why does reddit like bush now?
Why does reddit like bush now?
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He was basically the same as Hillary politically
he was hugged by a tranny
Shills probably.
because the bush family is CIA and the shills need to make CIA cool, just like the biden memes when pizzagate started
This and millennials who aren't old enough to remember his presidency.
The fact that they've trotted out ol' W to try to sway anyone tells me Trump is heading in the right direction.
That video is from before a lot of them were born.
They like Dubya because he came out of his hole to talk shit about Blompf.
Because he's anti-Trump, they realize the controlled opposition is gone now so they want him back.
Because they're too young to know the feeling of their older brothers and sisters being sent overseas to fight some worthless war, and coming back traumatized/missing limbs. Despite them being sent overseas, nothing except lots of debt have come from it.
Being an establishment puppet aside. He was pretty meme worthy at least.
A lot more than obummer.
Anybody who is against Trump is ok now
The biggest problem with Jeb!'s campaign was his relation to George Bush, the shills are setting up a positive image of the Bush family for Jeb! 2020
Because they miss having Republicans be a bunch of pushovers that begged for their forgiveness at the mere insinuation of racism.
Made me think
Bush is talking bad about President Trump.
So now Bush is cool.
They mocked him ship bad for that whole meeting when he was president
I guess they think of him as a reflection of a Republican they could effectively fight, not like Trump, who is steam rolling term
Holy fuck her face lmao
they love Bush now because he isn't Drumphf
Every president that's been out of office for a couple of terms pretty much becomes an elder statesman, sort of the American equivalent of the Queen Mother. Even Richard Nixon was viewed the same way by the time he died.
I had not seen this gif until just now.
>mind blown
Because mentally and emotinally they're children with selective amnesia.
Why are you posting the time Bush beat on a drum of nanotermite to summon a demon in a voodoo ritual?
Ah yes the album that didn't include a song that called out Soros because 'He gives money to us leftist' Fat 'kike' Mike.
Other than allowing open borders Bush was worse for democrats in every possible way. Are they a one issue party now?
Trump plans to ban immigration from 6 muslim countries, bush planned to invade them.
Bush literally created reddit.
It was a safe space from the Digg patriots, remember that whole fiasco?
yeah but he was funny lmao
wtf I love Bush now
Saw NOFX at a festival last year and Fat Kike was basically shilling for Hillary. Hear was the only band with a political message that treated all candidates somewhat equally... by having them murder each other.
I look forward to the day we get a leader so extreme, they start liking Trump.
people dont like bush so much as realise that he want as bad as the current shit is most likely is....
nostalgia for a dumb but not overtly aggressive idiot
>shilling for Hillary
God damn, this is the band that wrote "The Marxist Brothers" youtu.be
is that real? 33k votes and someone PAID MONEY because someone posted a video of Bush shaking a hand. God I fucking hate reddit.
This is a pattern. Reagan went from being the crazy cowboy who was going to nuke the world to a respected elder statesman the minute he was dead. Bush 41 got much more positive press once Bush 43 was in. And now the Jew media loves Bush 43 when he used to be a retarded chimp warmonger dancing on Cheney's leash.
They always love the LAST Republican, and the new one is always literally Hitler.
Because in comparison to Trump he seems like a fucking intellectual. Trump has dropped the standards of everything.
You idiots said same things about Reagen when Bush was president
I knew they'd be against Trump, but didn't think they'd support her. Fucking leftists are all the same these days.
>trump isnt funny
>and sisters being sent overseas to fight
What the fuck are you talking about?
I genuinely hope this woman is raped and strangled by a large nigger
its not rape if she consents :^)
The democrats and republicans have been the same party for a long time, the adversity between them was just for show. Now there's REAL political adversity and the powers that be are working hard to retain full control.
reddit is heavily controlled by shills now. it appears that they're creating a space for people to like old guard republicans so both Ds and Rs can unite behind their hatred for trump. it's not necessarily in place yet but they're laying the groundwork for if trump is a massive failure. if trump fails everyone will retreat to the comfort of any establishment D or R. If trump succeeds though all their prepping here is just that.
sweetie, why are you standing with a war criminal