Daily reminder that 99.9% of women are sly whores with no moral value system

Daily reminder that 99.9% of women are sly whores with no moral value system.

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nice id

Good thing I am a total faggot and never have to ever deal with women romantically

Truth. It is best for a man to live his life without women.

Rise above it


Hello Doctor

Be the manipulative bad boy.

Thats why after I fuck the SJWs I tell them I support trump, they hate it, and then spend months asking me for more sex

t. man who'd fuck a million women if he had the chance

It took me 20 years of loneliness, 12 months of daygame and 3 months of MGTOW to conclude how much I envy you.

Just go on Craigslist. its not that hard to go though a bunch of awkward women and pick the right one that's family material.

You manchild betas haven't taken the redpill, you have taken the saltpill

youll survive user

daily reminder that you are a bitter, kissless virgin

t. guy with a gf working in hard science

so you are in the field of experimental penises

You sound like a fedora.

Kek I like this idea

Don't worry bro, I'm already giving her the "hard science" if you know what I mean.

Oh wait you don't lol

Never had a problem with banging sluts, but I'm sick of chasing shadows and playing shallow games, and I believe you will too arrive at this conclusion some day.

OP is kinda correct. Being romantic and nice doesnt get you anywhere 99% of the time. Being cold and badboyish (by which I mean take more than you give ) will get you a devoted woman.

Its God's Will

The key to a successful marriage is giving your wife regularly scheduled shit tests.

Don't be afraid to get openly pissed off at her every now and again.

How do I be more "badboyish"? Asking for a friend.

Oh yeah for sure, what is worse is falling in love with some skank that just want to be free to bang whoever she wants

>women are awesome!
>I'm redpilled!

fuck off, vaginal jew.

Sup Dio


My gf acted up on a way I didn't Iike (entitled, bitchy on the phone) so I cut contact for a whole day. She didn't get it for a the first half of the day when I don't respond to her texts, by the end of the day she was freaking out. Blowing up my phone, having her friends call me etc.

Then I called her and said come to my place right now. She did, thinking I was going to dump her sorry ass. I calmly told her how she fucked up. After that, she apologized and gave me a blowjob and I fucked her brains out.

They have to be reminded how easily replaceable they are, otherwise they'll just resort to their childish, selfish, natural form.

t. manchild who will kill himself at 40

You will notice this when you are younger. The bad boys get all the girls. You will watch on at the parties as the bad boy talks to all the girls and you think to yourself "he is just going to use her" etc etc.

At the end of the day, you are just young. You need to grow up. Then you will stop being bitter that life isn't a disney movie and girls don't just like you for being a nice guy. You need to have actual strengths and so on, and then you command girls, you don't beg for them. You become the bad guy. Either that or you stay a faggot that plays video games and votes for Hillary Clinton.


too bad men get better with age and women just become the equivalent of a spent condom when they hit 35 and above

Most 'bad' girls are in search of the father they never had

But they also associate it with a man that doesnt give a shit about them

Makes sense now?

The less of a fuck you give the more of a fuck they give

Hello, Taz !

>tfw my girlfriend is ugly and knows she can't do better
Wew lads I'm an awful person but she treats me well, at least for now.

Care less and be more narcissistic. Be as selfish as possible without being so selfish that you give off the "total sociopath" vibe.

You can be a total sociopath and still fuck a lot of pussy if you have a car and your own place

That's it??? Care less about what though?

As I get older I'm starting to value loyalty over looks desu. My fiancee is definitely not the cutest girl I've ever been with but when I think about who is the most dedicated and who would be the best mother she's #1 in the rankings no doubt.

How's the domke 500-j5c shoulder bag working out for you?

>I beg women for sex
>I brag about it on 4-chan
>I call other's manchildren

You're a little boy. Scared of the real world. Go suck on some titties and ask your woman to comfort you, little baby.

>Being a sociopath is bad.

Just become the manipulative bad boy, dumbass.

I am sick of TRPers LARPing as alphas and telling you to be le bad boy meme. If you actually enjoy being someone different you are about as damaged as the sluts you will attract.

>Get rid of your morals for dat pussi
Must be nice to be muslim.

They know it is difficult to fight the system, so they would rather subsume themselves within it. Surrender willingly so they are not conquered. It is the way of the coward.

Placid boat rides are boring, it needs to be more of a roller coaster. Don't spend a lot of time thinking about how she feels because the truth is even she doesn't know. She needs to be lead, just like in dancing.

