What do you guys think a Jewish girl talking about period blood?
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absolutly trefe
Gross that she drops it in the toilet and still shoves it up her cooch.
She's cute.
>talking about period blood?
surely you mean talking about being my gf
Jews are allowed to drink alcohol.
She's cute. I like that she seems confident in her body and I also like that one of the things she liked about the cup was that it was thrifty.
I think that this would be a great video for girls in the early days of independence - sort of like how I imagine a big sister would talk. I'm for it
Also, the topic grossed me out and made me feel sympathy for the girls around me.
Jews should bleed in every period of history. I approve.
In an ideal world, Jews would be a memory.
I think we should finally bomb israel
Jews in israel are only cannon fodder for the jews in NY and London.
Pawns in their jewish game
then bomb London and NY
Look what happend to the people that opposed the ruling jews.
Gaddafi, Hitler, Mussolini, Napoleon III.
All dead
Yep but those were long time ago. Now we have internet and almost everyone knows english, we could cooperate easily and people are slowly waking up, only problem would be americans protecting their jewish overlords
it's literally all girls talk about. they think theres this big taboo surrounding it but really we just dont give a shit ive been hearing girls talk about periods since i was fucking 12/13 im 26 now. i get it. every woman since the dawn of time has had a period youre not special
>kike bitch
>ping pong sign in background
Pure coincidence
That's pretty hawt.
No, Jews need to get out of the middle east, especially if they'e getting gibs from the west. Continue to fund these dirty snot nosed kikes, the more terrorism we're going to be facing. And more guilt fed to liberals.
Israel under Bibi is finally becoming useful, as a foil to the "quasi-ethnic nationalism is always pure evil" strawman.
Jews belong in Israel. Send them all back, anyone who stays here must prove their nationalism in some way. They can stay religiously Jewish, but we can always revisit that if it turns out to be too generous.
As long as we cut a deal that Israel HAS to take all Jews back at our whim, I like Israel.
Definitely a new development, and I still hate Jews on the aggregate.
judaism, not even once