Is it illegal in your country to do a classic Nazi Salute
Is it illegal in your country to do a classic Nazi Salute
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we do it all the time.
>Is it illegal in your country to do a classic Nazi Salute
No, I always call for the bus with one, in broad daylight.
No one ever says anything, doubt they even know what a nazi salute even is.
It's illegal in Sweden, apparently breaking the law "Hets mot folkgrupp" or "hate speech".
This law does not apply to black people tho
>It's illegal in Sweden, apparently breaking the law "Hets mot folkgrupp" or "hate speech".
Is it also hate speech to say that your music is quite shitty?
Video so very related.
>This law does not apply to black people tho
What law applies to niggers?
>hets mot folkgrupp
>tfw when your hate speech law sounds like a special detachment of the SS gaurd.
No, but you will lose your job and if you try to add any word like " i like hitler" you might get arrested.
Is that really a thing? God, people can be so touchy. Let it go. Bunch of women running things, I swear.
yes ._.
Right wing hets mot folkgrupp squad when?
>Nazi Salute
no such thing. unless you mean the roman salute.
black guy,nazi salute, in front of Anti-fa and police, nobody bats an eye
Yes it is illegal
Absolutely degenerate music. Sweden needs to sort it self out.
Not yet
I know so many people that unironically think Hitler pulled all symbolism out of his ass somehow instead of taking inspiration from Rome, the Celts, Asian symbolism etcetera.
Hitler is seen as a decent man here Happiest country on earth!!!
You can even get some jail time for denying the holohoax.
Just feign innocence, say you were heiling a cab
yes it is
Tke a guess
Anything is illegal in Britain if it offends a Muslim.
I think it's fully legal to shout heil hitler and do the salute in public in norway. Can any norway fag confirm?
kill those shit skins already u cuck
obviously it is, Brejvik is doing it at court all the time.
They arent part of the communist Union.
Do you think there will be one day the will at look our memes and places we've been in the internetz and buttfuck us big time?
Or will the AfD/CSU will rise to power before?
Technically not, but you would probably be arrested for public disorder or "inciting racial hatred".
I don't think so, but I can't imagine anybody would be thrilled if they saw you do it.
it's a roman salute you cucked femenized pussy whipped faggot
maybe one day we'll be able to do that Hans
Dabbin' memed into White Power salute when?
u dropped this
it's a roman salute
>don't do that reeeee
One border east and nobody gives a damn.
Not the act of the Nazi Salute but saying for Sieg Heil or anything else nazi like with it could get you in trouble for breaking the law "Hets mot folkgrupp" or "Incitement to hatred".
No. Slava Ukraini \o
Not yet