You faggot manlets, its important to fuck them and show them how wrong in their ways they are

If its not me, its gonna be someone else, only side effect is the ocasional aids

dude, I'm drunk (2 40oz king cobras), married, 33, HVAC worker and I gotta say. I love you, you dumb fucking bitch! fuck you and I love you user. (((you))( little bitchass. sending you this from my shitter fuckibg hoe!

Women have no agency.

They want to be led by a strong man. If you can't keep a woman loyal it's your fault for being a pussy beta.

you have zero alcohol tolerance if you cant even make a coherent sentence while drunk.

So what

Treat them for what they are.

Always have a good degree / good job / good car / good apartment or House

Always keep your assets isolated to your own disposal.

If she cheats then break up, the point is as long as you have full control of your assets they can't hurt you

Always expect they might cheat at any given time and have a EJECT plan ready

>implying im somehow breaking my morals by treating my partner like a woman instead of a china doll

The adage is true, boys want a good girl who will be bad for them, girls want a bad boy who will be good for them. Im not a shithead, I actually think Im more honest with my girlfriend than guys who put them on a pedestal and shower them in affection constantly.

>If its not me, its gonna be someone else

See? He openly admits it is pure surrender. This weakling was never a man, and it is good that he has destroyed himself. He would have been next to useless in any fight, because he is like the women he claims superiority over. He is a coward. Leave him with his shame.

Here this faggot continues the pussy-worship, though he tries to hide it under a "I'm a real man!" bullshit. Women do no wrong. If they do wrong it's because a man didn't fulfill them. Men need to fulfill women. Our job is to "keep them loyal".

Fuck that. I will not depend on a woman for anything, so I do not need her "loyalty" (as if any woman has such a thing). This cuck needs the pussy, so he will convince himself of her "loyalty" no matter what.

kinda cliche, but confidence.

Do things in your life that makes you more confident in who you are. This will be different for different ppl. Play on your strengths and build yourself up to be more "centered" or grounded in yourself. The more you are a pillar of strength in who you are, the more you'll find girls attracted to you. Age helps with this, but isn't necessary. Of course, you can always fake it until you make it but it's always better to have "real" confidence based on stuff you've achieved in life. ex: I've got a very manlet, average looking cousin but he's a really good dancer -not disco clubbing bullshit, but stuff like ballroom dancing. He was a part-time instructor. I was always amazed at the tail he pulled by doing something I would consider kinda gay. That was his thing; find yours.

hi, I am happy, drunk, stupid, satisfied (waifu,l, hello. have a good day and I can berly be cohhherent nigger. much love user. Stay Real. we are going T go to the stars and weaponized nanobots

The truth is, you don't want to.
If you're an emotionally stable guy and want a girlFRIEND, a companion, not a toy - then you will never be happy being a 'bad boy'.

I'm at the gym 5 times a week, above average looks and employ people at 21 fucking years of age, worked my ass off since I was a teen because I thought one day I'll find someone who'll appreciate me for who I am and I'd want to make them happy.

The past year of pickup I've done has fucking crushed me, not because of rejection but how unloyal women are. Kissing their bfs on the cheek with the same lips they sucked me off with, making fun of any romantic gesture they made behind their back, just fucking disgusting.

True, it's easier to submit than to fight it. Coward's way out.

6ft tall Nordic here, we white people have ideals like love, companionship, country because we have a capacity for them. Bunda sluts are stupid animals so I dont blame you for pumping and dumping them.

Oh yeah marriage is for suckers but if you do go that route, make sure to get a pre-nup. If it's a serious commitment, she should have no objection. Now that the social consequences of divorce have been removed, you need to protect your assets. It also puts you in a better position to split if she cheats

I've did a social experiment while I went to the beach a couple of years ago. I've been a total uncaring asshole to a girl I met. She swallowed the bait hook,line and sinker.

This guy knows

This guy is the conservative equivalent of quotas and muh equality

prenups are regularly thrown out of court. Do not marry. Marriage is a fly trap

Two 40s of malt liquor is like seven or eight beers, typically you chug them, he is fucken gone.

Thank you blonde alien

I look foward for a woman worthy of these qualities, but as I search for them, ill fuck some cock sleeves

It's not a meme. You just went full autist. The term itself is misleading. It's not about being "bad" it's about being true to yourself. Dont hesitate to disagree or scold her if you think she's acting full of shit, pursue your interests rather than hers and dont sacrifice your passions for her convenience. Nobody is saying you should call her a bitch, like a cunt or being all around mr edgy mcedgster. It's all about pavlovian conditioning. Reward the good and punish the bad. Don't be a cuck bro.

