include beaners as whites, which means there are actually seven times as many whites as blacks for statistical purposes.

Niggers: putting the ape in rape.

how else would you do it?
there're other tables to choose from on the fbi site if you want, fgt.
there's per metro area and shit but obviously that'd be heavy against blacks

stop complaining and do the math or view the sites

There are far more whites than Blacks in America nigger. Also Hispanics and other non-whites are considered white by the (((police)))

Not proportionally

>comparing total numbers

holy shit are you really that retarded?
also saged you fucking shill


Spics count as white in those (((statistics)))


Google it god damn it.

>comparing % of total without taking population size difference into account

>look at the stats!
>they show blacks rape at twice the rate of whites
>whitey wtf?!?


there’s 200m whites and 30m blacks.

30m / 5000 = 8000
200m / 12000 = 16666

for blacks.. 1 rape per 8000 people
for whites.. 1 rape per 16666 people

this is a bait/slide thread, no one is legitimately this retarded.

*40m blacks
the calculation is for 40m blacks.

Sheeboons don't call the pol lease

Mestizos, castizos, arabs, iberians and turks are not White

muh per capita, the only thing that matters!!!!

I don't care I'm a gorillion times more likely hit by a car or get a heart attack, because I consider those types of deaths normal and part of life, just like how I consider White criminals normal as well! It's the Muslims and Blacks raping innocent streetcorners who you have to look out for!

>I am le so smart and redpilled, truly this is a burden in a world of le sheep


Based, but not White
White = Celt, Germanic, Slav, Balt and Finn
t. Scot

He's right you mong. In the US military you're either "White Hispanic" or "Black Hispanic" if you identify as a Latino, but in many US Gov statistics they place both categories under "White".

>i am an actual uneducated retard who doesnt understand probability
>im going to drive 90 on the highway and eat until im obese because odds are im going to die from one of those things anyway
its pretty simple when you actually take one second to think about it.

more people = more crime by raw numbers
more shitskins (especially niggers) = a higher RATE of crime

13% of population rapes at twice the rate that white does. FBI does not segregate white true European, from mestizo breeds, thus even a full blooded indian from El Salvador is considered white for statistical purposes, which is a shame, and just one more example of the white mans burden. To recap, negroes rape at twice the rate per their population than whites.

Bixnood percentages n 'sheeit b fo raycis YT!

>pic related
It's fake crime.

Here we see FBI admitting that many agencies do not report Hispanics within their own race (as they should). Hispanics, mestizos, chicanos, etc. all commit crimes but don't get the attention they deserve, they hide behind the white man, to cowardly to admit their evil deeds publically. If you were to eliminate the so called Hispanic from white stats, then true whites would commit offenses lower than what their statistical average would be, based on percentage of population.


So whites, who are over 60% of population, accounted for 52% of arrests. This means that we are less prone to criminal activity than blacks and Hispanics combined.

But you are a failure so what does that mean???

that You are reaching hard as fuck to feel better about reality

this. FBI stats count non blacks as white. Since some agencies do not differentiate between the so called "Hispanic" and true whites, all of their stats are scewed, and do not address the fact that white people commit way less crimes than negroes and mestizroes.

White includes spics

white rape per 100k = 8.7
black rape per 100k = 91.35

nice try op

>this is a bait/slide thread, no one is legitimately this retarded.

Well, the average IQ of blacks is 80...they are dumber than chimpanzee.

What it means is, I don't steal, Murder, rape, rob, burglarize people of any race, and neither do the greater percentage of my white brothers. It means we are a noble breed, and all other races cannot compare with our unparalleled virtues. Also, I assure you, I am more successful than you, or anyone in your family, or anyone in your neighborhood will ever be. Plus there is a 60% chance that you have been to prison, for either rape, murder, robbery, burglary. When you get on the white mans level of nobility, then we can talk, until then, stay out of /our/ way, we are way too smart for you.

okay tyrone

They are not human. Every black and with black blood must be killed

>being this retarded

Duane, you aren't as smart as you are and have clearly not understood what I originally wrote.

People aren't concerned about the probability of a race A offender attacking them being higher than one from race B. They are concerned about becoming a victim in first place regardless of the skin color of the perpetrator, you sheltered, naive middle-class retard.

I get it, you're 19 and your life experience is limited to whatever Tier 3 college your parents are paying for.

>and where are Latinos?
they're "white"

Adjust for population and you'll see a chart like this

also look @ this. the rate for white men raping negresses is ZERO


That's cuz blacks always follow rape with murder

So blacks commit over 40% of rape despite being a small minority.

Also, Hispanics/Latinos are lumped in with whites. And let's assume that at least (at a generous estimate) 25% of that near 12k is actually from Hispanics/Latinos, even though they are the largest minority group.

That makes close to 3k rapes for Hispanics/Latinos (largest minority group), while blacks are close to 5k (small minority group). And real white rape, minus the Hispanic/Latino rapes, is close to 9k.


>Jews like to pretend latinos are white when it comes to negativee things like crime

black males are 6%

1,204,862 Latino Rapist Convicts
56,000,000 Latino Population

= 2.1515% of Latinos are Rapist

5,341,358 White Rapist Convicts
197,000,000 White Population

=2.7113% of Whites are Rapist

I'm just using the raw data here Sup Forums. It seems whities are more likely to be rapist than spics

>Implying black women ever report it when they're raped by Jamal, DeShawn, and DeDingus.
That's just the number of whites they raped.

>hurr I've never experienced as much as being a victim of petty theft so I freely obsess and fetishize per capita crime stats and willingly ignore the fact that Black crime affects Black people and White crime affects White people with negligible interracial mingling as seen in

Go drink your pumpkin spice lattes as you shrug the moment your server turns out to be a Black guy, Billy.

I knew this OP was either stupid or lying. 17,370 rapes just didn't seem right, knowing how many non whites are in this country. sure enough I caught the cock sucker with his hand up the elephants ass again. see pic

>Black crime affects Black people and White crime affects White people
>i've never lived around niggers

That is over 1000,000 rapes reported, and this OP is cherry picking rape definition 3 stats. Fucking idiot! Remember, you cannot trust these fuckers, no matter what. They are dumb, and liars, which means you must be vigilant around them. They are bred to commit crime, it is in their DNA, Mexicans too.

>da durr my not even tangentially related dataset clearly trumps the one that's been posted a couple posts upthread in
and clearly shows White crime victims should fear White people, not Blacks.

>that murder and robbery rate

(((revised definition))) aka brushing past a girl in a party and accidentally touching her ass is added to that list

>i don't understand percentages and per-capita crime rates
your superior kang intelligence is showing

We don't have those rape stats in this countries, except Brazil, but they are pricks.

But don't forget Jürgen, it's Europe and especially your country and Sweden are the hopelessly fucked ones.

How could you recover from your horrific 0.7 murder rate?!

is chile a nice country? i want to visit south america but i don't want to get robbed by subhuman monkeys

OP, the next time you go out, and think about raping some white woman, I want you to remember pic related. This is what will happen to you. we will find you. I know you are a rapist. Carry that pic in your pocket to deter you from your natural negro instincts, which is to commit crimes, and sponge off the white man.

Interesting. You see how there is no separate column for "HISPPANIC"? Yes. They are including hispanics in that white statistic. As such, it is highly inaccurate.

that .7 murder rate is coming almost exclusively from 2% of the population. you're continuously countering your own points

i don't think you're this stupid. i think you're just trying too hard to troll

Did you switch IPs? Pretty sure you're this guy

you're trying too hard an it's coming across as cringe

No actually, mohammed, it is quite the opposite, but since you non whites seem to have so much trouble with statistics, I understand your confusion.

Come to Chile, go to the south, stay because of the German descendents and their beer

>that .7 murder rate is coming almost exclusively from 2% of the population. you're continuously countering your own points

It must be, because I say so! That's the only way my delusions can be maintained, facts be damned. I don't care that Germany had a higher murder rate a couple decades ago when there were much fewer Muslims, the current ones are all committed by them because I say so!

yeah whatever, oh what's that behind you? I bet it's those punk-ass bloods, quick nigger, grab your gun and go cap their asses!

Nice b8 m8 r8 8/8
Sage thread


>oh, I didn't realize what the other guy was saying until now, but now I do and he kinda has a point
>doesn't matter, I'll call him tryhard and hope he won't notice that I'm evading the obvious

>all immigrints are the exact same 1 person