You cannot just become a bad boy.
Bad boy's have great cheekbones, have a stubble beard and they need to have that look in their eyes of confidence and of course a big dick that they can brag about.

>going after sub girls who will leave you for the next more dom guy

Wew. Get a dom girl. They might be rare, but they are a lot more decisive and faithful since they see themselves as the man in the relationship.

That's great, you found a slut with daddy issues. But there are countless women who just want a 'normal' boyfriend. I know they exist, you just got to look in the right places, whatever those may be.

Can someone give me a quick run down on red flags for women?

Dunno about those cheekbones or beards, theres many variations of badboys

Will they stick their fists up my butt?

This. The lack of loyalty in women these days is so off putting sometimes I don't even bother trying.

Liberal, feminist, pro immigration, studies art/other crap, fat, loves to drink and party, changes her hair color
basically all the funny things to do, user

If youre lucky

Reminder that its international women's day ... So bow down 2 our female overlords while inching that blue pill dildo a little further up your asses.

I've never seen a bad boy with weak ass cheekbones and shoulders that are parallel with his hips while wearing thick glasses and can only grow a pedo mustache.

You are either born with looks and/or money or you are not. That determines your success with the opposite sex. Wasting tons of time and money on gym/ protein powder is just giving money to the kikes. Your biology and hormones wont accept this however so if not goodlooking / wealthy then choose from one of the following;
1. kys
2. suck it up and live your life

m8 what you just described is being a man and not a total cuck. There is a mental image associated with 'bad boy' and its that of unthinking, unfeeling retards full of themselves due to their stupidity. Some TRPers seriously believe this is the way to find a worthwhile romantic partner.

Jewish mantra to destroy families.
Young guys with no experience listen to this and get scared. Dont.

Women are supportive loving and want families

Given them that you'll have a partner for life

Fail to be the man in the relationship, she'll look for another solution

But you have to be the man.

It's not hard, the seek out masculine behavior.

And that's who we are naturally

It's easy, don't overthink it.

Avoid if she's fat, has tattoos, has about more than 3 exes, has piercings, if she uses drugs ( all drugs, even alcohol), dunno, you already know them desu, Get to meet them well enough before dating them


+1 to you good sir

Feels like shit, huh?

The sexual liberation has instead placed gilded shackles on women instead of the iron ones of the "Patriarchy" but these shackles were placed on themselves willingly. They know little though that Gold is heavier than Iron.

In the end, all they will do is ruin themselves while wearing a vain accessory as if it is a badge of honor.

The 'nice guys' are usually the most narcissistic, egoistic, shallow obsessive,unempathetic, rude people out there

They're also extremely boring (which, obviously, does not help)

Like, standards for women are so high these days it's unbelievable

Go fuck yourself, misogynists


ID checks out. Godspeed!

Honestly, it's closer to 85%. But I don't assume you're drawing from a very large sample size.

>Get to meet them well enough before dating them
>meet them before dating
What le fug
You west is truly a degenerate place

Keep inching that blue pill dildo up you're ass. You'll realise throwing around the word misogyny instantly makes you a bigot.

What about an autistic chick, that has alot of mental baggage, 5+ exes, used to be a liberal and now is a Hitler loving Trump supporter? Under 20 so it's still.... Somewhat lukewarm goods. Everything is saying no except my penis.

Fuck her, seriously, grab her by the pussy and make it have the shape of your dick

this is true, in fact, most people are shallow and boring, period.

>not dating a woman who makes more than you

Autistic? She's perfect user

This hits home pretty hard. Not the first thread I wanted to see after waking up.

You bet, man.
On one hand I understand the nice guys who go against their nature and pump & dump, loneliness is hard to stave off, but on the other, they're the ones who are fueling the same slut culture they hate.

A few months ago, I was at the bar with a chick who previously mentioned she had a bf, routinely I brushed it aside, it was shaping up to be an easy lay.
The guy walked into the place and caught us kissing, tears rolling down his face he stormed outside, the cunt laughed nervously...

I was pretty numb to that sort of shit up until that point but something broke inside me, that night I sobbed till like 4am.
How many relationships have I destroyed, how much degeneracy and hurt I've enabled through my actions?
Never again.

Stop trusting in internet whores.

They are not even girls.

Said the cuck who will never reproduce

Oh I intend to wreck it at least once
Perfect would be less used meat. Plus I don't feel she's actually committed to the whole Hitler thing rather rebelling and being an edgelord autist.

Can we see some of her, user?

Whoops reversed the order of the replies.

And she was from chile too

Fuck me
